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Book online «The Windhaven Witches Omnibus Edition : Complete Paranormal Suspense Series, Books 1-4 Carissa Andrews (the beginning after the end read novel txt) 📖». Author Carissa Andrews

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about,” she says in the same kind of tone a grandmother uses when trying to appease a young child. “All right, let me be frank with you guys. You are both adorably oblivious to what’s actually happening. It was clear from the moment I walked in this epicenter of hormones and magic, but even more so now that I’ve had some time in your energy. The problem is, the real world likes tangible proof. It’s a bummer, I know. And so far, I can’t offer them anything yet. I don’t know who the real culprit is. For whatever reason, they’re seriously shrouded. Like there’s another energy blocking my way.”

I lean back, breathing a sigh of relief. She doesn’t think either of us did it.

“What do you need from us?” I say, tapping the edge of the table.

“I need you to cooperate with whatever comes your way. I can’t protect the two of you if you’re not willing to work with me,” she says. “I need total honesty among everyone. But right now, you both clearly have some secrets and, while it’s none of my business, I’m gettin’ the vibe they’re at the heart of the matter here. So, I’m going to give you a couple of days to communicate and clear the air. In the meantime, I’ll do more digging. See ya around, kiddos.”

I turn my gaze to Wade, my eyebrows tugging in.

What secrets does she mean?

My eyes widen and I turn back to her. Did she pick up on Colton’s kiss? Oh, god…

“Needless to say, don’t go anywhere. We’re not done here, not by a long shot. Mkay?” Diana says, grinning like a mad woman as she stands up.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I say, jutting out my chin.

“That’s good. But I mean both of you.” Turning on her heel, she walks away from the table. Her blond ponytail swings around, bobbing along as she walks.

Wade and I exchange a significant glance.

“Oh, and by the way,” Diana says, turning back around, “you might wanna ignore that. It’s not good news.”

Wade’s eyebrows tug in. “Ignore what?”

Suddenly, the sound of ringtones erupt across the cafeteria.

Chapter 17

Speak Your Truths

It’s amazing how quickly tides can turn. I’m starting to get whiplash from it all, to be honest.

If I thought things couldn’t be worse, I was certainly fooling myself. It was better when Wade was more upbeat and I had become the magnet for rumors. We’d almost forgotten about the video at the cemetery in Mistwood. After his confession to the police, we were both kinda hoping it would go away—or wouldn’t be as bad at the very least. But, as promised, the video was released to the whole school and went viral in minutes.

Sitting on my bed, I glance down at my phone, watching the video of Wade toppling the tombstone for the umpteenth time. It was cut close in such a way that it looks like he was just there to damage property or desecrate bodies. Of course, that’s pretty much what everyone has assumed, too.

Now, no matter what we say or do, Wade and I are both the center of suspicion with the entire student body. Even with this psychic chick, Diana, supposedly on our side, it hasn’t saved us at all. In fact, I haven’t heard a word from her since.

So much for her protection.

On the other hand, though, I’m beginning to think Diana’s right about one thing. Maybe I don’t really want these powers of life and death. When I was a kid, I wanted to fly, or turn invisible, walk through walls, or maybe have the ability to conjure portals. Hell, Cat’s ability to summon fire would be better. Not necromancy. Not the ability to talk to the dead and stop them from crossing over. As much as I hate to admit it, I don’t really think anyone should have the power to decide who lives and who dies.

Fighting the urge to be sick, I can’t even begin to imagine who could possibly believe Wade and I would desecrate graves or damage headstones on purpose. Especially for the fun of it.

The video comes to an end and I tap out, staring at my phone’s home screen.

Suddenly, a text message comes in from Mom, making me jump. I tap the message out of reflex, but regret it instantly.

Hey, sweetie. Hope your new semester is going good. Give me a call when you get a sec. I’d love to catch up. <3 Love, Mom. xxx

Besides the normal guilt, from not texting or calling as often as I should, I feel a stab of anxiety about responding. Do I lie and say it’s going great? Or do I ghost her and hope she just thinks I’m busy? Neither are great options, but telling her the truth is completely out of the question.

Deciding for the lesser of two evils, I type a quick response back.

Hi Mom! Definitely. <3 I’m busy right now, but I’ll call you later this week. Okay?

Tossing my phone behind me on the bed, I flop down on my back and stare at the ceiling.

This is definitely not how I envisioned my time at Windhaven Academy would go. Maybe Mom was right to be dubious about everything. So far, having abilities has brought me nothing but suspicion, pain, and heartache. If she knew, she’d probably be begging me to come back to Mistwood Point.

My phone buzzes, making the fabric beside my head vibrate, and I close my eyes, unable to deal with anything more right now. Instead, I sit up, staring at the familiar, handsome face of Wade as he tries to reach me on a call. But no matter how much I love him, I can’t bring myself to answer the phone and I’m not really sure why.

He’s the one person who knows better than anyone how this feels, but I need a break from thinking about it all.

My eyes sweep to the big picture window overlooking the courtyard. Snow flitters from the overcast sky, as if

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