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Bulfinch’s Mythology

By Thomas Bulfinch.

Table of Contents Titlepage Imprint Publishers’ Preface Author’s Preface Bulfinch’s Mythology Stories of Gods and Heroes I: Introduction Roman Divinities II: Prometheus and Pandora III: Apollo and Daphne—Pyramus and Thisbe—Cephalus and Procris Apollo and Daphne Pyramus and Thisbe Cephalus and Procris IV: Juno and Her Rivals, Io and Callisto—Diana and Actaeon—Latona and the Rustics Callisto Diana and Actaeon Latona and the Rustics V: Phaëton VI: Midas—Baucis and Philemon Baucis and Philemon VII: Proserpine—Glaucus and Scylla Glaucus and Scylla VIII: Pygmalion—Dryope—Venus and Adonis—Apollo and Hyacinthus Dryope Venus and Adonis Apollo and Hyacinthus IX: Ceyx and Halcyone: or, the Halcyon Birds X: Vertumnus and Pomona XI: Cupid and Psyche XII: Cadmus—The Myrmidons The Myrmidons XIII: Nisus and Scylla—Echo and Narcissus—Clytie—Hero and Leander Nisus and Scylla Echo and Narcissus Clytie Hero and Leander XIV: Minerva—Niobe Minerva Niobe XV: The Graeae or Gray-Maids—Perseus—Medusa—Atlas—Andromeda The Graeae and the Gorgons Perseus and Medusa Perseus and Atlas The Sea-Monster The Wedding Feast XVI: Monsters Giants, Sphinx, Pegasus and Chimaera, Centaurs, Griffin, and Pygmies The Sphinx Pegasus and the Chimaera The Centaurs The Pygmies The Griffin, or Gryphon XVII: The Golden Fleece—Medea The Golden Fleece Medea and Aeson XVIII: Meleager and Atalanta Atalanta XIX: Hercules—Hebe and Ganymede Hercules Hebe and Ganymede XX: Theseus—Daedalus—Castor and Pollux Theseus Olympic and Other Games Daedalus Castor and Pollux XXI: Bacchus—Ariadne Bacchus Ariadne XXII: The Rural Deities—Erisichthon—Rhoecus—The Water Deities—Camenae—Winds The Rural Deities Erisichthon Rhoecus The Water Deities Neptune Amphitrite Nereus and Doris Triton and Proteus Thetis Leucothea and Palaemon The Camenae The Winds XXIII: Achelous and Hercules—Admetus and Alcestis—Antigone—Penelope Achelous and Hercules Admetus and Alcestis Antigone Penelope XXIV: Orpheus and Eurydice—Aristaeus—Amphion—Linus—Thamyris—Marsyas—Melampus—Musaeus Orpheus and Eurydice Aristaeus, the Beekeeper Amphion Linus Thamyris Marsyas Melampus Musaeus XXV: Arion—Ibycus—Simonides—Sappho Arion Ibycus Simonides Sappho XXVI: Endymion—Orion—Aurora and Tithonus—Acis and Galatea Diana and Endymion Orion Aurora and Tithonus Acis and Galatea XXVII: The Trojan War The Iliad XXVIII: The Fall of Troy—Return of the Greeks—Orestes and Electra The Fall of Troy Menelaus and Helen Agamemnon, Orestes, and Electra Troy XXIX: Adventures of Ulysses—The Lotus-Eaters—Cyclopes—Circe—Sirens—Scylla and Charybdis—Calypso Return of Ulysses The Laestrygonians Scylla and Charybdis Calypso XXX: The Phaeacians—Fate of the Suitors The Phaeacians Fate of the Suitors XXXI: Adventures of Aeneas—The Harpies—Dido—Palinurus Adventures of Aeneas Dido Palinurus XXXII: The Infernal Regions—The Sibyl The Infernal Regions Elysium The Sibyl XXXIII: Camilla—Evander—Nisus and Euryalus—Mezentius—Turnus Opening the Gates of Janus Camilla Evander Infant Rome Nisus and Euryalus Mezentius Pallas, Camilla, Turnus XXXIV: Pythagoras—Egyptian Deities—Oracles Pythagoras Sybaris and Crotona Egyptian Deities Myth of Osiris and Isis Oracles Oracle of Trophonius Oracle of