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Alzheimer’s disease, 177;

parsley, as blood purifier, 96

potatoes: benefits from, 31, 32–vitamin B complex, 73, 137; passionflower, 163

35; compress for headaches,

vitamin C for flu or colds,

Pascal, Blaise, 51

138; for congestion, 31, 82,

72, 73, 137; vitamin P, 179;

Pavlov, Ivan, 69

216; for dizziness, 176; for

vitamin teas, 96–97, 169,

peanut allergies, 86, 89

headaches, 137; history of,


penicillin, 11–12, 86


Index @ 305

potato starch, 35

relaxation: aromatherapy for,


prescription drugs: chemicals

193, 280; baths for, 166–67,

sage: for colds/cleansing, 76;

in, 26, 154–55, 167; cost of,

223; colors blue or green

essential oil from, 223; for


for, 107; communing with

insomnia, 168; purifying

preservation action of bogs,

Mother Nature as, 209

environment with, 222; for


respiratory health support: aloe,

rejuvenating bath, 120; in tea

preventive medicine, 28

220; aromatherapy, 212;

with thyme and linden, 191

preventive natural remedies:

garlic, 220; grapes, 43; linden

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, 83

for allergies, 87, 95–98; for

and oregano, 210; nettle

salad dressing, 87

Alzheimer’s disease, 177; for

mixture, 102; pine bath, 217;

salicine, 77

asthmatic attacks, 217; for

rosemary, 214

salty bath, 60, 115

atherosclerosis, 18, 80; citrus

rheumatism remedies: birch

sandalwood, 193, 212

fruits, 80–81; potato juice,

vodka or tincture, 58;

sauerkraut, for healthy gums,

33; rose hips, 64–65.

buckwheat, 179; cyclamen,


See also exercise; garlic

245; garden radish juice, 29;

sauna baths, 156–57, 238

primrose, 137

grapes, 38; lilac-based, 206;

scarlet flower story, 122–25

Pushkin, Alexander, 237, 238

linden, 57

sclerosis, buckwheat for, 179

pustules, garlic cloves for, 9

rhinitis, 85, 86, 91, 103–4.

sea salt, in lotion for allergyQ

See also sinus problems

related colds, 115

rice powder massage, 215

quince, 210

sedatives, 162–64, 166; about,

Riesling grapes, 44–45


167; chemical drugs, 26;

Romance drink for colds or

colors navy blue and green,

radiation, buckwheat for, 179

flu, 74

107; Greater celandine, 83;

raisins: benefits from, 46, 47,

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 126

honey, 61; hops-filled pillow,

210; warning about, 45

rose hips: for allergic

213; lemon balm, 145;

raspberries, for colds/cleansing,

reactions, 119; for asthma,

linden, 137; primrose, 137.

56–57, 68, 77, 79

219; for cleansing, 96; for

See also valerian

raspberry leaves and root, 70,

colds or flu, 57, 59, 73,

Self-Heal, 10, 104

138, 219

74, 76; for dermatitis, 100;

Semillon grapes, 44–45

reading books, 200, 224–25,

for energy, 186, 188; for

Seneca, 151, 184


flu, 70, 82; preserves from,

senna, for colds or flu, 73

“Reasons for Visiting

187; rose hips, 64–65, 66,

Shakespeare, William, 53, 150,

Physicians” (DHHS), 175

74; in vitamin teas, 169,

184, 202, 227

recipes: for buckwheat,


Shaw, Bernard, 56

180–81; Cleansing Maid, 87;

rose hips liqueur with vodka,

shepherd’s purse, for bleeding,

Cold Punch, 170; farmer’s



cheese, 95; grape compote,

rosemary, 164, 193, 214

shingles, grapevine tears for, 50

48; Mama’s Onion Salad,

rose oil, 192

Siberian elder. See black elder

98; Mary’s Root powder,

rose petals, 122

silver fir besoms, 238

103; Milk Punch, 170; for

roses, 122, 193, 214, 223

sinus problems, 103–4; allergic

preserves, 187; Red Wheels

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 198

rhinitis, 85, 86, 91; beets for,

salads, 19; salad dressing,

rowan trees, 243–44, 251

18, 60; chronic sinusitis, 85;

87; stuffed grape leaves, 49;

rue, for insomnia, 165

headaches, 145–46; onion

Sunny Berry Punch, 170

rum, for healthy hair, 30

drops for, 63; sources of, 88,

red bilberries, 58, 216

“Ruslan and Ludmila,” 152–53

89; symptoms of, 91

red onions, for headaches, 146

Russian proverbs, 20, 71, 111,

skin disorders. See dermatitis

red wine. See wine

150, 184, 259


redwood trees, 258

rutin, 179

skin health, singing for, 121

rejuvenating baths for children,

rye flowers for rejuvenating

sleep: allergies from lack of,


bath, 119, 120

90; chemicals for, 26; for

306 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

cleansing, 55, 98; greater

lemon balm, 144–45; milk,

tiredness. See fatigue

celandine for, 83; herbal bath

69; oat straw, 83. See also

Tolstoi, Alexei, 51

for, 60; honey in warm water

managing stress; sedatives

Tolstoy, Leo, 84

for, 61; milk for, 178; modes

stroke, buckwheat for, 179

tomato slices, for corns, 30

(categories) of, 154. See also

strychnine poisoning, grapes

tonsillitis, 61


for, 37

toxins: accumulation of, 53, 87,

sleeping pills, 154–55

stuffed grape leaves, 49

133, 238; air pollution, 108–smoking, allergic reactions

success, rules for attaining,

9, 211, 216, 236; irritants

to, 89


that provoke allergies, 88–89;

snakeskin, 130

sundew, for asthma, 219

rose water for clearing, 122.

