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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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time to yourselves?'

Percy guffawed. 'In our house? You must be joking!'

Bella looked at Ronnie. 'Can you come, Ron?'

He hesitated for a moment, until Michael said eagerly, 'We can have a kick-about on the green near their house if you do.'

Ronnie brushed his hand through his nephew's dark hair. 'Well, why not?'

'You fancy coming down the pub now for a quick one?' Percy asked eagerly. 'Just for a bit of Dutch courage before I go home.'

'That good is it?' Ronnie chuckled as Percy kissed Bella goodbye.

'Thanks for the cuppa. See you tomorrow, then.'

Bella went to the door and watched the two men go up the airey steps. Would visiting Dolly tomorrow be uncomfortable for Ron? It was almost Christmas. In January it would be a year since Joyce died. But perhaps this drink with Percy would put Ron at ease as he helped a friend in need.

What was Ron going to do at Christmas? she wondered next. Should she offer to cook dinner upstairs? Or would Ron want to be by himself? Sean and Ashley were going to Switzerland on holiday. She knew they had tried to persuade Ron to go with them, but he had refused all their offers.

'Uncle Ron asked me what I'm going to do when I leave school,' Michael said, interrupting her thoughts, as he wiped his dirty cheeks with the back of his cuff.

'What did you tell him?'

'I said I wanted to be a builder like him.'

Bella looked at her son in surprise. 'Is that true?'

'The first house I'm going to build is for Granny, Teresa and Uncle Gus. Then a huge one for Auntie Dolly and Uncle Percy. And if you want a house, Mum, I'll build one for you, too.' He grinned. 'Is tea ready yet?'

Bella loved the way her son was so thoughtful to other people, certainly a trait he hadn't inherited from his father. 'Yes, but go and wash your dirty face first.'

She was about to go to the kitchen when the door opened again. Expecting to see either Ron or Percy saying they had forgotten to tell her something, this time it was Micky. His immaculate dark hair was a ruffled mess and he looked as though he hadn't shaven or washed in days.

'Micky, whatever is the matter?' She hurried towards him.

'I'm in trouble,' he muttered as he closed the door hurriedly.

'What kind of trouble?'

'It's that bastard McNee.'

Bella felt the blood drain from her face; the name sent a chill down her spine. 'I thought he was gone from our lives.'

'So did I. But he's back again. I need money to pay him off. How much did you bring home from the coffee bar?'

'None – none at all.'

'You're lying!' He took hold of her and began to shake her. 'Let's see your purse.'

With shaking fingers, she did as he told her. 'Here, you can have it all if you need it that bad.'

He swept the few notes into the air. 'A couple of quid will go nowhere. You must have more than that.'

'Dad! You're hurting Mum!' Michael tried to come between them.

'It's all right, Michael,' Bella said managing to free herself. 'Go and eat your tea in the kitchen. I want to talk to your dad.'

He walked reluctantly away and when he had gone, she looked angrily at Micky. 'Can't you see you're frightening us, Micky? You promised me you'd never do that again.'

But Micky just stared at her wild-eyed, then he pushed past her and went to their bedroom. As she stood wondering what to do next, she heard the clatter of drawers and things being thrown around. When at last he reappeared, she was truly worried he was going to attack her. What could she defend herself with? There was only the poker. She stepped towards it and picked it up.

'You wouldn't dare!' Micky said contemptuously.

She felt her body tremble, but she wasn't going to let her fear show. 'Get out Micky, there's no money here.'

For a moment she thought he was going to hit her, but instead he laughed in his mad way; this was not normal laughter, Bella realised, it was deranged. Then, without a word more, he stormed out of the airey.

Bella sank down on the chair and dropped the poker to the floor. Michael came in and she knew he had witnessed everything. He knelt beside her and hugged her. There were tears in his eyes and she knew that nothing that she could say would put right what he had seen and heard today.

The following day, Ronnie drove them to Dolly's. Bella had had a sinking feeling ever since Micky had left last night. She needed to share her thoughts with Ronnie, but this visit to the Shine's was meant to be a happy occasion. Ron was making a very big effort to join in the celebration of Percy's newly born son and heir and she didn't want to spoil it.

Percy looked like a man under siege when he opened the front door. He was surrounded by little girls, all struggling to get past him. He raised his eyes to the ceiling as his family began to jump up and down with excitement when they saw who it was.

'Come in, come in,' Dolly cried from inside the house and with a sweep of his arm and a wry smile, Percy showed them the way. There was hardly any space to move, let alone sit in the front room. Mrs Taylor had given up her chair for Dolly who was nursing the baby. The four girls began talking and shouting at once and the baby, wrapped in a big white shawl, started to scream.

Mrs Taylor clapped her hands. 'All of you go out to the back yard and play.'

'We want to hold the baby,' they protested. 'And it's cold outside.'

'Then put on your coats.'

The mischievous children ran off and Ronnie, Michael and Bella managed to squeeze on the couch. There were white fluffy nappies and baby clothes everywhere.

'He's just has his feed so

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