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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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fiddled with the paper napkin in her hand, twiddling the end into a point. ‘No, it’s nothing like that. I thought we were becoming friends, but now he can’t even bear to look at me...’

‘And you thought there could be something more?’ Gwen asked. That Robert Adams was a strange one. Far too detached to suit Teagan, who was open and warm – the complete opposite. And there was something about him. Nero felt it too, she knew he did.

Teagan’s eyes widened. ‘God, no! Definitely not.’ She looked down sadly. ‘We were arguing the day... the day that man took me...’

‘Men aren’t great at dealing with certain things, sweetheart. It’s early days.’ Gwen focused on Teagan. ‘Apart from that, how are you feeling now? I mean, really feeling?’

‘Sometimes I’m ok, other times I’m wracked with disgust.’ Teagan inspected her wrists. All that was now left were smooth red scars and even those would probably fade further with time. ‘Physically I’m much better, but not quite so in here.’ She tapped her head. ‘In here, I’m a mess.’ She twisted the napkin further. ‘Everyone has betrayed me. Joe, Dulcie, even myself...’

‘You’ve done nothing wrong,’ Gwen reminded Teagan. ‘You must keep sight of that..’

‘But people are dead because of my stupidity.’ Teagan felt the tell-tale sting of tears. ‘My actions caused people’s deaths.’

‘Their actions caused their deaths, not yours,’ Gwen said sternly.

‘And I’m not comfortable being around these people.’ Teagan looked up at Gwen hastily. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean you. I sound dreadfully ungrateful, don’t I? Jonah has allowed us to stay here and I know it was down to him that I was found, but... this violence... It terrifies me...’

She looked back at the house. ‘I’m staying somewhere that several people were killed, but I can’t remember anything about it. I don’t even know if I was there when any of it happened. I don’t even know what happened. Robert won’t go into detail...’

Gwen pursed her lips. So Teagan presumed it was Jonah who had killed Saul? ‘I’ve worked for Jonah for years and his father before him. I can tell you straight up that Jonah is one of the most decent people out there. Despite what you may think, he has good values.’

Teagan looked down at her hands. ‘I didn’t mean to insult anyone, I...’

Gwen squeezed Teagan’s hand again. ‘I know what you’re saying, but Jonah really is a good man. I won’t deny that the firm he runs includes things many people would shrink away from, but he’s not a lunatic. He’s fair and extremely loyal - not like his brother. Now that one was despicable.’

Watching Teagan pale, Gwen smiled. ‘I won’t pussy-foot around. Men deal with problems by either ignoring them or removing them, but I don’t!’ She laughed to herself, then her face grew serious. ‘Saul was a certifiable nut-job. Aside from a list of things too long to mention, the guy was dangerous. A psychopath. I know what he did to you... He deserved everything that happened to him. It’s good riddance too.’

Teagan was almost relieved someone had spoken of what had occurred out loud and in a strange way, it helped. ‘Robert’s gone to Jonah’s club today. He said he’s doing some work there?’

‘From what I gather, he’s helping with the IT side.’ That was sort of true. ‘Jonah needs someone he can trust, like we all do and Robert might be a moody one, but he’s got balls, I’ll give him that!’

Teagan frowned. ‘Robert’s changed. I can see something behind his eyes.’ She twisted her hands in her lap. ‘He looks at me strangely. What Saul did...’

Gwen smiled and patted Teagan’s hand. ‘Robert’s a bit cold, I agree, but what man is going to think any less of someone because of an attack?’

Teagan looked at Gwen hopefully. ‘I hope you’re right.’

Gwen pursed her lips. She had to change the subject otherwise she might let slip that she wasn’t at all sure about Robert. She topped up Teagan’s water. She wanted to personally extract Saul Powell from whichever block of metal at the car crushers he was embedded in and kill him again for what he’d done. ‘Now have a drink of that. It’s getting hot out here. Oh...!’

Hearing a phone buzzing, Gwen reached into her bag, her heart plummeting realising it was Lena’s.

With fumbling hands, she retrieved the mobile and stared at the screen. UR. The second time he’d called today. He’d called yesterday too and like she’d promised Jonah, she’d texted back adopting the same language Lena would use in her replies. She’d said she’d call him back when she could, but she couldn’t. And Lena certainly couldn’t...

‘Is everything alright?’ Teagan frowned.

‘Yes.’ Gwen smiled. ‘Just one of those annoying withheld numbers. I’m getting besieged with them. It must be the time of year for double glazing quotes and phone upgrades.’ She laughed loudly, until the phone buzzed with a text notification:

From: UR

You said you’d call? Are you ok? We are arrivg Fri and need to know where we are stayg? Everything still on? Call me. Ron x

Gwen shoved the phone back in her bag. O’Hara was definitely suspicious. ‘That was Jonah,’ she lied. ‘I need to pop over to the club. Will you be ok on your own for an hour?’

Teagan looked around, flustered. ‘Oh, erm... I...’

‘There’s a problem with the rota. They’ll never sort it out without me.’

Teagan smiled. ‘I’ll be fine.’ It was about time she got herself back to normal. She couldn’t have babysitters for ever. ‘And Gwen, thank you.’

‘What for?’

‘For being so nice. You’ve made such a difference to everything and I really appreciate it.’

Standing up, Gwen pulled Teagan into a hug. ‘You don’t need to thank me, sweetheart. Now go and have a chill-out inside away from this midday sun. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’

Fifty Four

TEAGAN HAD TRIED RELAXING in the bedroom, but she couldn’t stop her mind flinching from all the noises: the crack of

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