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Book online «Season of Sacrifice (Blood of Azure Book 1) Jonathan Michael (red novels .txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Michael

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back in her seat. “Flight chamber, perhaps. But I’ve never seen them in there. So, somewhere within the Redwood Chamber, I suppose. Where he keeps all his business. That place is lined with corridors and rooms unknown to most. But it would be silly to try—”

“It’s an option I need to consider.” I cut her off. “What about you? What’s your plan?”

“Well…I haven’t really thought that far ahead either. The lady in red was a rather long hiccup in my daily routine. I don’t have anyone to go back to except Gunther. My family is…” She interlaces her fingers and fiddles her thumbs. She doesn’t finish her sentence.

I can only suspect bereavement.

She continues. “My two closest friends were murdered by Ellia.”

“I’m sorry. I assumed you knew them, but…” I trail off, unsure how to console her. “So, Ellia is the Woman-in-Red?” I ask, more concerned about the criminal than her dead friends. Is that egotistical?


At last! A name to attach to Jay’s captor.

“I don’t wish to judge, but she was so vile. So offensive. The only reason she can be called a woman is because of her physical characteristics. There is no lady in her whatsoever. You know, Stone—”

“Please, call me Elder.” I interject and look about the lounge. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me, but none of them are looking. “Elder Alderock is my name now. I must leave my past in the Broken Forest along with my home.”

“Oh. Of course, an alias to protect yourself. Elder.” She corrects herself and continues to what she was saying before I interrupted. “I was thinking…” she looks down at the table we’re seated at. “How would you like to prevent situations like this in the future?”

“What do you mean? What situations?” I ask. “Do you mean my sister being abducted by a tyrant for a crime she didn’t commit? How could we possibly prevent that?”

“No.” She shakes her head quizzically. “Situations in which you cannot control the outcome of survival.”

I respond with my own puzzled expression.

“I mean…wouldn’t you have liked to prevent having to bring Jaymes to me in the first place? If you would have been able to heal her yourself, she would never have been captured. Correct?”

“That sounds extreme. I don’t think it’s up to me whether someone lives or dies, but yes, of course I would like to have healed Jay myself. And I might’ve been able to if it wasn’t for Goose’s foolish decision. What are you suggesting?”

“You don’t have a home, right? And you’ll be in limbo waiting for them to return, so why not fill that time by educating yourself? I know all there is about provisional healing, but it’s not enough. I was thinking, if you joined the Academy to improve your knowledge of the Seasonal Sciences, then the two of us together could create a specialized healing clinic for those in need. What do you think, Stone? I mean, Elder.”

“That is absurd! The only reason I’m here is to find my sister. I don’t have time for side ventures.”

“The night we met, I recall your childhood dream was to become a Noxelite. That or to play for the Iron Eagles. No?”

“Yes. But that was my past. And I must leave my past behind. What of it?”

“This is your opportunity,” she asserts and reaches across the table to cradle my hands.

Her touch is gentle, welcoming. And her scent… It’s reminiscent of the meadows in the Great Oak Forest. My true home. It puts me at ease.

“It sounds profitable, but it’s a loaded question. There’s a lot of risk. I’m not exactly a free man. The Taoiseach is clearly determined to eliminate the McLarin family. And the Academy is controlled by him. Sounds a bit too close to the lion’s teeth if you ask me. Besides, from what I know, the Academy is not for the poor. I have nothing. I can’t even afford a room at the Shalesheep Inn.” I turn my coin pouch upside down. “Plus, think about the immense amount of dedication it will require. I’d be far too distracted to take it seriously. I can’t, Astor. It’s impossible.”

“It’s time to start your life, Sto… Elder. When have you ever had an opportunity to seek out what you wanted? Not something essential, obligated, or forced, but something you simply desired. You’re in limbo. You have time.”

“Well, I have tasted a small sample in my short time here…” I don’t expand on what it is I’ve been doing.

“And have you enjoyed it?”

“Uh…yes,” I stammer shamefully.

“Then, let’s turn your life around. Make it yours again. Your sister is safe, I promise. You can do this, Elder.”

“The answer is no, Astor. I can’t. Not until I know for certain Jay is no longer in peril. I just can’t.”

Humiliation is not sought after or coveted by any man. Yet, it benefits us all. The knowledge embedded within humility is unique to each individual and, therefore, should be held with the highest of achievements. Yet we deter it and shame it as though it doesn't belong in our lives. We are immature, to say the least. All of us.

27 Goose

T he villagers are a rowdy group. As I lie awake massaging away a headache to recover from the night prior, I relive some of the moments and ponder on the personalities I’ve become acquainted with. The villagers, as a whole, are wise and composed when necessary, but the enthusiasm behind their celebrations is incomparable. In my time here, maybe a month has gone by, and they have celebrated every evening. Even the Redcliffe Warriors themselves, Graytu included, refuse to omit themselves from the merrymaking. I find myself enjoying the stay, but it’s proving to be a huge distraction.

Nearly every day for a score of days now, I have visited the crossing,

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