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don’t hold back any information that could help us solve this crime; otherwise, I might think you have an ulterior motive.”

“Oh, fuck! No, I wouldn’t dream of it. Poor Jason. And you think this woman was behind it?” Stuart asked, raking a hand through his greying hair.

“It’s a possibility. We won’t know what her involvement is until we track her down and have a chat with her. We can’t do that without the proof of who she is. Which I’m hoping you’ll be able to provide.”

Stuart turned his back on them and shouted over his shoulder, “Let me get things lined up for you. I’ll give you a shout once I’ve teed everything up.”

Tracey was standing there shaking her head, bulging tears brimming in her blue eyes. “I’m in shock. I can’t believe what you’re saying. She seemed pretty nice to me. A bit tarty, but nice all the same.”

“Can you tell us how they met?”

“Sure, he was sat at one end of the bar and she was at the other. She smiled at him and he wandered down the bar and sat on the stool next to her. He bought her a drink. They were laughing, he’s a terrible one for telling awful jokes, most of them are rude… at least he used to be, sorry, forgot myself there. I can’t believe he’s gone. Sometimes he was a pain in the butt, trying it on with me, I knew he was married though. How’s his wife taken the news or is that a dumb question?”

“Both she and her daughter are distraught. Going back to this woman, can you describe her at all?”

“Hmm… let me see. She was a brunette with long hair and her boobs, well, every woman’s envy gene would be on full alert there. Huge they were.”

“And you’re sure you haven’t seen her in here before?”

“I never forget a face, I suppose you could say it’s essential in my job. A good customer service, recognising people, I mean, keeps the punters coming back to line Stuart’s pockets.”

“Were they together long?”

“Gosh, I can’t say I was clock-watching that much last night because I was kept on my toes most of the time, it was quite busy for a mid-week session. Maybe an hour or so. However, don’t quote me on that.”

“I see. And they appeared to be getting along all right?”

“Yes. I caught snippets of their conversation and have to say there was a hell of a lot of flirting going on, from both sides, not just from him.”

“Did you overhear anything that you think might be useful to our enquiries?”

Tracey’s head inclined to one side. “Such as what?”

“Did she mention where she lived, what work she did perhaps?”

Tracey glanced sideways at the optics beside her and then nodded. “Yes, she mentioned she was a model, at least I think she did.”

“A model?”

“I caught the tail end of the conversation. Again, don’t quote me on this, but I’d say she was one of those underwear models. Let’s just say she had the figure for lingerie and leave it there, shall we?”

“See, now that kind of information could be essential to our investigation.”

“I hope it is. Jason didn’t deserve to die. I know I’m reading between the lines here, but are you saying you think this woman killed him?”

“We have no way of knowing that at this stage. If she was the last person to see him then yes, it would make sense to lay the blame at her door. Which is why it’s imperative we find her ASAP.”

“I get that. Let me chase Stuart up for you. He’s been known to step into his office and get distracted at times.” She left the bar area and returned a few seconds later. “As suspected. Why don’t you come round? I’ll show you through to the office.” She motioned for them to join her at the other end of the bar and held open the door for them to enter. Tracey then showed them to the office.

“Come in. I’m nearly there. Why don’t you take a seat?”

Katy and Charlie sat opposite him. He angled the monitor so all three of them could see and pressed play. “That’s Jason there.” He blew out a breath. “I’ll miss him. Interesting chap, always had a take on everything under the sun. Made me think mostly that there are different perspectives to all manner of things in this life.”

“Sounds like a fascinating character.”

“Yeah, he kept his customers entertained, that’s for sure, according to what he used to tell me, anyway. I reckon he spent more time chatting than he did working when he showed up at some of his regulars. It’s the old ladies, you see, he had them eating out of his hand. Lonely old biddies, always keen on having a man tend to their needs.”

Katy frowned at his odd statement. “Are you telling me he used to rip his customers off?”

“Good Lord, no. He wouldn’t dream of doing that, not in a million years. He cared about his customers, some more than others; he went the extra mile, offered them more than they paid for… like a few hours of pleasurable company. Damn, here I go again, I’m not very good with words and keep putting my bloody size twelves in it. What I’m trying to say is he cared about people, his customers. Had his head screwed on there. Always said if you lend an ear, the older ladies treat you well and you always get repeat business.”

“Makes perfect sense to me. What about the younger ladies on his customer list?”

His mouth drooped down at the sides. “I’m not sure he had any, not that he ever spoke about. Ah, here we are, this is the young woman Tracey was on about. Good grief!” His eyes almost popped out of his head.

Katy glanced at Charlie who appeared to be equally shocked by the woman’s appearance on the screen. “Okay, can you fast forward to where he joins her?”

Stuart hit the button,

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