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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Anjali Tiwary, thank you for voting on my story, love. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗





Ava's POV:


"What are you doing here,"? I asked the only person I didn't want to see.



"Come down," he said leaning against a tree. His eyes are bright against the darkness around him.



"No," I said and he narrowed his eyes at me. 



"Love," he warned.



I close my eyes, feeling frustration seeping through me. Opening my eyes, I glared at him.



"Go back," I said, but he shook his head. Argh! 



"Okay, I'm coming," I said but he only smirked. 



"Would love to watch that," he smugly said and I looked at him confused, but it clicked. This horny ass Alpha, I glared at him and threw the nearest pillow at him, but it fell Midway. He chuckled amusedly. 



I slowly came out of the room and padded softly through the living room, so as to not Noah wake up. 



I opened the front door, instantly welcomed by the freezing air of the night. I shivered and look up to see, Alpha Xavier leaning against a tree with a bottle of bourbon. 



"What are you doing here,"? I asked as soon I was near him. 



"Talk to you," he slurred. His breath smells of mint, alcohol, and darkness. 



"There's nothing to talk about. Your free to do as please," I said ready to go back but he did the unimaginable. 



Wrapping his arms tightly around me, he hugged me from the back, nuzzling in my neck he growled. 



"You're drunk," I said but he only tightened his hold. 



"I have been here for the past 10 hours, thinking about what to tell you,"? He said. His voice muffled in my neck. 



"Please love," he pressed and I nodded. He finally let go after making sure I will listen. 



"What are you doing to me,"? He asked tilting his head, looking straight into my eyes. 



" What do you mean? I'm not doing anything," I asked confused. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, racking his hand through his hair. 



" You are all I could think about, love," he confessed and I looked in shock. 



"It's not about today, it's from the day I got to know your my mate," he answered my unasked question. 



"Your eyes they haunt me in my dreams. I couldn't sleep without hearing your heheartbeatYou smile, It fucking makes it hard to sleep. Every second of every day you find a way to come here," he said pointing at his temple. 



"Your heartbeat, I can listen to it from miles away," he said, his voice on the brink of craziness. 



I look at him, not believing my ears. I lowered my eyes, my cheeks reddening. 



"And then she fucking blushes," he chuckled, caressing cheek with his thumb. 



"You're driving me crazy, love," he said looking straight into my soul. 



I untangled myself from him and looked away. Why is he doing this? Why is he making everything hard? 



"Please don't say these things, why are you doing this," I said as a lone tear escaped my eyes. 



"Don't cry, my innocent love," he said wiping the tears away. 



"Just Stop it," I yelled.



" You're going to mate with Jessica, then what's the point of all this," I said and he sighed frustratedly. 



"You're the one who chooses her. You're the one who wants to mate with her, then," I poked his chest. He didn't say thing and I turned around to walk away when he holds wrist tightly and turned me around. 



" Where's Sapphire, Ava,"? He asked, making me freeze, all the playfulness gone, he was dead serious. 



"Wh-what do you me-mean,"? I asked.



"Don't give me the bullshit Ava. I can't feel her," he said tightening his hold. Anger bubbled inside me. I pushed him hard, not seeing that coming, he stumbled back. 



"You don't get to question me. You wanted to go, then go," I said and stormed inside. 



I closed the door and slumped against it. Tears streaming my face. 



I wiped the tear away and was going to my room when there was a knock on the door. 



Opening it, I saw Alpha Xavier shifting from one foot to another. 



"What are you doing now,"? I asked and he opened his mouth, but I cut him off. 



" Go to the woman you love," I said and turned around, and heard his feeble footsteps behind me.



"What,"? I turned around and asked.



"You said goto to the woman you love," he shrugged and I froze.



Don't listen to him Ava, he's drunk and spouting nonsense.



" Guess what? Just come with me, all this is pointless," I said making my way to the guestroom.



"You can sleep here tonight," I said making my way towards the door, when he gently held my hand, pulling me towards him. 



He gently caressed my cheek and then kissed it, making my breath hitch. He pulled back a little and pressed his lips on my forehead, warmth spreading my whole body, melting my freezing heart. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I blinked them away. 



" So, yeah, that's it," I said pulling back. 



"That's how it all ends, there wasn't anything to start within the first place," I said my voice cracking. 



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