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tropical birds. A keeper was parading around, making sure everyone left no litter.

Dolly clasped her bump as she collapsed on the grass. Her maternity dress was like a tent as she patted it down around her. 'I'm not due till November but I'm as big as a house. Even the twins didn't compare to this.'

'Mummy's got an elephant in her tummy,' six-year-old April said as she waited for the food to be ready.

'No, it's a Chi-Chi,' giggled four-year-old June who had been fascinated by the sight of the big panda.

'I hope I have a baby,' Dolly informed her daughters, 'or I'm going to send it back if it's covered in black and white fur. Now go and play with the others. The food isn't ready yet.'

'If this is another girl, poor Percy!' Gina teased as the little girls ran off. 'He won't get a word in edgeways.'

'I hope it's a boy this time,' Dolly admitted.

Bella knew that Dolly and Percy were struggling to make ends meet, but that hadn't stopped their family from enlarging.

'You're not going on this Pill, then?' Gina asked curiously.

Dolly nodded. 'I'm giving it some thought, actually.'

Bella poured the teas. 'But don't you have to take one every day?' she said before she had time to think. 'That can't be good for your health.'

'Some of us don't have a choice,' Dolly replied sharply.

'We're all inclined to be sceptical about something new,' Gina intervened. 'I read that a lot of women say the Pill has changed their lives.'

Bella handed Dolly a sausage roll which disappeared almost immediately.

'It's different for you, Bella,' Dolly said off-handedly, unwilling to let the subject drop. 'You've only got Michael and can spend as much time as you like on your career.'

'Oh well, at least you two have done your bit towards procreation,' Gina added diplomatically. 'Left up to people like me, there wouldn't be a next generation.'

There was a scream behind them and they all looked round. June had fallen over and was holding her knee. Dolly rolled her eyes and got to her feet, lumbering awkwardly over to her daughter.

'Don't be upset,' Gina whispered as Bella looked crestfallen. 'Dolly's very sensitive at the moment.'

'I didn't mean to judge.'

'You didn't. Dolly has forgotten that life don't always work out the way you want it. What's getting on her nerves is the house. There's too many people in it!'

'I wish I could help.'

'It's all relative, really.' Gina pushed a slice of bread pudding into Bella's hand. 'A few more bob would solve everyone's problems or so we like to think. One day money is the root of all evil. Next day, it's God's gift to the human race. We're never satisfied. Always wanting more than we've got.'

Bella decided to change the subject. 'Has that man ever appeared again?'

'The one in uniform?' Gina said hesitantly. 'No. But the funny thing is …' She stopped, frowning. 'Oh, I'm daft, I am.'


'It's just that ever since then it looks as though someone's been tidying the yard a bit. You know, how Lenny used to.'

Bella frowned. 'Who would do that?'

Gina laughed, flapping her hand. 'No one, of course. I told you, I'm going barmy.'

Bella was still thinking about this when Dolly walked towards them. All the children followed her like the Pied Piper and she sank down on the grass with a big sigh.

'We're hungry!' they all complained.

'You don't need to tell us that,' Dolly answered with a sigh.

'Feeding time at the zoo!' Bella exclaimed as she unscrewed the top of the Tizer bottle. A plume of liquid sprayed out, missing the children and covering Dolly. Her mouth fell open silently as she shook the Tizer from her hair. It even dripped from her eyebrows.

Everyone stared at her, afraid to laugh.

Then Dolly began to giggle. All the children joined in, Bella and Gina too, until tears filled their eyes.

Wiping Dolly's sticky face and arms with a cloth, Bella dabbed at the wet bump. 'It's definitely a boy,' she announced as the baby moved under her touch. 'Michael kicked just the same.'

Dolly smiled into Bella's gaze, their small spat forgotten. 'I'll call him Tizer if it is.'

Once more, everyone broke into laughter. Bella leaned forward and hugged Dolly. Her careless remark about the Pill, was forgiven.

Neville Raymond Percival Shine was born on the morning of Friday the seventeenth of November 1961. Percy arrived with the news soon after, his eyes shining proudly. 'He's ten pounds and nine ounces.'

Bella hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 'What wonderful news! A son at last.'

'Where is everyone?'

'Well it's Saturday and Ronnie and Michael are up the park.'

'I wanted to wet the baby's head.'

Bella made tea instead and sat down beside him. 'So tell me, what colour hair has your son got?'

'Light brown, like mine.' He grinned. 'Well, what's left of it.'

'Is Dolly all right? Did the baby come easily?'

'She had him at home, ten minutes after the midwife arrived. She says Dolly gives birth as easy as shelling peas,' Percy replied, gulping his hot tea. 'Her mum's with the girls. They can't wait to walk the baby in the pram. So I thought I'd just have a quick one with the blokes. But if they're not here – '

At that moment Ronnie and Michael walked in. Percy stood up, a big grin on his face.

'Don't tell me, it's a boy!' guessed Ron and walking to Percy gave him a manly hug.

'A whopper and all, Ron,' Percy burst out. 'Arms and legs like blooming balloons.'

'Congratulations, mate.'

'What's his name, Uncle Percy?' Michael put down his football.

'Neville, after Dolly's dad. Raymond after her brother. And Percival, after yours truly.'

'A bit long,' Michael agreed thoughtfully. 'But Nev's all right, I suppose.'

Percy took out his white handkerchief and blew his nose. 'Look at me, getting all emotional.'

'That's perfectly normal,' Bella replied. 'This is a grand occasion.'

'Can you all come over tomorrow? Just for tea like, and to see the baby.'

'Are you sure?' Bella asked. 'Don't you want a little

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