“Snowdrop” (Andersen), 194,

sunflower oil, for respiratory

See also entries beginning with


system, 59


socks, soaking in water, 139

sunlight and colors, 106–7

traditional medicine: about,

soldiers’ wounds heal with

sunlight, for throat, 68

7–8; for allergies, 93,

sphagnum moss, 14–15

Sunny Berry Punch recipe, 170

94–95; chemical drugs, 26,

sore throat, 33, 68–69, 81, 89

sweet clover, for insomnia, 164

154–55, 167; consulting

Southern Night balm, 168

Sweet Kiss drink, 68

with, 111; faith vs., 13;

sphagnum (peat moss), for

swollen glands, sources of, 89

medical irritants, 88; medical

wounds, 14–16

symptoms: of allergies, 91–93;

mistakes, 26–27; natural

Spinoza, Baruch, 51

of anemia, 138; of colds or

medicine and, 11, 16–17

spirits of ammonia vapors for

flu, 53, 72; of food allergies,

tranquilizers, 154

headache, 136

89; headache triggers and,

travel sickness, crystallized

spiritual health, 6

132–33; of stress, 37, 189

ginger for, 10

Spock, Benjamin, 126


trees: about, 258; healing power

sprains, daisies for, 10

talc massage, 215

of, 240–41, 245–46; human

Starfield, Barbara, 26–27

“Tale of the Firebird, Tsarevich

aspects of, 244; Latin names

Steinbeck, John, 84

Ivan and the Gray Wolf,”

for, 276–81; as talismans,

stimulating aromas, list of,

170, 171–72

230–38, 248, 254–57

193, 280

Talmud, 17

Trees (Kilmer), 247

St. John’s Wort: about,

tangerines, 81

tree soldiers of the emerald

142; for colds or flu, 73;

tannins, 61

forest, 108–9, 238

for dermatitis, 100; for

tea parties, 3–4

trembling, cause of, 190

insomnia, 164; for nervous

teas: calming, 168–69; vitamin,

Trio drink for colds or flu, 76

disorders, 143

96–97, 169, 238–39

tuberculosis, remedies for, 33,

stomach. See digestive system

tension-type headaches, 133

37, 210, 220

stories, list of, 294

terminology, 288–90

tuberose, 33

storks, stories about, 45–46

tetracycline, 12–13

Tuckerman, Henry Theodore,

strawberries, 68, 117, 144

Theophrastus, 275–76


strawberry leaves, 98, 102,

Thoreau, Henry David, 21, 51,

tumors, remedies for, 18, 19,

138, 219

110, 246


stress as distress: about,

“Three Daughters, Three Trees”

Turgenev, Ivan, 259

185; author’s experience

(Grandma), 241, 242–43

turnip, 29, 162, 218

of, 186–89, 193–94;

thyme: for allergic reactions,

“Twelve Months,” 53–54

differentiating healthy stress

119; for asthma, 219;

from, 189–90; sources of,

as disinfectant, 222; for


26, 190; symptoms of, 37,

headaches, 64, 146; for

ulcers, beets for, 18

132–33, 189

insomnia, 164, 168; for

“Under the Willow Tree”

stress, remedies for: chamomile

rejuvenating bath, 120; in tea

(Anderson), 77, 78

bath, 166–67; grape juice,

with sage and linden, 191

urinary tract health, 37, 102

37; Greater celandine, 83;

Tibetan remedy for fatigue, 210

uterine bleeding, 48

Index @ 307


vitamin B complex, 73, 137

dill, for sleep, 160, 168; from

valerian: about, 142; for allergic

vitamin C for flu or colds, 72,

elderberries, 82; in herbal

reactions, 105; in calming

73, 137

bath, 73; for insomnia, 160;

tea, 168, 169; essential oil

vitamin P, 179

for longevity and vitality,

from, 223; for headaches,

vitamin teas, 96–97, 169,

141; for mucus dilution, 216;

141; for insomnia, 163, 164,


in punch recipes, 170; for

165, 166, 168; for insomnia

Vitis-Isabella grapes, 44

respiratory disorders, 220; for

or nervousness, 141–42, 157;

vodka, 102, 115, 168, 176. See

Sweet Kiss recovery drink, 68

for relaxing bath, 166

also nastoykas

winter in Moldova, Russia,

“Valley of Flowers,” 268,

Vogel, H. C. A., 88



Vostokov, Victor F., 245

Wolfe, Thomas, 84

vanilla extract, 81, 170


women: stress levels of, 185;

vapors. See inhalation therapy

working away from home,

walnuts: for cleansing, 177;

varicose eczema, 92


for fatigue

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