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Book online «Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Livin Svetlana Konnikova (life books to read txt) 📖». Author Svetlana Konnikova

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and headaches,

vascular health support:

wood betony, for flu, 76

beets, 18; citrus fruits, 80;

210; for immune system,

Wooden Leg, 260

gooseberries, 105; grapes, 45;

47; for nervous system, 38;

Wordsworth, William, 202

milk, 69; rose hips tea, 59.

in Red Wheels salads, 19; in

working women, stress levels

See also blood circulation

Vitachella, 22–23

of, 185

vegetable puree for infants, 114

warts, apples for, 30

World Health Organization, 27

vegetables: for breaking a fast,

weight loss, 30, 107

wound remedies: agrimony

70; for cleansing, 98; as

wheat bran for rejuvenating

bath, 101; aloe, 12; cabbage

“food therapy,” 144; Latin

bath, 119, 120

juice, 99; calendula, 145;

names for, 276–81. See also

white oak bark, 61

moss, 14–15; St. John’s Wort,

specific vegetables

white willow bark, 77

142; yarrow leaves, 10

vegetative neurosis, violet for,

white wine. See wine



Wigmore, Ann, 178

Yalta, discovery of, 232–33

verbena, 245

wild lettuce/garden lettuce,

yarrow: in calming tea, 168; for

Verzilin, Nikolai, 14

66, 162

eczema, 101; for insomnia,

Vindemiatrix (grape star),

wild marjoram: for allergic

168; for metabolism, 116; for


reactions, 119; for asthma,

rejuvenating bath, 119; for

vinegar: for asthmatic attack,

218, 220; for colds/cleansing,

wounds and nosebleed, 10

215; for bathing, 73, 223;

56–57; for insomnia, 164,

yeast growth, 92

compress, for headache, 135;

165; for rejuvenating bath,

yellow melilot, for insomnia,

for rheumatism, 38. See also

119, 120; for sore throat,


apple cider vinegar

68–69; in vitamin teas, 239

viral infections, 61

willow bark, 58, 59, 77, 219


Vitachella, 22–23

wine: antioxidants in, 40; with

Zyrtec, 94–95

308 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies


Michael Vescolli, The Celtic Tree Calendar. Your Tree Sign and You. Translated from German by Rosemary Dear. London: Souvenir Press, Ltd. Copyright ©

1999 by Souvenir Press and Rosemary Dear. The Celtic Tree Calendar, p.6

reprinted by permission of the publisher.

Credits @ 309



extend my heartfelt thanks to those who have contributed to this book. I greatly appreciate the expertise, advice and encouragement from my favorite doctors, Anna Maria Clement and Brian Clement, codirectors of Hippocrates Health Institute (West Palm Beach, Florida). Many thanks to Jan Marie Werblin Kemp who laid the groundwork for this book, supported me with all my ideas, and taught me that if you have a dream, go for it.

Loving thanks to Judy King, for helping refine my manuscript, for her integrity, and sense of quality and loyalty which is truly rare to find today. Special thanks to my illustrator Anatoli Smishliaev. Your encouragement, beloved friendship and creativity are greatly appreciated. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the creation of this book to:

^ all the wise, insightful women in my family;

^ the happy memory of my grandma, grandpa, and my wonderful, erudite father;

^ my wise, protective Mama Lubov (her name means “love” in English) for her expertise, support, devotion, and constant love. Her presence in my life is invaluable;

^ my husband, Greg; and my sons, Vitaly and Yuri, who encouraged me to go for my dreams and are the dearest and most treasured people in my life.

I love all of you—you are the best.

310 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies



ichael Mby ©


’s photo


A Note About the Author

Svetlana Konnikova grew up in Moldova (located between Romania and Ukraine) amidst medical professionals active in natural medicine, folk healers and herbalists, grape growers and winemakers. Svetlana holds a master’s degree in journalism from Moscow State University and an associate’s degree in nursing. While living in the former Soviet Union she wrote nonfiction books, many award-winning television scripts and hosted several television shows, including Listen and Learn, Masterpieces of World Literature and Science and Life. She is a member of the American Botanical Council and an avid researcher of herbal medicines, healthy lifestyles and holistic health practices that combine contemporary thought with the world’s great spiritual, cultural and healing traditions.

www.aurorapublishers.com www.mamashomeremedies.com

A Note About the Author @ 311

I didn’t get here by dreaming about it or thinking about it

–I got here by doing it.

— Estée Lauder, cosmetics company founder

Editors: Jan Marie Werblin Kemp, Judy King

Cover design by Janice M. Phelps

Book design by Peri Poloni-Gabriel, www.knockoutbooks.com

Layout design by Monica Thomas

Index by Melody Englund

A. S.





Vividly descriptive, helpful and nurturing, this ultimate natural home remedies book arrives just in time to help you change the way you live and think about life’s dilemma—how to improve and maintain your health and happiness for many years to come. Colorful y written with al -inclusive artist’s palette, Mama’s Home Remedies presents to the reader a spectacular kaleidoscopic tapestry woven of centuries-old herbal remedies, timeless techniques and concepts, intel ectual rigor and joyful y recounted anecdotes and folk tales, women’s wisdom, family values and traditions, artistical y rendered il ustrations and an abundance of humor—al that we hold sacred in life. Many years ago Mama would gather “the girls” (medical professionals like she was) for tea each Friday in her fragrant, blossoming garden in Moldova. Under a canopy of trees fil ed with birdsong they’d strengthen their bond of friendship and share stories of the success they’d achieved using natural remedies to treat and heal their patients and neighbors. As each woman recounted her experiences, Mama’s daughter, 12-year-old Svetlana, sat attentively on a bench recording in her journal “recipes” for teas, tinctures, infusions and poultices. Mama’s Home Remedies is a col ection of the abundant knowledge of natural health and healing that the young Svetlana garnered in Mama’s tea garden, intertwined with her grandmother’s fairy tales, family vignettes, legends and herbal lore. Fil ed with easy-to-make, natural,

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