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Book online «KaChing: How to Run an Online Business that Pays and Pays Comm, Joel (books for 8th graders txt) 📖». Author Comm, Joel

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter 1 - The New Web Order—How the Internet Has Brought Opportunity to Everybody

So, Just How Easy Is It to Begin Building a Web Site?

From Blogging to KaChing

Chapter 2 - Your Uniqueness Equals Cash

Choosing Your Niche

The Value of Your Niche—How Keywording Can Boost the Price of Your Passion

Niches Are Nice, but Micro-Niches Create Nicer KaChings

You’re Not That Unique—Building Your Community

The Seven Keys to Success

Chapter 3 - Content Is Not King ... It Is KaChing!

You Don’t Have to Be a Writer to Write Valuable Content

Seven Content Types that Go KaChing

It’s Not Just What You Say, It’s How You Say It

Ghost and Guest Writers

Turning Your Content into KaChing

Chapter 4 - Information Products—Seeing Your Knowledge

Creating Killer Ideas for Your Information Products

Creating the Product

Writing Copy that Sells

Recruiting Your Affiliate Sales Team

Add a Shopping Cart to Your Site

The Big Launch!

Chapter 5 - Earning from Affiliate Programs

So, What Exactly Is an Affiliate?

Choosing Merchants that Match Your Market

Choosing the Products that People Want

Strategies for Affiliate Success

What the FTC’s Guidelines Mean for Affiliates

Chapter 6 - Membership Sites—Turning Your Internet Business into a Passive ...

What Is a Membership Site?

What Do Online Membership Sites Have to Offer?

Pricing Your Membership: How Much Is Too Much?

Creating Your Membership Site the Easy Way

Chapter 7 - Coaching Programs

What Is Coaching?

Strategies for Branding

How to Do PR for Mass Impact

Getting Started: Low-End Coaching

Kicking It Up: High-End Coaching

Chapter 8 - Case Studies

Content Sites

Affiliate-Supported Sites

Information Products

Subscription Sites





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For the first time in human history, the playing field has been leveled because the Internet makes it possible for each and every one of us to plug in electronically and make money. Whether it’s with our own product, as the affiliate of somebody else’s product, as an application for products such as the iPhone and the PulsePen, or whatever. Your fortune is waiting in front of you and this book is going to show you how to get from here to there in the smoothest, easiest, most omni-effective way possible.

If you take your passion, your problem, or your pain, you can turn it into profit and you can do it online more elegantly and effectively than any other way in human history because you can do it in the privacy of your own home. If you read my book The Richest Kids in America, 80% of them have made absolute fortunes by applying the new electronic media. The new fortune, the 21st century real estate fortune is in the Internet media. It doesn’t matter when you come online, it matters that you come online, and come into total awareness that this book teaches you how to use it and maximize it to your benefit and the benefit of all those whom you’re going to serve.

Each of us has content that we don’t even know we have. Thanks to a book called The Long Tail, you can pick a very specific niche market and become vastly rich for the first time in human history. It’s never been more exciting with companies like Google that make more profit than anybody else and has become the number one brand in the world. In eight years, they’ve become bigger than Coca-Cola and Campbell’s Soup, and you can use the power of everything that Google has to make your product, service, or information sell in multiple ways for multiple pays. We are in the digital age. We’ve left the information age, come into the digital age, and everyone has got compression and you can go straight from you and your product that you could invent in your mind today, press a button, and have it become money in your immediate tomorrows.

The beautiful thing about the Internet is that you can be the broker. Somebody else has got the market. You have got the people who want to buy it and

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