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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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now hinged on what she was doing.

Effortlessly navigating through the backroads, utilising every single shortcut he could think of, Robert’s adrenalin pumped wildly. He had to get this done today and it had to be done without anyone being any the wiser.

Pulling up outside Footlights, he yanked on the handbrake and waited. He glanced in his rear view mirror. No one was about, but that didn’t necessarily mean no one was watching.

Picking his phone back up, he clicked on his satellite app and entered in the details, waiting as the phone picked up the signal. Pointer was at White City. Something else Jonah would want to know, but not today. Today was his.

Robert pulled his key from his pocket and got out of the car, overriding the shiver as he looked up at the house. The house that had always been associated in his mind with protection and routine until recently. It wasn’t now. Now he knew it was a viper pit of lies.

Clambering up the overgrown steps to the front door, Robert glanced at his watch. 3.10. His mother liked her routines as much as he did, so there was every possible chance today would be no different.

Every chance indeed...

Slipping the key into the lock, Robert turned it carefully, entering Footlights as silently as physically possible.

Fifty Five

DECIDEDLY SWEATY, THANKS to an uncomfortable journey home in his Range Rover with an air conditioning system fault, Jonah was glad to be out of the car.

Seeing those latest texts O’Hara had sent, Gwen was right to bring them to his attention and he’d rushed straight back to see what Robert made of them. He knew he could have called, but now knowing how simple it was to infiltrate other’s texts, calls and location with a bit of know-how, he was more reticent than usual to do anything over a mobile.

Once O’Hara reached the place he’d instructed Gwen to suggest they stay, then surely Robert could confirm it, meaning O’Hara would be intercepted before the alleged wedding. The man was getting twitchy and if he suspected anything had befallen Lena, it would cause problems - even a total disaster.

Although Jonah felt it unlikely that Ron O’Hara would involve the police if he suspected Lena had gone off the radar, he couldn’t risk it. Who could be certain how someone’s mind worked where logic was concerned with a history of residing in loony bins? He couldn’t leave anything to chance. He wanted to get his hands on O’Hara and wanted that as soon as possible.

Walking towards one of the sitting rooms, Jonah stopped in the doorway. That wasn’t Robert!

Feeling uncharacteristically uncomfortable like he was trespassing in his own home, Jonah faltered, unwilling to disturb Teagan as she stared transfixed out of the window into the garden. She looked a damn sight different to the other times he’d seen her – stunning, in fact.

With hesitation, he cleared his throat, watching Teagan jump and swing around in his direction. ‘Don’t let me startle you,’ he said, momentarily knocked off balance with the sadness visible in the woman’s eyes. ‘I’m looking for Robert.’

Teagan blinked, unable to say anything, her heart racing. This was Jonah Powell? It had to be.

Jonah walked into the room and outstretched his hand, trying his best not to appear intimidating. He could almost smell Teagan’s fear. ‘I don’t think we’ve properly met? I’m Jonah Powell. Teagan, isn’t it?’

Swallowing her nerves, Teagan took Jonah’s hand, surprised by the warmth. What had she expected? A cold reptilian grasp? He wasn’t his brother, remember.

Clasping her hand, Jonah smiled. ‘Glad to see you up and about. Can I get you a drink?’ He didn’t really have time for this, but he should make the effort to allay the woman’s nerves. She was clearly terrified and there had been enough misery.

Teagan flushed, knowing the last time this man saw her she was in a state she would have preferred no one to have seen, but the feel of someone else’s hand was like soothing balm. Despite yearning to cling on to Jonah’s hand for longer, she pulled it away. ‘Robert’s gone out,’ she spluttered. ‘I-I’m not sure where.’

‘Whisky ok?’ Jonah asked, glancing over his shoulder as he poured two large measures. Why had Adams gone out suddenly?

Teagan faltered, then nodded. She shouldn’t really have a drink, but she was suddenly desperate for Jonah’s company. Anyone’s company. If she had a drink with him he’d stay, wouldn’t he? Was that so wrong of her? Or was it just plain pathetic?

Jonah placed both crystal tumblers on the coffee table and shrugging his suit jacket off, flopped into a chair, gesturing for Teagan to do likewise. ‘Apologies if I honk. The air con has packed up in my motor.’

Aware he was spouting nonsense rather than acknowledging his brother’s misdeeds, Jonah knew he should at least say something. Wasn’t skirting around it insulting to this woman? His brows furrowed. Although conversely, Robert had made it clear she was struggling and he didn’t want her kicking off.

Despite this, he couldn’t help but study Teagan perched uncomfortably on the edge of the opposite armchair, clearly nervous in his presence, but beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful.

He waited until Teagan finally raised her eyes. ‘I want to say I’m sorry for what my brother did to you. I can offer no excuses, and nor would I, because there aren’t any. Neither can I change it, otherwise I would. I know you’re uncomfortable being here, but we aren’t all like him.’

Teagan swallowed and nodded, finding herself unable to drag her eyes away from the penetrating ice-blue of Jonah Powell’s gaze. She hadn’t expected him to broach that subject and now he had, she didn’t quite know what to say.

‘Is there anything you need? Anything at all?’

Jonah’s gravelly voice vibrated over Teagan and she shook her head. ‘You don’t need to apologise for your brother’s actions,’ she croaked, her throat dry. But it was nice that he had. Robert’s insinuations that

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