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Shout-out to: Martha Meena, Thank you for liking my story. Means a load to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗




Ava's POV:



Knock! Knock!



The sound of knocking enticed me out of my siesta. Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I slowly opened them and stare at the ceiling.  

Why is it different from my room back in Packhouse? 

Hastily, sitting straight, I look around to saw I was in a different room. Just then everything came crashing. How did my mate choose someone else over me?  

Will I ever be enough for him? Will I ever be his choice? 

Sighing, I sagged on the bed, only to sit straight due to rigorous knocking on the door.  

Opening the door, I was greeted with a light blow on my face.  

“Ouch,” I involuntary touched my forehead. 

“I am so sorry. I was about to knock and you opened the door, Sorry,” Noah blabbered entering inside.  

“Sorry,” he said while rubbing my forehead.  

“It’s okay,” I said blushing and amble aside.   

“Breakfast is ready, come fast,” he said and fled from there. He held the knob to go out but turned and came towards me.  

“Be careful,” he said and flickered my forehead.  

I redden at his act and mumbled an ‘Okay’. He chuckled and left.  

Turning to the mirror, I touched my red cheeks. Shrieking, I went to privy to get ready for the day.  

I decide on a black t-shirt and blue denim jeans and paired them with a simple black cardigan and boots. Satisfied with my look, I went to the kitchen.   

In the kitchen, the table was set with savory food, chocolate flapjack orange juice, and coffee.  

Noah's back was to me, he was flipping pancakes. He was wearing an ebony turtle shirt and denim jeans. 


Hot hunk man and impressive cooking mastery are a nuptials material.  

“I'm flattered,” Noah said still his back to me, making my eyes wide as watermelon.  


Shit! Did I say it aloud? 


“Yes, you did,” Noah said laughing. I blushed and looked down.  

Way to start a day Ava! 

He laughed seeing me flushed and scraped the chair for me. I sat down and we had our breakfast.  



“Thank you,” I said and got out of the car. 

After breakfast, Noah offered to drop me at the school, as we both have the same destination.  

Reaching inside, I made my way towards the locker room knowing I would find my scamp there.  And I was right, Cora was taking books from her locker while Beta Daniel was nuzzling and kissing fleur's neck probably to leave Hickey’s. I swear, this guy can get the first reward in possessive mate of the year.  

I giggled at my thoughts and their heads snapped in my direction. Fleur rushed towards me.  

“Are you okay,” she asked as she pulled away. I nodded, knowing what she is talking about.  

“I'm sorry Luna. I tried talking to him but he’s a tough cookie,” Beta Daniel said abjectly.  

“I’m okay,” I said.  

“No, you’re not. You’re his mate for fuck sake. If only he wasn’t our Alpha,” Cora said mad.  

Fleur opened her mouth, but I shut her up. After assuring them that I was fine. We all went to our respective classes.  

Finally, it’s lunchtime. The classes were as usual boring and now it’s time to cram our tummies.  

“Ready,” Cora asked and we all left to the canteen.  

Turning around the corner, I bumped into someone. Looking up I saw Noah standing there with a smug look on his face, amusement dancing in his eyes.  


Kill me now! 


“Easy there skittish pooch,” he chuckled.  

I blushed but then I remembered what he just called me, and glared at him arraign. He only laughed harder causing a small smile on my face.  

“Erhm,” Cora cleared her throat while fleur was looking at us with a mischief grin.   

“Guys, this is Noah and Noah this is Cora and fleur,” I introduced them.  

“Nice to meet you,” Cora and fleur greeted him. They talked for a bit and then we head to the canteen. Noah also tagged in as Cora and fleur both invited him.  

Grabbing our lunch, we head to our table. Everyone was already there. Fleur sat with Beta Daniel but he pulled her to his lap and smooched her cheek. Sometimes I wish to have that kind of bond with my mate. Am I asking for too much?  

I sat with Owen and Cora sat with Noah.  

“So you living with him,” Jessica’s friend asked while munching on her salad.  

“Yes,” I answered.  

“It's complicated,” Jessica said while placing her head on Alpha Xavier’s shoulder.  

“Ava, can we talk,”? Owen asked.  

He never called me by my name. He was looking serious. We excused ourselves and head out of the canteen.  

“So, when we’re you going to tell me this,”? He asked mad.  

“Owen,” I mumbled.  

“No Ava, I thought we were friends but guess you never considered me one,” he shouted.  

“Owen, I love you and you know that. You, Cora, and fleur mean the world to me. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to burden you with my problems. I wanted to face my problems myself. I don’t want you to think of me as pathetic. It hurts Owen, every time he looks at her as of she’s his whole world. It hurts when I think of him and he thinks about him. It hurts when every time I see silent rejection in his eyes for me. It’s killing me, Owen,” I cried and he hugged me tightly.  

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