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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Dana Mentink (e books free to read TXT) 📖». Author Dana Mentink

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nodded and gestured with her chin toward Henry. “Don’t feel like you have to wait for me.”

Nora followed her gaze and met Henry’s smiling eyes. Don’t worry, she thought. I don’t intend to. But the real question swirling in her mind was if Henry was ready to open his heart again to her.

Maya slipped into the SUV and was driven away with the other officers escorting Frank and Lizzie and Lou.

“It’s been quite a night,” Zach gushed as he approached. “The DEA think Frank’s arrest was done quietly enough, that with your sister’s help, they can still do a raid on Copper City and catch all the guys coming to deliver and pick up the drugs this weekend.”

Nora’s head spun slightly with the influx of information as the sheriff approached with water bottles and protein bars for her and Henry. She sipped the water heartily, though her arm protested from the effort of even lifting the plastic bottle. The next few days were going to hurt.

The sheriff looked between her and Henry as Zach kept rattling off information, some of which she already knew about, namely Bobby being safe and waiting back at the lodge. “Zach, I think we can get their statements tomorrow,” the sheriff finally said. “Why don’t you head home before your wife thinks I let the wolves get you?”

Zach nodded solemnly and waved goodbye before heading for his vehicle.

The sheriff held out a set of keys to Henry. “Lizzie still had your keys, which corroborated Maya’s story. Plus, the vehicles in the parking lot at the lodge. We dusted your truck for fingerprints. It’s good to go now but still sitting in your driveway.”

Henry’s eyes widened. “I’m glad I had a team to back me up.”

The sheriff offered a sad smile, likely still recovering from the news about Carl. “I’m going to see if the DEA is ready to wrap up here.” He gestured at the three officers who appeared to be having a hearty discussion with Perry while he was being tended to on a stretcher. “I’ll give you two a ride home when you’re ready,” he said as he walked away.

The coyotes howled and the wind blew. The moonlight streamed through the jostling leaves and branches. Henry stepped closer, his eyes never wavering from her face. Even though she knew he was thinking of what to say, his intense stare had the same effect she imagined it would on one of his suspects. She was ready to talk.

“So…do you think you’re completely over that fear of water?”

He took another step closer and her feet seemed rooted to the spot. “Absolutely.” The right side of his mouth lifted in the way that used to make her swoon. “As long as you’re guiding.”

“What?” She chuckled. “But you don’t like to take orders from anyone.”

“Oh, I’ve discovered going it alone is not nearly as fun as I made it look to be.”

She laughed but stopped short as the paramedics released the hydraulic lift on the stretcher and began wheeling Perry in their direction. Perry saluted with his left hand, then turned his head to look behind him at the EMT steering. “I called it, you know. I knew they’d get back together.”

The man gave an amused glance at Henry and Nora as her cheeks and neck flamed with heat despite the cool temperatures and her damp hair. The paramedics continued to wheel Perry to the waiting ambulance. “Uh, do you want to correct him or should I?” Nora asked.

Henry shook his head. “I’d really like him to be right.”

The wind gusted against her back and she fought to stay upright. “What?”

He reached for her shoulders, offering her balance. “Nora, would you ever consider…” He looked up at the moon, as if searching for the right thing to say. “I mean… The point is…”

Her throat swelled with emotion. She didn’t know what he was trying to communicate, but she was going to burst if she didn’t get one thing she was sure about off her chest. “I love you.”

His eyes widened and he looked in such a state of shock that if the paramedics were still there, they’d probably have been concerned. “You do?”

His gentle smile returned. He wrapped his arms around the emergency blanket still draped over her shoulders and pulled her closer. “I love you, too,” he said softly. He bent and touched his lips to hers, warming her from her head to her toes. He pulled away, almost hesitant. “Are you sure? With everything going on you might need time to process.”

“I’ve never been so sure.”

He grinned. “Well, then that settles it.”

She moved her arms to around his neck and kissed him with the promise of many more to come.

Three Months Later

“The Killer’s just around the bend,” Henry said. “How about we stop for a picnic?”

“It’s not even noon yet, though. I thought you wanted to get farther down the river.”

“I decided I can’t wait.”

She laughed. “I think Bobby has made you more sandwiches this season than I can count. You’re not getting sick of them?”

He pointed to the bank as a way of answering. The river rafting season had started a month later than planned but, to everyone’s surprise, Angela, from World Travel Magazine, had been happy to reschedule. The interview grew into the story about the rafting company’s part in solving a cold case and shutting down a major drug operation.

In fact, Nora had been interviewed by more regional and national press reporters than she could count. But she hadn’t minded. It was her parting gift to Aunt Linda and Bobby, who had teamed up to manage the rafting company together. They had plans to work all summer, then travel together to Chile to work the rest of the year. Maybe she would get the uncle she’d always wanted.

Nora slapped the oar playfully against the water, splashing Henry. He laughed and sent the water splashing right back at her.

When they reached the shore, he jumped out first and pulled the kayak farther

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