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Shout-out to: Ihlam Khan and Yoursonly, thank you for your votes and kind words, it means the world to me. And a big THANK YOU to all of you, who supported me on Wattpad, and showed me your love 💕🤗



Ava's POV:

Standing by the window and gazing at the glinting orris-silver moon, I was thinking how my whole world has changed just in a matter of hours.


I'd always loved the moon. The way it shines in the dreary sky, surrounded by millions of twinkling stars, alone but still holds the power and beauty. The moon came to the sky as a mother comes to sing a soft lullaby to ease her children into a star-filled night. It graces the sky as if she'd had some bright idea, something brilliant needed to shine upon the earth. It has always mesmerized me, but today it didn't, I wasn't feeling anything. There was a numb pain in my chest. My mind was black just like this night.


Once again, gazing at the sky, thinking, Is this how you feel when you find your mate? Is this how your first night with your mate's supposed to be? Many questions were swirling in my mind, many questions I had, that I wanted to ask him but for the first time in my life, I was afraid of the answers.


Turning my tearful and helpless eyes towards the moon, I was harkened back to today's morning.




Ava's POV:

I don't remember for how long I was sitting there in rain. I heard footsteps approaching me but I paid no heed to them.


A hand was placed over my shoulder, "Ava, what happened"? Sapp, why are you crying"? questions were thrown my way.


I lifted my tearful gaze towards my friends, tilted my head, and opened my mouth to speak but words were stuck in my throat. I was pleading with my eyes to feel the pain through my eyes.


I placed my palm over my mouth, turned over my heels, and ran outside of the school premises towards the woods. I ran and ran, never looked back. My heart was breaking, my wolf was howling in pain. I ran deeper and deeper until I came across the place that always brings me tranquility and peace. It was a long time back, I used to come here a lot but today I needed it the most. I still remember the day, I came across this beautiful treehouse and met Dryad, the woodland fairy.




(Flashback to when Ava was 5 years old)


"Ava, come here Sweetie", Karla shouted from the kitchen to her 5 years old daughter who was picking flowers in their backyard.

(Little Ava's picture is in my Wattpad account)


Upon hearing her mother's call, she took her basket in her tiny hands and walked back inside.


"Yes, mama", little ava said adorably.


"Can you please take these sandwiches to the backyard"? Her mother asked while cutting the fruits.


Today was a beautiful day, so the Chantria family opted for a family picnic in their backyard. Little Ava was hyped, she woke up early than usual and went to the backyard to pick flowers.


With a soft pink glow, the heavenly sunrise warmed the early morning. The sparkling morning dew lit up the grass plains like a colony of fireflies. 


After setting everything up, they sat and had their breakfast, laughing and enjoying.

(Their breakfast picture is in my Wattpad account)


Ava's parents were engaged in a conversation when ava, saw a beautiful, blue butterfly.


Ava stood up and started following it to the woods. Little curious ava doesn't know that while following the butterfly, she has accidentally gone to the deeper part of the forest.


The forest was so magical and beautiful. Ava started observing her surrounding, tall trees, squirrels chattering, birds singing, insects humming, everything was new yet so alluring to the innocent soul. At this point, the butterfly has forgotten long ago.

(Forest picture is in my Wattpad account)


Ava was mesmerized by everything. She took a deep breath and felt the brisk forest air fill her lungs. Ava was observing everything with watchful eyes. There were more than fifty types of birds living in the lush oak trees.


She heard a buzzing sound and turned in that direction, only to see a beehive. She tried to touch it but it was high enough. She jumped again and again but failed. Ava pouted, she wanted to touch it. The minute details of the honeycomb inside the beehive were mathematically wondrous.


She heard the sound of feet shuffling, which broke her stance of observation, and started following it.


By now, she was in the deepest part of the forest. This part was different from the whole forest, it was more magical. Trees were wearing beautiful yellow and orange leaves like ornaments. The leaves on the ground look like a beautiful desert. The sight of the endless yellow and orange desert before her was s spectacular.

(Picture of this part of the forest is in my Wattpad account)


While walking, she came across an old treehouse. The treehouse was located in an idyllic corner of the forest, undisturbed by others and almost completely quiet.

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