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"This is for you," she said and gave him the letter.


Closing the door, Alpha Xavier opened the letter:





You will look back and be vanquished with emotions.

You will be drawn into a pool filled with guilt, grief, all the terrible things you did to me.

The word "Please, forgive me" will consume your soul.

But the time would have taken me and I would.

Time would have taken me. I would be nowhere to find...


And this is your room,” he showed me my room and I instantly fell in love with it. It was not too big not too small but perfect.  


His house is so beautiful but where are his parents? Should I ask him?  


I decided not to ask him. Maybe it will be a sore topic for him. I’m grateful for him, he took me home when my mate abundant me for someone else.   


Funny how I grew up with my parents and family telling me how amazing my mates are. And my mate… 


Noah left, saying he will make something for dinner. I sat on the bed, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that my mate had again chosen her.  


I felt my chest tighten, pain gripping my heart so hard, that it was almost hard to breathe. I never thought my heart can handle so much and it’s true, I can’t handle anymore. I have heard how werewolves commit suicide because of being rejected because they can’t handle the pain.  


I’m holding but how long will I. It’s like someone is ripping me apart. I couldn’t cry anymore because there were no tears left.  


A soft knock came from the door. Swallowing the lump forcefully, I went to the door to see Noah standing there smiling. How can he smile when he’s hurting? And I know he’s hurting, his eyes are like an open book.  


“Dinner’s ready,” he said and we went to the kitchen.  


He has made rice balls, black bean noodles, and mashed potatoes with cheese.  


The dinner went smoothly, we both had thousands and thoughts, running through our minds and don’t know what to do.  


After dinner, I did the dishes. Noah was hesitating but I ensure him. After dishes, I was going to my room, when Noah called.  


“Friends,” he forwarded his hand. “If you want,” he quickly added, causing me to smile.  


“Sure,” I smiled and took his hand. 


Coming to my room, I did my night routine, when someone knocked on the door.  


Opening it, I saw Noah standing there with a glass of Milk.  


“Hey Ava, I brought you milk. My mom will always give me milk to sleep better. I brought it for you,” he said nervously.  


Smiling, I took the glass, when my phone rang.  


Saying Goodnight to Noah, I took my phone to see an unknown number. How can be at this hour? 


“Hello,” I answered the phone hesitantly.  


“Where are you,” a restless voice growled. How the heck did he get my phone number? 


I was about to answer when I remembered what he had done.  


Cutting his call, I placed the phone on the nightstand and gulped the milk. The phone rang again but I ignored it and went to the bed. 


Rang! Rang! 


Argh! Why can’t he just stop? It’s been an hour since he’s called.  


Taking the phone, I answered it.  


“ Why are you not picking my calls,” he growled.  


“How did you get my number,” I asked back.  


“I have my ways,” he answered.  


“Now tell me why you weren’t answering my calls,”? He inquired.  


“Doesn’t feel like it,” I countered back.  


“Love,” he warned but I didn’t say anything.  


“Where are you,” he asked after a few minutes of silence, and I sighed. He isn’t letting it go.  


“My room,” I answered. 


“And where’s Noah,”? He asked again.  


“In his room,” I answered but he didn’t say anything.  


“Why,”? I asked after a few minutes but he didn’t answer. He wasn’t saying anything so, I decided to cut the call. Just as I was cutting the call… 


“Don’t,” he said.  


I looked at the phone mystified but kept it on my chest. I can hear his perpetual breathing.  


“Do you know when I first started loving you,”? I asked.  


“It was my 3rd birthday. My mom and dad got me a beautiful fairy dress and tiara. I always wanted to be a fairy, so they brought that. I was so happy that night. I went downstairs to show it to my mom when some bullies broke me a tiara and called me bad names. I cried and went from there, there you came and realized to me how I don’t need a  tiara to be a princess, and made me a little tiara but back in the party, you just throw the gift in my arms. You were so different in both places,” I said but he didn’t say anything.  


That night we slept, listening to each other breaths.   






Ahan! So who remembered our dear Noah? Raise your hands. 


Don't forget to press the small star, I always wonder what it does. 

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