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so. Just let me catch my breath."

Stephen let out a rough, primitive sound, rolling to pin the other man beneath him and give his jaw a stinging bite. "I prefer you breathless," he whisperedEand they put the second condom to very good use.

"Oh, noE"

Beside him, Zach's best friend Jordy looked up from his phone with a confused expression. "What?"

Zach glanced behind him, and Jordy turned to peer out the back windshield, wincing at the sight of lights flashing.


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

"Uh-ohE" Zach bit his lip as he pulled his car, an adorable little black and blue Cooper Mini, over to the side of the road, sighing. "Don't say anything, Jordy. You always make it worse."

Jordy laughed. "Like the time I promised the cop we definitely, for sure did not have Ecstasy hidden in the dash?"

"Yes, just like that, bitch. Now shush!" Had he been speeding? It was possible. Zach tended to take road signs, whatever they were, as suggestions more than actual rules.

Nine times out of ten, though, he could talk his way out of it.

"Hey, just mention Officer Hotness! Isn't there some kind of, like, code where cops don't give tickets to other cops'

wives or something? Do booty calls count?" Jordy snickered at Zach's hushing look.

He rolled the window down as the officer approached, a woman, which boded well for him. Women liked him; he was cute and non-threatening, like an animated gazelle. Zach turned a beaming smile on her as she came abreast of the driver's side window.

"Good afternoon, officer!" he said cheerfully, tilting his head. "Is there a problem?" He made his eyes as wide as he could, his very best why-whatever-could-be-the-matter? look.

The only change in her expression was the subtle lift of one brow.

Oh, dear. It's her. From the front desk the other day. She hadn't seemed to like him at all. Crapdoodle.

The officer pushed her sunglasses up onto her head and flipped open the little pad in her hand. "License, registration and proof of insurance, please."


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

Zach turned to open the glove box, giving Jordy a wide-eyed uh-oh look before turning back and handing her the papers and his license. The silence was heavy as she scribbled on her notepad, and Zach finally cleared his throat.

"I remember you!" he chirped, hoping his cheer didn't sound too forced. "You were at the front desk the other day at the police station. I'd stopped by to visit my friend, Stephen Miranda? Sergeant Stephen Miranda?" Okay, so he gave the title a bit of emphasis. It can't hurt to jog her memory, right?

Except when she lifted her gaze from the notepad to look at him, her expression was icy.

Oh, boy. Bad idea, maybe.

"Yes, I remember you."

"Oh. Okay. Well, hello againE" He pressed his lips together and glanced over at Jordy, who was trying his best not to laugh. So much for the friendly approach. Looked like this was one ticket he was going to have to pay.

"You were going sixty in a forty-five, sir, and I'm going to have to ticket you for speeding and reckless driving."

"Reckless driving?"

She smirked a little as she continued filling out the ticket.

"Fifteen miles an hour over the speed limit in a residential area constitutes an additional fine for reckless driving."

Zach slumped. Well, jeez. Like anyone knew that little rule but cops.

She leaned over to hand him back his information, gaze flicking to Jordy, then back to him. "I'd like you to step out of the car, please."


Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

Zach's eyes widened and he straightened, glancing worriedly at Jordy, then the officer. "I'mEumEwhat? Why?"

She didn't answer, just opened the door and gestured him to get out.

Zach's heart pounded, wondering what on earth was going on, but obeyed, sliding out of the car after shutting it off. His hands shook a little, not because he thought he'd done anything so wrong he could get arrested or something, but, wellEit was nerve-wracking anyway!

"Am I allowed to ask what's going on?" It was on the tip of his tongue to ask if he could get his Miranda, but he didn't think now was the time for a joke, however well timed.

The officer stopped at the back of his car and pulled off the ticket she'd filled out, handing it to him. "I want to tell you that I'm sure you're a nice kid and everything, but Sergeant Miranda doesn't need any hiccups right now. He's up for promotion and looking to retire in another fifteen years or so.

He's a career cop, or plans to be."

Zach blinked, stomach dropping a bit. "What do you meanEhiccups?"

She dropped her sunglasses back onto her nose, tucking her ticket pad back into her pocket. "Like the brass finding out anythingEunsavory about him. Controversial. If you give a damn about him, leave him alone. Just a bit of advice, from one friend of his to another."

Then she turned and walked back to her car, leaving Zach standing there with his palms sweaty, heart pounding and eyes burning. After a moment, he gathered himself enough to 36

Gambling On Maybe

by Fae Sutherland

trust he wouldn't burst into tears the minute he got back into the car and Jordy asked what happened.

Sliding back behind the wheel, he put on his over-sized Prada sunglasses with shaky hands and didn't say a word.

Jordy didn't either, and Zach would have thought it very strange if his friend hadn't reached over and squeezed his hand. Jordy had heard. Zach's throat tightened and he shook his head with a shrug.

"Not right now."

Jordy nodded. "Okay. Shopping?" It was their go-to therapy.


"Hey, this is Zach. You know what to do!"

Stephen frowned as he hung up, yet again, on Zach's cheerful voicemail message. Stephen had already left three messages, but over the last couple of days Zach hadn't returned any of them.

He was beginning to think he was being given the brush-off.

Okay, more than "beginning to think," he did think it.


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