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me. I'm aware of the risks. I'm aware of the potential losses." Stevie didn't put him down, just kind of held him with one strong arm around his waist so they remained 44

Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

eye level. "But you don't know what'll happen. I don't know what'll happen. But I do know one thing."

He didn't elaborate right away and, after a few long seconds, Zach lost his patience. "What do you know?"

Stevie smiled. The beautiful, open, wide smile that lit up his whole face and his eyes and made Zach forget his own name.

"I know I want pictures in my wallet. And on my desk. And in my life. I want pictures and I never did before. I never cared. Well, I damn well care now. And it's worth taking a few chances for, I think."

Zach's heart thumped hard, and he didn't know what to say. He shook his head sharply and gave Stevie's shoulders a shove. Stevie frowned, face falling as he set Zach on his feet.

Zach didn't go far. He grabbed his bag and dug in it for his own wallet, hands shaking as he snapped it open and turned back to Stevie. He looked up at him and held out a small, wallet-sized picture. "Here."

Stevie took it, glancing down and when he smiled it was maybe a little shaky. "You carry pictures of yourself in your wallet?"

Zach laughed and sniffed a little, one shoulder lifting in a shrug. "You never know, right?"

Stevie nodded, reaching around to pull out his wallet and there, amid the old receipts and scraps of paper, he slid a picture of Zach into one of the sleeves. Then he looked up at him, his smile steadier now. "It's a good start."

It totes was.

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Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

About The Author

Fae Sutherland has always dreamed of being a published author, starting off her writing career at age 11 with a horrific

"Monkees" fan fiction that will, luckily for all, never see the light of day. At age 34, she has since progressed to more serious writing, though always keeping that dash of irreverence and fun.

Fae tells the stories that the muses give her, but though she is multi-published both solo and jointly, she truly does prefer writing with her co-author Marguerite Labbe best.

When she's not working hard on writing new stories to make her readers sweat or slaving over edits for completed work, she spends her time on website and graphic design, being with her closest friends and playing The Sims 2 until the wee hours of the morning.

Find out more about Fae (and Marguerite Labbe, her occasional co-author) at their website: chasethedream.net

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Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

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In the year 1535, after a misspent youth, Brother Mark is a hardworking Benedictine monk toiling as a stone mason at Tavistock Abbey. There, he finds himself irrevocably drawn to one of the men sent by King Henry to audit the monasteries prior to closure.Andrew Cheyne is fascinated by the handsome young man and breaks down the monk's boundaries with an ease that neither expected. When Andrew returns four years later to finally close the Abbey, each man must also come to terms with their past to attempt to plan a future they can share.

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Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

year 1996 and nets him more than he ever bargained for—

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Sophia Townsend needs a life makeover. When a confused stranger shows up inside Sophia's home, with no idea of where he is, or even what year it is, it doesn't take her long to figure out the man in her living room is the most interesting guy she's ever met. And the sexiest, too.

When Rhys whisks Sophia away, she isn't sure if she's been kidnapped, or if the handsome stranger is taking her on the greatest adventure of her life. When the truth catches up to them, Rhys has only one thing left to offer her—but only if she's brave enough to step into tomorrow with him.

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American privateer Captain David Fletcher needs a surgeon for his wounded brother. But when he captures a British merchantman in the Caribbean, what he gets is Charley Alcott, an apprentice physician barely old enough to shave.

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Charley Alcott's medical skills are being put to the test in a life-or-death situation—Charley's life as well as the patient's.

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Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

A war is raging on the world's oceans, and two enemies will fight their own battles and their attraction to each other as they undergo a sea change neither of them is expecting, but cannot deny...

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Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland


Gimme Fever!!

Steamy, sensual genre fiction



Where love is blind to gender



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