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MyTheater 8



Copyright© 2012. Ashley Milano, Tony Milano

Allrights Reserved.

FirstEdition, November 2012. Kindle Edition

Table of Contents

Introduction– Written by Tony Milano

MyTheater 8 – Written by Ashley Milano

FinalThoughts – Written by Ashley Milano


Thefollowing story was written by my 14 year old daughter Ashley. In itshe shares the events leading up to and including the tragic event ofJuly 20th2012 on which a gunman entered our local Century 16 movie theaterduring a special midnight showing of the highly anticipated Batmanmovie “The Dark Knight Rises”.

Thegunman entered theater 9 which was wall to wall with theater 8. Hewas armed with multiple weapons and gas canisters that filled thebuilding with either pepper spray or tear gas. He opened fire atanyone he could see. The victims that lost their lives or receivedthe most serious of physical injuries were in theater 9.

However,many in theater 8 did receive injuries from bullets and debris, notto mention the mental trauma that would follow them for the rest oftheir lives.

Themovie theater was filled with people of all ages, from toddlers tosenior citizens. It was a family event for many people and my heartbleeds for everyone that had the unfortunate luck of being there thatnight.

Mydaughter Ashley and my 19 year old son Alex were in theater 8. Anyprofit from this Kindle book will go directly to them to use anywaythey see fit.

My Theater 8

Iremember buying the tickets “6 days” before the showing, all Iwanted to do was hold them and even show them off a bit to myfriends. But what could I say? I was going to see my favoritesuperhero's last movie, I couldn't help it.

Thenight before the showing I couldn't sleep knowing it was so soon, mybrother and I got around 5 hours of sleep in total. It was also myfirst midnight showing, Batman andamidnight showing! This day couldn't get any better.

Mymom and dad were a bit hard to convince since I've never been outafter 10pm without them. They were going to see the movie with us,but had to change their minds last minute since my little brother wasin the hospital having his appendix removed. Ouch!

Wespent the day at The Children's Hospital with my little brother whojust had surgery and we watched movie trailers and I continuouslyasked when we should leave.

Mybrother Alex kept calling the theater to check up on the line. Wedecided we were going to wait until 8PM to go to the theater. But, wewere to eager to wait that long, so we said our goodbyes, grabbed ourbags and checked out of the hospital visitor area right outside thedoors. The nurse at the desk said “Areyou guys checked out for the day or are you planing to come back?”I never thought about how ironic that was until now.

Weboth impatiently waited in the elevator from the eighth floor to thefirst floor, slightly bragging about our tickets to one of thenurses.When the elevator opened I started to run to the door, I was so eagerto get the night started. My brother was joking with me and startedto skipand click his heels together as he jumped up in the air. Just like alittle kid would.

Whenwe first got into the building I saw this little girl whom I thoughtto be around five or six with beautiful long dirty blonde hair, so ofcourse I complimented her about it. She smiled shyly and ran back toher line..for theater 9. Not thinking anything of it, I smiled andhanded my ticket to the employee checking the tickets. "Enjoythe movie!" he said.

Sincethe showing was at 12am you might think we'd be tired. but I was tooexcited to even notice. We got there around 8 o'clock cause hey,what's a movie without good seats? I'm glad we did get there early,the lines were HUGE! I remember seeing the tired look in my brotherseyes, though I couldn't blame him. But once the guy let us in and wenoticed the smell of the popcorn and we both got pumped up again.

Nota minute after getting in line my brother being the over excitedsocial junky that he is, started to converse with a really awesomecouple in front of us. They seemed to be in their 20's and afterchatting with them we learned their names were Noemi and Josh. Atthat moment I looked around, we were 5th and 6th in line.”Yes!!”good seats here we come!'

Aspeople kept piling up in our line and my brother and the couplecontinued their conversation on whether it was a good idea to putAnne Hathaway as cat woman in this movie I noticed these two womensitting beside us, after loads of shy glances in our direction I wasgoing to turn around and start a conversation when I smelt what Ithought was burnt popcorn and I looked towards the kitchen and saw adecent amount of smoke fill the air, after a few sly comments werewhispered under peoples breathes about the movie staff I noticedpeople getting up from their spots on the floor. They let us in thetheater about 2 hours early!

Wefollowed the couple in, but then went our separate ways, they likedthe middle seats. We liked the top ones. "See ya after themovie!" My brother shouted.

Iwas about to ask my brother if we could sit on the 2 seaters on theright side of the theater, but once I turned to ask him he wasalready sitting in the middle of the 3rd row down, staring at medispleased as if he knew I was going to ask, so I sat one seat awayfrom him in the same aisle. He likes to hit me and ask if I saw whatjust happened...“Of course I did. I'm watching the same thing youare!”

Afterpeople kept coming in at their own pace a few holding popcorn and adrink, two people came and sat below us. It was a girl around Alex'sage, she was wearing a batman shirt and she was with what looked tobe her dad. Later on they told us their names; Devin and Larry. 'Ohno, here we go..'mybrother started chatting them up. More like flirting with Devin. Wellwe

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