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Book online «Capture by Lauren Shyue (e book reader free .txt) 📖». Author Lauren Shyue

Main Characters

                                              Misaki Yamamoto



                                                           Takeshi Blood



                                                                     Yuki Blood



                                                                   Subaru Blood



1: Flight or Fight

(so bright)I thought as I tried to block out the annoying light with my hands.(oh whoops I'm an idiot it's the sunlight)*sigh "time to get up." I spoke out loud to no one in particular. Outside birds sang songs while squirrels dug acorns preparing for winter. Well pardon my rudeness my name is Misaki Yamamoto, I am 14 years old and I am a fox spirit.  I left home 5 years ago after my "parents" said that they adopted me well more like raising me up to earn money I couldn't believe it I trusted them I LOVED them!! And yet they have done that so now I'm a loner a rogue and I don't believe in love or relationship. It's also I don't want to feel the command of an alpha of a pack.  Plus it is said that vampires that catch an another species and tames it the rouge will become their partner, soldiers, warrior, bodyguard, or whatever you want want to call it, because I lived in an vampire infested place. Well, I want nothing of it. now I live in a cave it is very peaceful.  Well, time to stroll in the forests. *sigh.

(Hmm maybe I should turn left on the trail this time might as well explore.) I thought. "Help, Help." whimpered a small fox near a tree trunk on my left.  "What happened?"I asked in fox language. "My mommy was caught in a trap if I can't get her out then me and my sister will die!" and the fox cub started wailing again. I gently touched the cub's snout and smiled. "Where is your mommy, after all, what will my kin say if I let one of my cousins die, if I don't help." The little cub instantly stopped wailing and led me to his mommy. Nearing the trap I saw the mother stiffen and started to growl when I came to her eyesight she snarled at me. "Calm down I won't hurt you, your cub asked for my help," I said soothingly. The mother calmed down and let me free her from the trap. Seeing her broken leg I beckon her to come to me and I gently took her leg and healed her with my magic.

After leaving the fox family I continued to stroll through the forest. As i walked deeper in the forest i realized i made a mistake, i forgot to check my surrounding. in the distance I heard a eerie howl. I bared my teeth and let out my claws, out of the corners of my eyes i see dark figures surrounding me the biggest one approached me. "What are you doing in my territory fox?"Growled the werewolf. "Oh um I just forgot to check my surrounding thats all I mean no harm?I said sheepishly. " That doesn't matter after all who trusts a fox."as he laughed with no emotion."Uh i really must get going i have some things to do."I said." You dare to mock me you think that I will let an intruder much less a fox to get through me?" roared the alpha. I was started to get pissed he didn't had to say fox in such disgusting way I couldn't help it but to charge at him. That was my mistake i forgot about his pack and was instantly surrounded by them their alpha smiling at me like a clown, it pissed me of. In the middle of the battle I realized that one of my leg was broken,(how?..oh I let my guard down earlier whoops instead of continuing the battle I fled. I can hear the howling in the distance.(damn it now what?)while walking I saw a house I was so happy but then. Sniff* Sniff*(god no it's a vampire house, better to turn back). While I was walking I smelled them no...). Unfortunately, my vision faded and I slipped into unconsciousness.

(What is's so bright but it should be nighttime now?...)When my hearing returned I heard voices. "How come we have to take this fox into our house?"hissed a person on the right side of the bed. "Now, now Takeshi you shouldn't be so rude, plus it's rare to find a fox spirit around here we should cherish this chance." "Subaru how many times do I have to tell you to stop talking about taming other creatures."scolded a person on the right side of the bed. "Yuki we're vampires one of our abilities is to tame other species stop being so against it."said Subaru. I accidentally made a sound and I instantly can feel their eyes looking at me. "I think he's awake" said Takeshi. "Well yeah who will make a sound when they don't snore."said Subaru. Then suddenly Subaru leaned close to me and shouted into my ear, my ears are very sensitive near loud stuff, partly because I'm part animal. I instantly sat up and grabbed my ears and whimpered softly. "Well now you know the answer" said Takeshi.(My ears it's still ringing, ow.)"Sorry about that" a kind voice spoke I opened my eyes, and saw it was Yuki wow he looks so cool. "Hey don't leave me out I'm Takeshi I'm the second son of this house, Yuki here is third, and Subaru is the oldest."said Takeshi. I just looked at him for a second  and thought that he might be a sport person. Okayyy. "Hmm so fluffy..."the sound from Subaru made me snap out of thinking. I looked at him and he smiled it gave me the creeps. Then he suddenly grabbed my tail and stroked my ears, and made me gasp. "Stop that, my tail and ears are sensitive to touching."I hissed in defense. But my voice was ignored and now the 2 other brothers are petting me like an animal. (Geez at least respect my personal space damn...)My thoughts were interupted when a sharp thing poke into my neck. I jerked when I knew what was going on...I'm being tamed...


Publication Date: 01-14-2017

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