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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Two Choices: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 2) Jonathan Brooks (online e reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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shot by over their heads at random intervals and they tried to kill him – ineffectually, thank goodness.

You’re flying quite low – you’d better watch out or they might get lucky.  I don’t know what’s going on with my luck issues right now, and I don’t want you to become another victim.

“Don’t worry about me; as powerful as they are, I’m still faster.”

She could definitely see that, but she didn’t bother to point out that all it would take was a weapon passing through where he was flying at the wrong time for it to be over for him.  He seemed to be enjoying himself with his teasing for some reason despite the danger, especially once he got over his initial fright at their appearance.

Even with the few delays, the group of invaders still made it to the center of the maze within a minute, where they found the Echoing Hyena still howling and laughing.  From a small shadowed alcove within the wall next to the group of advancing six-armed people, a Gnoll Assassin abruptly emerged and stabbed the closest blue-skinned back with its twin rusty iron knives with which it automatically came equipped.  It was a perfect execution of an attack, with timing that spoke of coordination and forethought with the Hyena – which was something that she didn’t instruct the Gnoll to do, but which seemed to be part of the “synergy” process.  Either it was more intelligent somehow, better at tactics, or perhaps just lucky, but the strike likely would’ve put any Raider down with the strategic attack.

Of course, just like every other attack against the invaders, the annoying glow came back and prevented any damage to the six-armed monster person, though Tacca was almost positive that the tough skin of the being would’ve prevented it anyway.  Regardless, it was yet another delay, and another indication that her defenses were going to work – if she ever got a chance to use them, that was.

Her creatures were quickly dispatched, as the element of surprise was now gone – not that it did anything anyway – and the Gnoll and Hyena were relatively defenseless against the invaders.  After that, with a few more distractions by Shale, they unerringly found their way to the one exit tunnel that was open to the next, half-finished room.

This was what she had been working on creating when everything started to go wrong up above.  In the room, Tacca was planning on relying heavily on her experiences with the Forest Environment from her easy section.  She was planning on using a combination of Canines and Felines that could take advantage of thick foliage along the ground, which she had started to fill in and was halfway done.  There was a Scrub Lion that was various shades of green and brown, which she was planning on pairing with some higher-Level Frond Coyotes, along with some Hallucination-inducing Enchantment traps.  The thought was that some hallucinations would have the Raiders attacking creatures that weren’t there, while they were in turn ambushed by Tacca’s real creatures from a totally different direction.

Unfortunately, none of that was yet set up, so there was very little stopping the group of invaders from just tearing through the dense fern-and-bush areas she had started to create with impunity.  Shale delayed them a little by weaving in and out of what foliage she did have in the room, but it might have only been 10 seconds or less of delay for all of his work.

The next room, and the 8 rooms after that, were essentially empty.  Nothing Shale did delayed them for more than a second, mainly because there was nowhere for the Dungeon Fairy to hide and avoid being killed.  Still, the sheer distance they had to travel took a couple of minutes for them to traverse, so it wasn’t a complete waste.  Finally, they arrived at the other side of her main “corridor”, having navigated their entire way through one half of the section and were on to the next.

Tacca was thankful that she had been working on both sides at once, creating a symmetry in her completed rooms.  The blue-skinned monster people once again had to climb a cliff, which was even less effective than the first, as they were able to slice the Lynxes that descended on them in mid-air.  The jumped down from the heights again, destroying more of her room’s floor, and then tackled the Cougar and Wolf in the forest valley between 2 rocky hills; the maze on this side of her new section was set up differently, but they still managed to clear through that room without missing a turn.  The Assassin tried to attack, but the invaders were ready for it and cut it down before it could close with them.

All through that, Shale was trying to distract and delay them, but it seemed as though the six-armed people were finally over it all.  Granted, they still tried to attack him when he got dangerously close to them, but they barely even broke stride on their journey through the last few rooms of her dungeon.  After they were done with the rooms she had completed or half-completed, there were only a few empty rooms between them and her Boss Room.

Shale…it’s time for you to leave.

Her Dungeon Assistant stopped in mid-flight at her words.  Fortunately, he wasn’t anywhere near the blue-skinned group of monster people, so he was safe.  “What?  No!  I thought you had a plan?”  He was understandably angry.

If you come any closer to my Core Room, there’s a good chance that you’ll die.  I just couldn’t live with myself if that were to happen. 

“Wait…what are you planning on doing?  Are you trying to get yourself destroyed?  Is that why you wouldn’t explain what your plan was?”  Now he wasn’t just angry, but hurt.

I’m not trying to get destroyed, but there is a good chance that

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