Aesculapius Oracle of Apis XXXV: Origin of Mythology—Statues of Gods and Goddesses—Poets of Mythology Origin of Mythology Statues of the Gods The Olympian Jupiter The Minerva of the Parthenon The Venus de Medici The Apollo Belvedere The Diana a la Biche The Poets of Mythology Virgil Ovid XXXVI: Modern Monsters—The Phoenix—Basilisk—Unicorn—Salamander Modern Monsters The Phoenix The Cockatrice, or Basilisk The Unicorn The Salamander XXXVII: Eastern Mythology—Zoroaster—Hindu Mythology—Castes—Buddha—Grand Lama Zoroaster Hindu Mythology Vishnu Siva Juggernaut Castes Buddha The Grand Lama Prester John XXXVIII: Northern Mythology—Valhalla—The Valkyrior Northern Mythology Of the Joys of Valhalla The Valkyrie Of Thor and the Other Gods Of Loki and His Progeny How Thor Paid the Mountain Giant His Wages The Recovery of the Hammer XXXIX: Thor’s Visit to Jotunheim Thor’s Visit to Jotunheim, the Giant’s Country XL: The Death of Baldur—The Elves—Runic Letters—Iceland—Teutonic Mythology—Nibelungen Lied The Death of Baldur The Funeral of Baldur The Elves Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods Runic Letters The Skalds Iceland Teutonic Mythology The Nibelungen Lied The Nibelungen Hoard Wagner’s Nibelungen Ring XLI: The Druids—Iona Druids Iona King Arthur and His Knights I: Introduction The Training of a Knight Freemen, Villains, Serfs, and Clerks Tournaments Mail Armor Helmets Romances Metrical Romances II: The Mythical History of England Bladud Leir Ferrex and Porrex Dunwallo Molmutius Brennus and Belinus Elidure Lud Cassibellaunus Kymbelinus, or Cymbeline Armorica III: Merlin IV: Arthur King Arthur Arthur Chosen King Guenever V: Arthur (Continued) King Arthur Slays the Giant of St. Michael’s Mount King Arthur Gets a Sword from the Lady of the Lake VI: Sir Gawain Sir Gawain’s Marriage VII: Caradoc Briefbras; or, Caradoc with the Shrunken Arm VIII: Launcelot of the Lake Sir Launcelot IX: The Adventure of the Cart X: The Lady of Shalott XI: Queen Guenever’s Peril XII: Tristram and Isoude XIII: Tristram and Isoude (Continued) XIV: Sir Tristram’s Battle with Sir Launcelot Sir Tristram as a Sportsman XV: The Round Table XVI: Sir Palamedes XVII: Sir Tristram XVIII: Perceval XIX: The Sangreal, or Holy Graal Sir Galahad Sir Gawain XX: The Sangreal (Continued) Sir Launcelot Sir Perceval XXI: The Sangreal (Continued) Sir Bohort Sir Launcelot (Resumed) Sir Galahad XXII: Sir Agrivain’s Treason XXIII: Morte d’Arthur The Mabinogeon Introductory Note I: The Britons The Welsh Language and Literature The Welsh Bards The Triads II: The Lady of the Fountain Kynon’s Adventure III: The Lady of the Fountain (Continued) Owain’s Adventure IV: The Lady of the Fountain (Continued) Gawain’s Adventure The Adventure of the Lion V: Geraint, the Son of Erbin VI: Geraint, the Son of Erbin (Continued) VII: Geraint, the Son of Erbin (Continued) VIII: Pwyll, Prince of Dyved IX: Branwen, the Daughter of Llyr X: Manawyddan XI: Kilwich and Olwen XII: Kilwich and Olwen (Continued) XIII: Taliesin Hero Myths of the British Isles Beowulf Cuchulain, Champion of Ireland Hereward the Wake Robin Hood Legends of Charlemagne Introduction The Peers, or Paladins Orlando Roland and Ferragus A Roland for an Oliver Rinaldo The Tournament
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