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be honest, not if he lost his life in a fire.”

“When Patti calls you, tell her how you feel. No one is going to force you to do something you don’t want to do. There are other ways we can identify him, if necessary.”

Jane ran a shaking hand over her face. “Is he really that bad?”

Katy nodded. “Maybe it’s for the best if you and Sammy remembered him as he was.”

Sammy entered the room behind her and ran into her mother’s outstretched arms and hugged her. The two women sobbed and kept apologising to each other. Time to go, there’s nothing left for me to say. Katy gestured to Charlie that it was time for them to leave.

Jane glanced up and nodded.

Katy waved and placed a card on the nearby table. “Ring me if you need anything.”

“We will and thank you,” Jane replied.

Katy and Charlie left the house. On the way back to the car, Katy blew out a breath. “God, that was a chore and a half. Mixed emotions flying around. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes over the next few weeks, coming to terms with their wayward thoughts and feelings.”

“I’m with you there. It begs the question about what we’re up against though, doesn’t it?”

“Yep, several possibilities are coming to mind, there’s no doubt about that, Charlie. Let’s see what the pub’s landlord has to say.”


The Fallow Deer Inn was a newish pub in the middle of a recently erected housing estate. It had an outdoor seating area to the right, and Katy could imagine whiling away a pleasant evening here in the summer with AJ and Georgie. Back to the grim task in hand, she and Charlie entered the public bar to find a man in his fifties with a bit of a paunch on him, standing behind the bar in a conversation with another man of a similar age who was on the other side, drinking a pint of lager.

“Hello, there. What can I get you?” he asked jovially as he walked the length of the bar towards them.

Katy produced her warrant card. “DI Katy Foster and DS Charlie Simpkins, are you the owner or manager?”

“I own this place. What’s up? We haven’t broken any rules, not that I’m aware of.”

“No, it’s nothing like that, sir. We’re investigating an incident that happened not far from here.”

He frowned and scratched his temple. “You’ll need to give me more than that. What type of incident?”

“We believe it involves one of your customers,” Katy said, evasively.


“Jason Davis, do you know him?”

“Of course I bloody know him, he’s more than a regular, he’s a close friend of mine.”

“Ah, okay. Perhaps you can tell us if he came in here last night?”

“He did. Left pretty early from what I can gather too.”

Katy inclined her head. “Sorry?”

“I was off duty, but Tracey said he had his eye on a woman in here last night.”

“Is Tracey around?”

“She should be reporting for duty soon. Why? What’s Jason been up to now? Apart from the obvious. Always had an eye for the ladies, that one.”

Katy sighed. “Sorry to have to share this news with you, but last night, Jason died in an incident.”

His head craned forward and his eyes bulged. “What? No way.” He gripped the bar with both hands as if to steady himself. “No bloody way. I can’t believe I’m hearing this. An incident or an accident, did you say?”

“An incident. We can’t really say more at present.”

“Why’s that?”

“We need to keep the facts about the inquiry confidential in case the press get their hands on anything and scupper our investigation.”

His frown deepened. “I’m not with you. Wait a minute! You’re not telling me there was foul play to this incident, was there?”

Katy issued a tight smile. “I can’t give you more than that, not yet, sir.”

“Bloody hell. I know what you’re getting at. You’re telling me he’s been murdered, aren’t you?”

Katy shrugged. “I need to ask if you have any cameras in the bar.”

He pointed at a few spots in the immediate area. “Take your pick, the place is riddled with them. Want me to search for something for you?”

“If you wouldn’t mind?”

“Again, I can’t really leave the bar until Tracey shows up.” At that moment, a young woman wearing ripped jeans and a tight T-shirt stretched across her ample breasts entered the bar. “Ah, here’s my right-hand woman now.”

“I wondered why my ears were burning. Talking about me as usual, are you, Stuart?”

“Not in the way you think, love. I’ve had some devastating news about Jason. These ladies are coppers, they’d like to have a word with you.”

Tracey walked behind the bar, placed her handbag under the counter and stood alongside Stuart. “What are you going on about? What news?”

Katy cleared her throat. “Was Jason here last night?”

Tracey shrugged. “He’s always here. Why? What’s happened to him? Come on, Stuart, I’m getting worried now.”

Katy pushed ahead, not giving Stuart the chance to respond. “How long was Jason here?”

“Let me think. Ah, yes, he left earlier than normal with a young lady.”

“Do you know the lady in question?”

“Nope, she was a first-timer, not seen her in here before, at all. What did she do? Cut his dick off?” Tracey laughed, her gaze shot between Katy and Charlie, and her laughter died as quickly as it had emerged. “Oh, God, don’t tell me I’m right?”

“I can neither confirm nor deny your statement.”

“What?” Stuart asked. “Why the secrecy about this? You’ve told us bugger all and yet you expect us to tell you everything, it works both ways.”

Katy gave a taut smile. “I’m sorry. It’s what it is, for now. Can you source the camera footage for me please, Stuart?”

“Yeah, I’ll get on it right away on one proviso.”

“Go on.” Katy sensed what was coming next.

“You tell us what happened first.”

Katy glanced around the bar and leaned over it. “I’m trusting you with this information. He perished in his car. That’s all I’m prepared to say at this point. Please,

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