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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Stephaniah julius, thank you for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗








"Ohhhhh our little prince will lose Again," the warrior taunts the 15-year-old Noah.



Your mind is a battlefield, be it COMMANDER, not SOLDIER!



Noah thwarted the warrior's attack and slash the sword against his chest in a quick zigzag and with a loud swoosh, the armor fell into pieces. The warrior looked at him with fear and shock written on his face. Noah gave him one last look and took off from the training ground. 



Noah Gregg was the next Alpha king in line and his father wants him to be the best. He had started training when he was only 6, with his toughest warriors. 



Childhood was not easy for Noah, but he conquer every challenge. He has the softest heart. He loved cooking with his mother and playing with butterflies in the garden, but the King had forbidden him from all his favorite activities. 



He doesn't have many friends. He would wake up before the sunrise, and started his training. His mother tried to confront King, but he would always silence her. It's not like the King doesn't love. He just wanted the best for himself. After all, he loves him right? 



Noah would get severe punishment even for a slight mistake. He would be caged in dungeons for weeks, or beaten by the soldiers. The King doesn't know how some of the soldiers treat Noah. But despite all these things, Noah always has an innocent smile on his face. He would always help others. His mother was proud of him. She was grateful that despite all these things, Noah didn't let all the ugly things affect him. 




Today, Noah's wolf was restless. Werewolves get their wolves when they hit 18, but Noah being the future Alpha King, got his wolf on his 16 birthday. 



He asked his dad for a day off, and luckily he agreed. So, here he is in the Forest. He was in his wolf form, drinking water when he heard the twerk of leaves and branches, his ears twitched and he looked to his right. 



Noah growled in warning, and there was a temporary silence. He sniffs the air, and the most intoxicating smell invades his nostrils. His wolf started jumping in his mind, Noah didn't know what was happening with his wolf. He growled again and was ready to attack whoever was behind the bushes. 



A petite girl came out of the bushes. Milky white skin, and green emerald eyes she was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She was shaking badly and was looking at the ground. Just as she looked up and her eyes met with dark orbs, it's like the world stopped for the both of them, and Noah growled…






Quickly changing into his human form, he went towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist.



"Mine," Noah growled tightening his hold. 



After a few minutes, he reluctantly let her go. They sat there in each other embrace. Noah got to know her name was Amber and she was from nobody's land. Noah asked about her family but she brushed it off. Thinking, she isn't comfortable with the topic, Noah let it go. 



That night, Noah went home all smiling from ear to ear. His mother noticed and was happy to see his only son happy. Noah wanted Amber to move in with him but she refused. That night, Noah didn't sleep a wink, the whole night he was tossing and turning. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. Luckily, the King was in another kingdom for an alley. 



Two whole months passed. Noah started ignoring his training. He wanted to spend all his time with his mate. The Queen was now worried about his future. She tried talking to him, and luckily he agreed. Noah started his training, but he would always steal time for his mate. Soon, the words started spreading like a fire, "The prince's secret lover". 



One unfortunate night, the words touched the King's ear. He escorted Noah to his chamber and asked for everything. Noah told his dad how he met his mate. The King was shocked to hear the news, but deep down he was happy for his son, but he didn't say anything and dismissed Noah. The King first wanted to know everything about her, and that's what he did. He asked his more trusted man to find out everything about this girl. 



After a week, the King got almost everything about the girl, but there was still some unseen dots that weren't mending. He asked Noah to reject the girl, but Noah refused. Not having any other option, the King ordered what he didn't want to do. 




Noah lovingly kissed the bracelet, he was going to gift to his mate this evening.  He did his training and went to meet her, but the seen In Front of him was something he could never forget. 



In a distance, the Amber was kneeling before the King, badly beaten. She said something to the King, and the guard on her right smack her across her face. Noah looks at the scene in Infront of him with shock and anger. He doesn't know what they were talking about. How can his dad do this to his mate?



"Stop," he yelled and all the heads turned in his direction. His dad looked shocked, while Amber smirked. 



"Dad, what are you doing,"? He asked and with a snap of the finger, the guards grabbed him. He struggled against them, but they were 10 against him. 



"You will hate me son, but remember what I'm doing is for you and the Kingdom," his dad said softly. It pains him to see his only son in agony, but it has to be done. 

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