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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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self-obsessed, selfish shit and he wasn’t putting up with it anymore. Neither would he put up with his constant jibes.

Mike knew he’d screwed up and hadn’t dealt with things in the best way or the way he probably should have done, but he was trying to protect his family. That was all he’d ever tried to do.

So, he’d never been overly-enamoured with Heath’s hair-brained idea of recouping his grandfather’s stolen goods. He’d always endeavoured to stay the right side of the law and apart from a few suspect expenses he’d put through the books over the years, he had. And he was proud he’d done it that way. Mike had felt increasingly uncomfortable over Heath’s penchant to chase after the other side of things – for one, he’d had first hand experience of what being involved in that sort of thing led to. It had ruined his father’s life, as well as his mother’s and subsequently, caused him a great deal of heartache, so he wanted no part of it, but Heath was obsessed now and that could only be dangerous.

In a way, it was a relief that Heath was no longer involved in the business – at least for now.

Mike stabbed at the reject call button as it rang for the third time. He set his chin determinedly. He just wasn’t doing it anymore. Once Heath had come to his senses – if he ever did, then maybe they could start again? Besides, he had to concentrate on this customer who was due in an hour or so. If he could sell that gold Audi, that would be a good start.

Yep, he’d just about had enough.

Seeing two men walk into the showroom, Mike sat up and grinned. This must be those Irish guys now. They were early but that didn’t matter. In fact, it was good because it must mean they were really interested.

Standing up, he moved towards the office door, but the men beat him to it. ‘Are you here about the Audi? We spoke on the phone?’ Mike said, a wide smile on his face as he extended his hand.

The two men exchanged glances and the larger of the two smiled thinly. ‘I’m afraid we’re not here about a car, Sir. I am Detective Inspector Morgan and this is DC Blake. Are you Michael Pointer? Father to a Heath Pointer?’

Mike blinked, a rush of fear enveloping him. Had Heath been in an accident? ‘Yes, I’m Mike Pointer. Heath’s my son. What’s happened? Is he alright?’

‘Heath is unhurt, Mr Pointer. We’d just like to ask you a couple of questions, if that’s ok with you?’ DI Morgan gestured for Mike to step back into the office. Following inside, he waited while his colleague closed the door behind them.

‘W-What’s this about?’ Mike spluttered. If Heath wasn’t hurt, then...? He hadn’t been back to that damn club and got himself killed, had he?

‘Would you mind telling us if you saw your son yesterday?’ DC Blake asked, fishing a notebook from his inside pocket.

Mike looked between the two detectives and fear glimmered. He’d thought Heath was in a rush to leave yesterday. He hadn’t been going back to Maidenhead at all, had he? He’d gone back to that damned Feathers place in his mad bid for those blasted diamonds again, the stupid, stupid boy.

Whatever Heath had done to rile him and let him down lately, Mike wouldn’t allow for this old business that had taken his father, to take his son too. He’d fix this. Moving his gaze to the larger man, hoping the sheen he felt on his forehead wasn’t visible, he smiled. ‘Yes, Heath was here yesterday and before you ask, I know that for a fact. I haven’t seen him for a few days, so I know categorically that I saw him yesterday. Yesterday afternoon, to be precise.’

Mike watched the detectives exchange glances again. They didn’t believe him? ‘I can assure you he was here!’

‘Yesterday afternoon, you say? Can you remember what time, Mr Pointer?’ DI Morgan asked.

‘It was around 3 o’clock. Yes, it was definitely 3. I know that because a customer with an appointment had just left. I was eager to see Heath because, like I said, I haven’t seen him for a few days.’

‘But Heath works with you, does he not? Why have you not seen him for a few days?’

‘Erm, he’s had a couple of days off. People do have days off, you know. Even in the car sales industry!’ Mike laughed falsely.

‘And what time did he leave, Sir?’

Mike thought for a moment. They were trying to place him at the club weren’t they. He knew it! Well, he’d fix that! ‘He didn’t stay long. He left around 3.15. He wanted to miss the London traffic.’

‘You’re saying he left London around 3.15?’ the detective continued. ‘He couldn’t have remained in London?’

Mike nodded. He knew it. Well, ha ha. They could try and catch him out all they liked, but it was true. Heath had left London – at least, that’s what he’d said. Ok, so he must have lied and gone to the Feathers instead as part of his stupid mission, but Heath was his son, so he would do everything in his power to make out otherwise. ‘I’m telling you, he wasn’t in London. Whatever has happened, it wasn’t anything to do with him! Heath was going to Maidenhead!’

DI Morgan frowned. ‘Why would he be going to Maidenhead, Sir?’

‘If you must know, he’s been up there for a few days. He’s, erm, he’s staying with a friend.’ Mike watched the detective scribble something into his notebook. ‘Look, he wasn’t in London.’

DI Morgan locked eyes with Mike. ‘No one said your son was in London, Mr Pointer.’ His eyes moved to the notebook his colleague handed to him. ‘The times coincide and add up.’

Hearing this, Mike smiled inwardly. Heath owed him one for this, but he would certainly be expecting him to explain himself. After everything he’d said. He’d told him not to go

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