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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Two Choices: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 2) Jonathan Brooks (online e reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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it kept running.  She kept it going however, because she had no other option, despite it costing 250 FM per minute to maintain.

The glow started to fade, but not nearly fast enough.  No, no, no!  Hurry up!  Without thinking about it too hard, she activated her Invisibility, desperate for anything that might work.  She felt herself disappear, and saw the six-armed monster person stop and hesitate for no more than a second, before it cocked its arm holding the warhammer back even further and brought it forward—

—only to have it stop in mid-swing, just a fraction of an inch before it would’ve been released.  The glow around its body was gone, and Tacca’s Electrical Pacification was taking hold.  Even then, it wasn’t altogether perfect; she could see the straining of the invader’s purple muscles, and it was moving ever so slightly, fighting the Ability that was supposed to be quite potent – at least according to what information the Pacification Ability imparted to her.  It was moving in slow-motion, trying to walk forward and was succeeding – she was just glad that it couldn’t move its arms fast enough to throw something.

Instead, it dropped its sword suddenly with a flexing of its fingers, and started to reach for its chest – right where the metal…thing…was strapped to it.  She was more than convinced by that point that whatever was causing all of the problems with her Dungeon Force not regenerating – as well as the fuzziness in her view and muted senses of the rest of her dungeon – was being caused by that object.  Inch by inch, its hand crept closer to grabbing the metal thing on its chest, and Tacca wasn’t sure what would happen once the invader reached it.

Come on, come on.  Suddenly, a simple Root Fox appeared right next to one of the bottomless bags on the floor, followed quickly by a Forest Wolf next to the other.  A few seconds later, a Kitsune Archer and a Barbaric Werewolf appeared next to the Fox and the Wolf. Immediately, a light connected the Fox and the 5-foot-tall figure of the Kitsune, which looked almost like a short Elf – but with large reddish ears on top of its head, long vibrant red hair hanging down its back to its waist, where a large bushy tail emerged from its Ragged Leather armor.  The Flimsy Pine Bow it was holding didn’t look very powerful, but then again she wasn’t expecting the creature she placed there to actually attack the purplish invader.

Half a second after the bright light of a connection between those two, another bright light emerged from in between the Wolf and the Werewolf.  The Werewolf was a frightening creature; it stood 7 feet tall, had a deep, deep black fur color all over its body, saliva dripped from its powerful and deadly-looking jaws, and had claws that looked capable of shredding leather armor like it was nothing.  Again, though, it wasn’t there to attack the monstrous person – it was there for another purpose altogether.

The intensity of the light, the “synergy energy”, quickly began to brighten until it was hard to look at.  It wasn’t quite at the point where she was expecting it to explode – in the same sort of shockwave she had previously experienced with the Gnoll and Hyena – when Tacca felt a lurch in her Core and her Electrical Pacification Ability was abruptly cut off.  She hadn’t run out of Fairy Mana, however; the purple figure had finally reached the metal object on its chest and it was almost as if a solid wall slammed in between her and her Dungeon Assistant Abilities.  What is that thing?!

The six-armed killer didn’t hesitate this time; it cocked back all 5 of the arms still holding a weapon and brought them forward, launching all 5 weapons at her Core.  If even one of them hit her, she would shatter into hundreds of pieces, but there was nothing she could do – she was out of options.

Her perception of the world seemed to slow down as she watched the implements of death spinning towards her Core.  She hadn’t noticed before, but there was still blood staining each one, likely from the Raiders outside that were slaughtered with brutal efficiency.  It sure is strange what I notice when I’m just about to die…again.

Suddenly, the light from the synergy taking place behind the purplish invader reached a crescendo, and an explosive wave of force shot out from both pairings before impacting the bottomless bags and rupturing them.  She had originally thought about using the bags to enhance the explosion of synergy force, because she wasn’t confident that force alone would be enough to kill these six-armed beings.  Tacca was happy to see that her gamble had paid off; she hadn’t been confident that the wave of synergy force would be enough to tear into the bags and release the magics inside – and hopefully make the entire explosion stronger.

Unfortunately, everything seemed to happen all at once. The explosive wave was indeed amplified by the escaping magical energy of the bags; as a result, it was propelled so quickly that the weapons were still flying towards her Core when the wave slammed into the monstrous, six-armed, purplish person and disintegrated it from back to front, including the metal object on its chest.

In that fraction of a split second, she felt her connection with the rest of her dungeon come back – but it was so much information she couldn’t even begin to process it.  Instead, Tacca used the dregs of her Dungeon Force – that she had been saving – to use her Teleport function, targeting her old Core Room; she was originally planning on going as far up to the entrance as possible, but at the last moment she saw that the Bonded Hill Dwarves (and a larger group of others she didn’t recognize) were

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