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Bloodline Alchemy

Bloodline Academy Book 6

Lan Chan

Copyright © 2021 by Lan Chan

All rights reserved.

Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, (electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.

All names, characters, groups and events portrayed in this book are fictitious, and all opinions expressed by the characters, whose preferences and attitudes are entirely their own. Any similarities to real persons or groups, living or dead are coincidental and not intended by the author.

Cover by Christian Bentulan

Editing by Contagious Edits, Lorie Collins, and Tiffany Purdon


1. Lex

2. Max

3. Sophie

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

21. Max

22. Sophie

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

33. Max

34. Sophie

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

41. Max

42. Sophie

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

52. Max

53. Sophie

54. Lex

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Tomb raiding: in real life, it wasn’t about sexy midriff exposing outfits and cool gadgets. It was about cowering against a rocky outcrop and praying to a deity you didn’t believe in that the chimera lumbering behind you wouldn’t melt the skin off your face with its molten breath. Allowing my eyes to close for the briefest second, I swore black and blue that if I got out of this crumbling temple alive, I would never eat lamb again.

“Alessia,” Cathy whined through the mirror pendant on my chest. “Thirty seconds until the portal skips.”

Sucking in a breath, I bit my tongue to stop myself from cursing. What part of shut the hell up and don’t get me caught did this stupid excuse for a sorceress not understand? In a feat of utter desperation, I crossed my fingers and hoped like hell the chimera’s superhuman hearing hadn’t picked up her bulletin.

As if luck had ever been on my side!

Behind me, the chimera gave a soul-shuddering growl from its lion head. Thirty seconds was more than enough time for it to finish me off. What kind of sick deity thought it would be a good idea to fuse a lion, a sheep, and a snake together?

“You must use the Angelical,” Cathy pressed.

The chimera roared from both its lion and sheep heads. The rattle of its reptilian tail caused a shudder to creep through my chest and turn my bones into jelly.

Cloven hooves stamped on the hard floor. The cavern filled with a flash of light so bright, I had to shield my face in the crook of my elbow. Flames erupted from the sheep’s mouth, colliding with the blue of my protection circle and causing a hot lance of pain to splinter down my spine.

Twice more the beast spewed forth a cascade of fire. Its rage at being awoken by someone unworthy was evident in the way its four black eyes slitted as it tried to pinpoint my location. Its sight was obstructed by the plumes of smoke that wafted from the enchanted orbs Cathy had supplied before our mission. Fat lot of good they had done me. The only thing the supposedly paralysing concoction had been good for was impeding my vision and ticking the beast off.

It sucked in a gargled breath that was too close to my right ear for comfort. If I didn’t make a move now, I was going to become human jerky. My muscles contracted as the rumble of lava breath bubbled in its throat.


One. Two. Jump!

Pushing off the now scorching rock, I darted towards the opening on the chimera’s left where its wings were having trouble extending in the tiny space. Tiny was the only advantage I had.

Flames sailed past my left cheek. Wincing, I pushed as much magic as I could into the circle and tried to scamper past. Even after so many years in the presence of supernatural beings, I was still not used to the reality of their incredible speed. My pathetic little legs managed to carry me about seven steps before the chimera’s tail whipped out and slammed into the rock face. Granite exploded. It clawed jagged lines into the rock, dissolving any illusions I had about coming away from this unscathed.

Turning tail, I tried to slide underneath its belly. The light from the opening was no more than a muted charcoal amidst the oppressive darkness. Contorting its body, the chimera backtracked and thumped its left paw down directly in front of my path. In my periphery, its right paw pressed against the rock wall, hemming me in. Great. The flaring of its heat-moistened nostrils had all my panic buttons pushing.

“Nice supernatural guard-doggy. I’m not going to hurt you.” Even I was snorting in my head at that one. “Let’s just stand still for a second and I’ll squeeze myself out and you can go back to sleep.”

The lion’s top lip curled as it eyed the satchel at my hip. Uh oh. Gritting my teeth, I braced for the lick of flames that was sure to spew from the sheep’s head. My magic had just reinforced the circle when a flare of sludgy brown tendrils synonymous with Cathy’s magic shot out from behind the chimera and caught it mid-step. Not giving myself a second to reconsider, I dove for the opening just as the first flare of portal magic scraped across my skin.

Corona-scorching orange light flashed. I landed on the hard, damp earth of the Cambodian jungle on the human side of the portal. Blinking, I cocooned my head in my arms and waited for the waves of magic to disperse.

As the seconds ticked by, relief flooded through me. I’d failed the mission. Again. Trepidation followed like a stalker behind relief’s heels. Lucifer was going to be

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