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Book online «The Circadia Chronicles: Omnibus: The Complete Colonization Sci-Fi Series Heather Heckadon (books that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Heckadon

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a more serious conversation. "Aella, I'm sure it will be fine. The editors will make it look good. It will be fine. I promise."

"I hope you're right."


"Everyone to the conference room, please," the voice boomed over the intercom. I didn't realize there was an intercom system in the facility until then, but it made sense.

I entered the conference room to see the enormous big screen TV lowered from the ceiling. Once it seemed as though everyone was present, even the Herrold brothers’ staff, Ross spoke up. "We wanted to wish Aella well with her new YouTube account by doing a viewing of her first video to be published. Everyone, give Aella a hand." Applause erupted in the room. "Of course, she had some help with the video, so let's give the editors and social media consultants a hand as well." Applause boomed in the room once again. "Without further ado, 'The Circadia Chronicles.'" Ross bowed away.

I didn't realize they'd given the channel a name. It was fitting though. Circadia had kicked all this off for me. It was a chronicle of what Circadia had started and where the war had begun.

The screen went black for a moment, then a flash of green as the words “Circadia Chronicles” zapped across the screen in a modern introduction. After the intro with a little background music, my face appeared. I started my speech, and as I spoke about Circadia and the current situation on Earth, my narrative flowed over video footage of Circadia and the nuclear war. As I made my call to action, the part where I said, "I have your back if you have mine," the video clip switched to when Smith pointed the gun at my face on Circadia. Once I finished speaking, a clip of everyone raising their unity tattoos on Circadia faded in and out.

The room was deadly silent. I looked around to see everyone staring off into space. Shock? Maybe disgust? I didn't know, but I felt so apprehensive and strange about it. I liked it. My words seemed less melodramatic when paired with the imagery of what had happened behind it. I thought it would make an impact, but maybe not.

"I...I never... I would never have put those thoughts together," a staff member said. He appeared confused as he turned to me.

"What thoughts?" I asked.

The rest of the room was still quiet. He thought for a moment. "The role Circadia had in this, the power play that was made and why. It was all for control. Wasn't it?" He had obviously pieced it all together himself after watching the video and was looking at me for confirmation.

"Yeah." It was shocking to find out there were people in this compound who didn't put two and two together. They all seemed like separate events, and when viewed individually, didn't come at such a loss. When viewed together as a whole that was all correlated, the threat became far more intimidating.

The man nodded and looked down. Everyone was silent for a moment more until his head rose and he had tears in his eyes. He stood and looked straight at me. "I think the clip is perfect."

Another man stood. "Me too."

A woman in the back of the room took a step forward. "It's awesome."

"Impactful," a man yelled from the far side of the conference room.

I nodded as tears streamed from my eyes. I looked up to scan the room and slowly turned until I found the video editor. He was beaming. I clapped and nodded at him. "That guy gets it," I said to the room.

Everyone turned toward him and applauded.

Once the commotion calmed and people began to socialize, I made my way over to him. "Excellent work."

He blushed. "The story you told was perfect. It only needed some visual embellishment." He winked.

"I'd like for you to do that for every video."

"Add embellishment?"

"Well, maybe, whatever you think it needs. My point is I want you, and you alone, to edit my videos. You get what I'm trying to do."

He nodded. "I heard you're going to be going out on 'excursions' for the videos as well?"

"Yeah, I want to show other people rising with us, the riots from a different angle, and the tyranny as a whole. I want to change people's minds online and in person."

"I want to go with you," he said.

"You do?" I was surprised. I was a wanted 'felon,' and he wanted to be included? "You realize these aren't going to be fun, right? It will mean a lot of hiding and running."

"Yeah, I know."

"Then why?" I asked.

"If I need a shot to input into the video, I'll be there to get it. You're going to be busy doing the stuff, and sometimes it helps to have a second set of eyes. Someone who's not so involved and can see the whole story."

I slowly nodded. He was right. "So you'll be my cameraman and editor?"

"If you'll have me."

I nodded and held out my hand. He shook it, and we smiled at each other. "Thank you," I said.

He gave a curt nod and walked away.

I glanced around the room, now alone in the small crowd, and watched as people came and went from the impromptu party. I didn't see Smith anywhere though.

The hallway outside the conference quickly deadened the racket coming from the party so that I walked down a quiet corridor. The farther I went, the more serious a place my mind settled into. I was near Smith's door when I heard the TV blaring from the bowling alley a couple of doors down. I hesitated, then decided to check out the noise.

After lightly stepping down the hall so I didn’t further disturb anyone, I peeked around the corner and saw Smith lounging on the couch while watching a sitcom.

Seriously? At a time like this?

"Whatcha doing?"

The sound of my voice made him jump, and he quickly turned. "Hey, um, watching some TV."

"Mind if I join you?" I motioned at the cushion next to him.

He seemed

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