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Brac Village 9

Jordan’s Desires

Bailey Fester has been burned by a lover he thought he could trust. Now jaded, Bailey refuses to let anyone in, including the dark and handsome stranger who keeps showing up in Bailey’s life. He isn’t ready to love again, and he definitely isn’t ready to give his heart away. But Jordan seems determined to show Bailey that he is there to stay.

Jordan Sommers is the new mechanic at Mark’s Garage. He knows he has his work cut out for him when he meets his mate and realizes that Bailey has been scorned. The guy is adamant about remaining friends, and shows up at the most inopportune moments. Bailey has already seen Jordan kill two men.

But when someone poisons Jordan and shoots at Bailey, Jordan is determined to keep Bailey safe while showing the man what love truly means. But will Bailey accept what Jordan has to offer, or will he turn Jordan away, too cynical to understand that giving his heart does not equal betrayal?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter

Length: 35,393 words



Brac Village 9






Lynn Hagen





Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove


Copyright © 2013 by Lynn Hagen

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-090-9

First E-book Publication: June 2013

Cover design by Siren Publishing

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




Brac Village 9



Copyright © 2013






Chapter One

Bailey finished off his glass of beer and gave a subtle wave to the bartender for another. “I’m getting really sick and tired of seeing those campaign signs. Thank fuck the election will soon be over.”

Travis—Bailey’s fellow firefighter and friend—nodded as he lounged back in his chair. “Amen to that. If I see one more sign for Bart Fishman, I’m going to rip the damn thing down. He’s plastered those signs all over the county.”

Bailey gave a quick thanks to the bartender when his mug of beer was set down in front of him. “I’m voting for Maverick Brac. He’s been the mayor in Brac Village since forever and he’s doing a damn good job from what I’m told.” Bailey had only been living in the village for the past few years, but he had no complaints when it came to Maverick.

Travis turned toward him, wagging a finger at Bailey. “Have you noticed that the mayor hasn’t given one speech or put up one damn sign yet he’s winning by a landslide?”

“He doesn’t need to campaign. Everyone knows what he stands for. He donates not only his money but his time at the local rec center, has made it known that he is an advocate against violence with the resource center, has funded many of the new businesses in town, and he isn’t one of those stuck-up snobs. The guy is easy to talk to.” Bailey curled in his fingers after he had ticked off his list. “Besides, I don’t trust that Fishman fellow.”

Taking another drink of his beer, Bailey leaned to the side when some random guy pushed close to the bar, encroaching on his space. There was plenty of room so Bailey didn’t understand why the man was so close. When he looked over his shoulder, the guy smiled at him.


Bailey turned around without saying a word. The stranger got his drink and walked away.

“Damn,” Travis said as he stared at the stranger walking away. “Could you have been any more frigid?”

“I’m not interested,” Bailey answered. He already had his heart torn out once and it had taken him a while to get over Harley Grouper. There was no way he was going to subject himself to that kind of pain again.

Leaning forward, Travis smacked Bailey’s knee good-naturedly. “There is only one way to get over a

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