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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Mehak Jammu, thank you for voting on my story, love. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗





Ava's POV:


It was Alpha Xavier who marked you!



Noah's words are still jangling in my mind. What Ugly games fate is playing with me. First I wasn't ready to let him go, and now when I let him go, he has to mark me. 






I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to see the furry bundles of joy licking my feet. Taking them in my arms, I started petting them. 



"Awwww! Wanna go for a walk,"? I asked and they barked, making me laugh. 



Quickly changing to something comfortable, I took them and went outside. 



Crossing the living room, I saw Elizabeth standing with an Omega, talking about something. She smiled at me and I returned. 



I was about to go to her when the fur babies started tugging on their collars. Elizabeth laughed seeing them and asked me to go with them. 



Today, the weather is gloomy. A strong gust of wind blew against my face. I breathed in the fresh air and looked at the sky. 



The sky above was full of tumultuous and dark clouds, back lit by the failing sun, mist billowed through trees and over fields, and hung low in the air, masking everything ghostly grey.  It's a grey afternoon with a dull sky, threatening rain. 



"Let's go, looks like it's going to be pouring soon," I said and took the path to the park. The dogs snorted happily and ran fast. 



We came to the park, I sat on a bench and let them play. They played and ran around each other. I was smiling while looking at them, when all of a sudden, they started barking. I stood up confused and went towards them. 



"Hey there babies, what happened,"? I asked, and took them in my arms. They're still barking and looking at a tree.



I put them down and went towards the tree. I looked behind the tree, but there was nothing. I looked behind and screamed. 



"Oh my! I'm so sorry Ava. Didn't mean to jump on you," He said looking and apologizing. 



"It-It's okay, What are you doing here,?" I said and started going towards the fur babies.



"Nothing just came for a walk," He started walking with me, and the dogs started barking and looking at him. Oceane jumped on him and scratched his hand.



"Oceane," I yelled and took him back. 



"I'm so sorry," I said looking at his hand, but it wasn't bleeding. Strange! 



"It's okay Ava," he smiled. 



"Are they yours,"? He inquired. 



"Yes, they're usually nothing like this but don't know why they're behaving like this,"  I said and a rumble of thunder echoed in the sky. 



"Looks like it's about to pour," he said gazing at the sky. 



"Yeah, see you soon," I said and took my growling babies. I don't know why they're behaving so strangely. When they can like Alpha Xavier, they can like anyone right? 



"Bye Ava," He smiled. 



"Bye Theo," I said and started going back. 



On the way back, a flare-up of rain stung my face. The sky is sluggish. The wind is icy and withering. I look at the fur babies, and they're surprisingly calm. I let them go and started dancing slowly to the beats of the rain. I love rain, especially the smell of mud after rain. In no time, they both joined me and we started dancing. For a long time, I felt this Happy and alive. After playing for some more time, we started heading towards the packhouse.



"Oh my goodness dear, what happened," Elizabeth ran towards me, as soon as I entered the packhouse.



"Nothing, we just played," I said and she narrowed her eyes at me. 



" In the rain,"? She asked and I smiled at her sheepishly. 



"Ava," Fleur ran towards me to hug me but backed off seeing my condition. She was dressed in a very beautiful dress. 



"Won't you hug me," I faked, pouted, and opened my arms for her. 



"What? No Ava," she yelled, backing off. 



"Oh come on," I said and she yelled. I looked at Elizabeth to see she was laughing so hard. 



"Enough dear, You have to get ready," she said and I looked at her askance. 



"Alpha Xavier's parents are coming for dinner," she said, and I looked at her in surprise. No one told me they were coming.



"No one knows they are coming," Fleur said.



"Yes dear, they will be here any minute," Elizabeth said. 



Quickly going to my room, I showered and changed into a beautiful white lace dress. After curling my hair and doing my makeup, I came downstairs. 



"Whoa," Fleur said, making me blush. 



Soon Alpha Xavier came, decked in a white shirt and black pants. He looked at me, and I looked away. He cleared his throat, and we all headed towards the door. 



A shiny posh car stopped in front of the packhouse and Alpha Xavier's parents came out. His mother was looking stunning as usual. We all greeted them and Elizabeth called for dinner. We all sat down, I sat beside Alpha Xavier while Fleur with Beta Daniel.



The Omega's started bringing the food. I looked at the table, different dishes adorning the table. I took some Tortilla Espanola and waited for the Alpha to start. 



"A toast to us being home," the Alpha raised his glass and we all clung together. We all started our dinner.

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