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"Milord, you don't understand . . ."

"I understand perfectly," the earlinterrupted curtly, still mindful of his bruised skin. "You have morelayers of dirt on you than you have skin. Now, get those rags off andget in the tub." Hard hands grasped the boy's upper arms lifting himoff the bed. As his feet touched the ground, Danny made a lastdesperate bid for the door.

"What in Hades, is the matter withyou?" Linton hissed furiously. He reached for the neck of the raggedshirt, and as Danny wrenched himself sideways, the threadbare materialsplit with a harsh rending sound.

Total silence filled the room for abreathless moment. Justin, Earl of Linton, released his hold andstepped back, for once in his thirty-four years completely nonplussed.

"It seems I didn't understand," hemurmured, pulling his eyes away from the enchanting view of baredflesh. He noticed absently that the girl—undoubtedly a girl—made noattempt to shield herself, merely stood, shoulders back, eyes glaring achallenge.

"So, milord, what do you choose to dowith me now?"

He inhaled sharply, even morethoroughly taken aback.

"Your name, brat?" he demandedharshly.


"Do not imagine, MademoiselleDanielle, that I shall be satisfied with that," he warned softly. "Butfor now, I intend to proceed as I began. Are you going to take offthose filthy britches, or am I?"



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Love's Charade


Copyright © 1986 by JaneFeather

Part 1 :  TheChrysalis


The tall elegant figure paused thoughtfully at the corner of theFauborg St.Honore and cast a quick glance down the narrow paved alleyon his left. He brushed an imaginary speck of dirt from his silverMechlin lace peeping beneath a richly brocaded-cuff before turning intothe alley toward the sounds of altercation. It was not the Earl ofLinton's custom to involve himself in street brawls, particularly inParisian back alleys, but, if the truth were told, he was somewhatbored this fine spring afternoon and the disproportionate sizes of theantagonists offended his sense of fair play. A diminutive urchin, amere scrap of humanity, was struggling manfully in the hold of anenormous bear of a man whose flour-dusted apron bore ample witness tohis profession. The baker's attempts to wield a heavy leather belt werehampered by his intended victim, who, as slippery as an eel and withthe teeth and claws of a wildcat, seemed, reflected the earl lazily, tobe putting up a magnificent fight. So far his assailant was having toomuch trouble merely getting a grip on the squirming little figure to beable to use the belt as he so clearly intended. That, however, was onlya matter of time given the indisputable physical facts. As if inconfirmation of this thought an agonized yelp accompanied the loudcrack as the weapon found its mark and the earl lengthened his stride.The language rending the street from both participants would not havebeen out of place on the quay at Marseille and the urchin seemed wellable to hold his own in the verbal arena at least. The next minute hehad sunk his teeth with desperate strength into the hand holding him,and the agonized yell this time came from the baker. The belt crackedviciously again and his lordship decided it was time to make his move.

The slender silver-mounted cane caught the brawny forearm as it swungback in preparation for another blow.

"Enough, I think," the earl said gently, catching the thick wristbetween elegant fingers, squeezing with surprising strength until theastounded baker lost his grip on the belt and it fell to the miredcobblestones. The next instant the tiny figure, taking advantage of thesuddenly slackened hold,

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