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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Saphirra, S Dahiya, Thank you for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗






Ava's POV:

Suddenly, a fierce growl roared in the wilderness, jerking the hedges. My body immediately recognized it…




The Ugly harpy turned from the window and growled at Zion, and himself took a step back, but Zion was not having this cat-mouse play. He growled and leaped at the wolf. 


Both the wolf started fighting. The brown wolf endeavored for Zion's neck, but Zion was sharp to swerve him. 


They both were snarling and orbiting each other. Both were trying to find a weakness of the foe. 


“Please God! Help my Zion,” closing my eyes, I silently prayed for my mate. 


A loud painful screeching has me opening my eyes. Looking out the window, I saw Zion has blasted the wolf on his neck, slashing his windpipe. Blood was spewing out of his neck but Zion was still not done with him. 


I watched as life left his body, and Zion threw away his carcass. 


Turning in my direction, Zion trotted my way.  He lapped at the window, trying to open it but he couldn’t. He growled at the window as if threatening it to open itself. 


He tried but, nothing. He looked in my eyes, his big orbs gleaming with concern and love, blood was dribbling from his canings. For others he maybe ruthless, but for me, he’s my big teddy and protector.  I wanted to help him but the pain in my body was too much. After some time, he went away. 



“Did he just leave me,” l wondered? 



After a few minutes, Zion came back but it was not Zion, it was Alpha Xavier. He was wearing only his boxers. His beautiful well-defined body was on display, glistening with sweat. 


Alpha Xavier quickly came and smashed the window, causing smidgens of glasses to shatter. Some small slabs pierce in my skin, making me hiss. Alpha Xavier noticed this and forward his hand.   


“Love,” he called, voice full of concern. 


“He- he the-the ugly monster on-on. I was-was forest,” I hiccupped and my body shook from sobbing.


“Shhhh love, it’s alright,” he coeds softly. 


“Let’s get you out of here Right,”? He asked softly and I nodded.


“I’m stuck,” I said and embarked to move but couldn’t. 


“It’s Okay,” he said and reached across me, through the broken window and wrapped his arm around me. He unbuckled the seat with one hand. The other still around me and hoisted me out of the car. 


Once outside the car, a sob racked through my body. I quickly wrapped my around him and cried. I have never been this afraid in my life.


The contact of his bare chest with mine, send electric currents through my body. My emotions were all over the place. 


Shhhh,” he was cooing me softly.


I he-he,” I tried to say something but couldn’t because of terror.


“Shhhh love, everything is alright,” he said while running his finger through my hair.



Suddenly, he twirled us around, making me hug him tauter. I looked at him shock but he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at something behind him. 


My fingers felt wet, I look to see they were coated in blood. I looked at him worriedly. 


“Listen love, run from here and don't look back,” he said and I looked at him confused. 


Just as I was about to say something, three men emerged from the tress. Each holding two arrows in their hands. The head of their arrows were shimmering with something green and than it clicked, it was wolfs bane. 


Xavier, pulled me behind him, and that was when I saw, an arrow was gored in his skin and blood was oozing out of it.  Tears blear my eyes. Touching it hesitantly, more tears fell from my eyes. 


Did he really took my saber on himself?

Did he really saved me? 


Just as I was about to touch the arrow, Alpha Xavier went ahead and started fighting them. These rogues were surely strong, but they were of no competition to an Alpha. 


Alpha Xavier cracked the neck of one rogue, taking the pointers from the dead rogue, he flings it on the other rogues, aiming straight for their necks, killing them on the spot. 


After killing every rogue, Alpha Xavier collapsed on the ground with a loud thud, causing me to snap out of my woolgathering. Quickly sprinting towers him, I kneeled beside him. His eyes were closed and he breathing was shallow. My heart skipped a beat. 


“Xavier, please wake up,” I shook him but no riposte. Sapphire was wailing, seeing her mate wounded. His lips were turning green, the wolf bane has started spreading in his body.  


“Please, please wake up,” I desperately shook him, slapped his face but he was not responding. The wolfsbane has completely shut their body. What should I do?


“Please wake up  Xavier. Don't do this to me. Please moon Goddess, help me, show me a path,” closing my eyes, I prayed for my mate. 


I opened my eyes and looked at Xavier, who was laying lifeless. Quickly taking his side, I tried to lift his body but failed miserably. 


I tried again, wrapped my arm around his midriff and lift him little so, that all his wait is on my body. 


God, why he has to be so heavy?


I looked behind, to see many ladybugs murmuring. They have created glow. It’s like they are small fairies with shiny wings. My instincts told me to follow them, and that’s what I did.  

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