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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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I’d check because you asked me to, but no one answered, so that’s all there is to say.’

His teeth grated. He needed quiet and concentration and to discover the upshot of whether his plan had worked. That was the only thing of any value. Until he got confirmation of that, he could not be disturbed.

‘I’m just trying to help. I...’

‘You’re not helping. You never have!’ Robert’s temper ignited. ‘Furthermore, I don’t need your help. I’ve had nothing but problems since you arrived. If it wasn’t for y...’

‘If it wasn’t for me?’ Teagan interrupted, her voice small.

Robert banged his fist on the table. He couldn’t think. He hadn’t been able to think straight for what felt like centuries because of her. Because of them. Because of everything.

Teagan felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. So he did blame her? ‘Why won’t you just explain?’

Robert swung around, his eyes wild. ‘Because I don’t want to! I was quite happy with my life before.  Then you and her are suddenly in my flat, giving me no space. Interfering...’

He had done alright most of his adult like by keeping himself to himself. Being alone meant no problems. It was easier that way. His mother had always said being alone helped his inability to fit in. Yeah, his mother... and she was always right, wasn’t she?

Putting Robert’s dismissal to one side, Teagan felt she had to keep trying. He was clearly upset. He’d always tried to do his best for her before, hadn’t he? Biting back the tears, she moved closer. ‘Please tell me what’s bothering you. Is it Dulcie? I know you’re worried regardless of what you say. And you’re still here for me an...’

‘You know nothing!’ Robert snarled. ‘I’m still here only because I have to be.’ She needed to shut up. She should always have shut up. He couldn’t listen. It only led to disappointment and distraction. And as far as his mother... He’d already ended that, but just because the bitch had given him life, that didn’t mean she’d be taking his freedom as a parting shot from beyond the grave. No way! It wasn’t difficult - all he wanted to know was if his plan for her and that Pointer twat had worked. Why hadn’t there been any news bulletins and why couldn’t everyone leave him alone?

Teagan placed her hand on Robert’s shoulder, feeling him tense at her touch. ‘I know this is difficult and I also know you didn’t mean those dreadful things you said earlier.’

Robert threw Teagan’s hand off, her touch making him cringe. ‘Get the fuck off!’ he screamed, his eyes narrowing. ‘You see? You’re doing it again – thinking you know what I’m thinking when you don’t. And for the record, I meant everything I said! You disgust me!’

‘What’s happened to you?’ Teagan cried, the malice in Robert’s eyes making her step back. ‘Why are you being like this?’

‘I’ve always been like this!’ he snarled. ‘And you and my mother have made it worse, that’s what.’

‘Me? What have I done?’ Teagan gabbled, her hands trembling.

Robert glared at Teagan, his eyes burning. ‘What do you think? If you hadn’t have done what you did with that freak, then... then... Oh, what does it matter? Everything is ruined and it’s because of you.’ Robert’s hatred burnt into his laptop as he looked for a BBC bulletin notification. Still nothing. Why was nothing being reported? Had his call been ignored?

Tears poured down Teagan’s cheeks. ‘How can you say that? I-I didn’t get a lot of choice. I can’t believe that y...’

‘Everyone has a choice, Teagan and you made yours.’

For a moment Teagan stood frozen with hurt before running from the room.

JONAH STOOD TO THE LEFT of the doorway taken aback with everything he’d heard Robert Adams utter, any respect he’d initially had for the man diminishing rapidly. Was the man crazy? He knew what Saul had done, so how could he say all of those things?

As Teagan blindly stumbled through the door straight into him, Jonah had no choice but to grab her to prevent her from crashing headlong into his chest. His hands gripped her upper arms and he silently searched her eyes as she stared up at him, almost blind in her distress.

He was still simmering with anger over what had happened last time he’d seen her. Not anger for her, but anger for himself. Admitting to a total stranger that he’d fallen for Lena’s lies couldn’t have made it more obvious how bloody stupid he’d been and he resented that. Plus Teagan thought, or had been led to believe that he’d killed Lena. She believed he’d killed all of them. Jonah clenched his teeth. He’d seen her face – it had reeked of horror and disgust.

Normally, it wouldn’t bother him, but this time it did. It really bothered him. Why had he not just told her the truth?

Jonah swallowed his growing anger. Why did he care what she thought or what anyone thought? Because what she believed made him seem incompetent, that’s why... Or was it because he hadn’t liked seeing the disgust for what she perceived he had done?

But now there was this problem and this made him even angrier. Seeing the raw pain in Teagan’s eyes, fresh rage churned. ‘He’s wrong,’ he growled.

Choking back a sob, Teagan pulled herself from Jonah’s grip and without a word, rushed off in the opposite direction.

Jonah watched Teagan’s retreating figure disappearing up the corridor and he turned back towards the room containing Robert Adams, his brows knitted with pent-up fury. How could Adams treat the woman like any of this was her fault? Like she was damaged goods no one would want? And on top of treating the woman like a piece of shit, Adams had been around to Dulcie’s house even though he’d made it clear that everyone was to stay away?

Hearing the tapping of a keyboard, Jonah glanced back at the door. Adams would have to move to one of his satellite properties

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