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Shout-out to: SHILPA BHATTACHARJEE, Thank you for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗






"They say follow your heart, but if your heart is in a million pieces, which piece should I follow"




Ava's POV:


"And what," Jessica said her voice on edge. 



"Tell them that because I didn't want to stay with Noah, I lied. Tell them that all of this killing the Alpha's brother was just a lie," Jessica said and I stumbled back. 



My jaw dropped and my hand tightened into a ball, till they felt like bleeding. Anger and disappointment flowed through me. She was lying all this time. She made up all this for what? Just so I don't be with Noah. How can she do this? How can she be so selfish? 



"You what," a voice roared, making me yelp. 



I look back to see Noah standing there. His eyes were dark golden, hands fisted tightly. His whole body was shaking. 



"You lied,"? He asked in a calm yet dangerous voice. Sometimes I wonder how his voice holds so much power and dominance. 



"Noah," Jessica softly mumbled, trying to reach out to him but he raised his hand. 



"Answer me," he growled. 



"I'm sorry," she said and hung her head in shame. Is she really regretting it? 



"How could you Jess," Noah asked, still shaking. His voice was laced with disgust and unspoken agony. 



"I ju-just didn't want to…," she started but Noah cut her off. 



"You didn't want to be with me, right,"? He asked, laughing humorlessly. His voice filled with pain. 



"Why Jess?  Why is it so hard for you to love me? I'm not one of those mates who cage their mates. I gave you space and time. I want you to love me the way I do. Am I asking for too much,"? Noah asked, a lone tear escaping his eye. Tears rained from my eyes, the pain and agony in our hearts were too much. His emotions mirrored mine. 



"What's going on here,"? A voice said, making shivers run down my body. I look back, to see Alpha Xavier standing there with messy hair. 



Jessica rushed towards him, hiding behind him. She clutched his shirt tightly and whispered something in his ears. He didn't show any emotion. 



I froze, as realization dawned upon me. All the time he knew, Jessica was lying. Surging pain shot in my heart, but strangely, I didn't feel Sapp's pain. I didn't feel her at all. 



"You knew," I whispered brokenly, and he looked at me. Noah looked like his life has been sucked out of him. He jumped and shifted mid-air, with a loud growl he sprinted deep into the woods. 



"Since when,"? I asked him, silently pleading with my eyes to free me from this misery. He closed his eyes and then opened his eyes. 



"The day you moved out," he said and I stumbled back landing on the ground with a loud thud. He tried to come to me but I raised my hand, stopping him.



I can't stop the sobs that racked through my body. All the time, I was in that hell, dying each day without my mate while they both were having the time of their lives. I looked at him with teary eyes and sprinted from the woods. 



I stumbled against a tree, and leaning against it, I screamed. 



"Why," I looked up and screamed. When will this agony stop? Neither can he love me and neither can I stop loving him. Wrapping my arms around me, I cried and cried. 



Two strong arms wrapped around me, sparks dancing on my skin. 



"Why,"? I asked without looking at him.



"She was scared," he said and I look at him. His eyes are void of any emotion. 



"Why can't you see my pain,"? I asked and stood up. 



"I love you so much," I whispered brokenly. Tears rained from my eyes, I put my head on his chest for some comfort, but it was painful. 



"I love you, I really do. I had loved you since the day I knew what love was," I whispered. 



"But, now, I'm tired of loving you," I raised my head from his chest and caressed his cheek. 



" Loving you is the most exhausting thing I've ever done," I look into his eyes. 



"I won't do it anymore," I kissed his cheek and ran from there with my broken heart. 






Ava ran and ran, she can't take it anymore. The pain in her heart was too much. Her tears have stopped by now, she doesn't have any left. She bled an ocean through her eyes. Tears have no weight, but they carry heavy feelings. Her soul felt wafer-thin. 



She stumbled on her legs and fell to the ground. The pain and agony were unbearable. She has taken all his hate and sufferings with a smile, only hoping for his little love. She was a worshipper of his whole existence. 



It is terrifying that there is no sound when the heart is broken. The sound of heartbreaking is completely silent. Almost, as though no one, not even the universe itself could create a sound of such devastation. She never knew she could feel so much pain, and yet so be in love with the person causing it. 



Her eyes felt droopy and she was once again pulled to her worst nightmare.





"Here's the chocolate as promised sweetheart, but only one at a time okay,"? Karla asked her 3 year old daughter who was busy eyeing the chocolates in her mother's hand. 

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