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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Dana Mentink (e books free to read TXT) 📖». Author Dana Mentink

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and damage his reputation.

He fastened Gabe’s seat belt, steering his thoughts from the beautiful redheaded officer. “Let’s go.” He rushed around the cruiser and shook Doyle’s hand. “Appreciate your help.”

“Anytime. Stay safe.” The superintendent waited for him to get into the driver seat and start the engine before he returned to the safety of the station.

Layke peered at Gabe. “You ready, sport?”

He nodded.

Layke backed the cruiser out from the station’s parking lot. The snow had subsided to occasional fat flakes, but the road conditions hadn’t improved and they fishtailed after pulling onto the highway. He straightened the vehicle and gained control as his cell phone rang. Corporal Elias Bakker’s number appeared on the Suburban’s dashboard.

Layke hit the talk button. “Corporal, what’s up?”

“Constable Jackson, I know you’re on your way here, but I need to warn you.”

Layke steeled his jaw and glanced at Gabe. The boy seemed interested only in staring at the buttons on the console.

“About what, Corporal Bakker?”

“We’ve been watching the dark web. There’s chatter about a ransom to catch a boy being moved from the Beaver Creek border. Watch your back.”

He looked in the rearview mirror. No tail. “Thanks for the—”

A snowmobile lurched onto the highway at high speed, cutting them off.

Layke strengthened his grip on the wheel. Had the assailant hidden in the shadows?


Hannah jerked back as the snowmobile driver pulled in front of them. The passenger turned and pointed a machine gun in their direction. Hannah yelled, “Gun! Get down!” She pushed Gabe forward in an attempt to protect him from the impending danger. Her motherly instinct took over and all she could think about was the safety of the boy in the front seat. Lord, keep us safe. Her breaths came in shallow bursts as her heart thudded in anticipation of a crash. She knew police officers were trained in emergency driving tactics, but her fight-or-flight response took over and she clutched the armrest with her free hand.

Layke swerved the wheel and the Suburban spun before he regained control and headed in the opposite direction.

The snowmobile followed in pursuit, its headlight bouncing behind them. It veered right, revved its engine, and jumped into the field.

“Gabe and Hannah, stay down,” Layke said.

“Constable! You still there?” The corporal’s voice boomed through the Bluetooth speaker. “Layke, talk to me.”

“Send your officers to our location on the AlCan Highway,” Layke said. “We’re under attack. Assailants on a snowmobile.”

“Word got out faster than anticipated. Constables are en route.” The call disappeared from the dashboard.

Hannah peeked out the window to find the snowmobile’s location. It raced alongside them at even speed. She pounded the back of the seat. “Faster. They’re trying to cut us off again.”

The Suburban swerved, then sped up in an attempt to outrun the beast beside them.

“How can I lose him? Is there another road to take?” Layke asked.

“Not really, there’s only—”

Gunfire cracked the windshield.

Gabe screamed.

“Stay down, sport!” Layke once again slowed and yanked the wheel right. They fishtailed and swung around in the opposite direction, back toward Beaver Creek.

The assailants turned to follow.

Flashing lights approached in the distance. Two cruisers headed toward them.

The snowmobile turned and sped across the field, disappearing into the night. They gave up the chase.

For now.

Even in the darkened vehicle, Hannah noted Layke’s tightened jaw. They were all now targets, and she knew the danger would be relentless if this gang wanted Gabe back. They would definitely try again. Who were they and why the interest in Gabe?

Layke slowed and pulled to the side of the road.

The constables stopped and jumped out of their vehicles.

Layke lowered the window. “Thank you for getting here quickly. They took off in that direction.” He pointed. “I’m sure they’re long gone now.”

“I’ll scour the area,” Constable Yellowhead said, returning to his vehicle.

Constable Antoine waved to Hannah. “Officer Morgan, good to see you again. Sorry it’s under bad circumstances.”

“Yes. Close call.” Hannah rested her hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “You okay, bud?”

No answer. His silence told Hannah he was not okay.

Constable Antoine thumped the driver’s door. “Let’s get you to the detachment. You’re sitting ducks out here. Follow me.”

Moments later, Layke pulled into the detachment’s tiny parking lot. “Stay alert. We can’t take any risks with this heightened threat.” His stark tone personified authority.

Gabe whimpered.

“You’re scaring him,” Hannah whispered.

“Let’s go,” Layke said, ignoring her comment.

They stepped out of the vehicle and Hannah took Gabe’s hand. “We need to hurry, bud.”

A gray-haired constable held the door. “Welcome to the Beaver Creek Detachment. Good to see you again, Hannah.” He turned to Layke. “I’m Corporal Bakker. Nice to meet you face-to-face, Constable.”

Layke nodded. “You too, Corporal. Where can we set up?”

He gestured down the short hall. “Our lunchroom. It’s tiny but will work. Last door on the right.”

Hannah stomped the snow off her boots. “Thanks, Elias.”

A thin older woman wearing a bright orange dress with clunky accessories approached. She grabbed Layke’s hand. “I’m Martha Bakker, the corporal’s wife. I help out here from time to time.”

Hannah loved to visit and have tea with Martha on occasion. The woman had a style all her own. The residents of Beaver Creek referred to her as the town’s mayor even though she wasn’t. She just knew everything about everyone.

Martha knelt in front of Gabe. “You can call me Gramma Bakker. All the kids do. You hungry?” She held out a package of Twizzlers.

Gabe took them. “Thank you.”

She stood and squeezed his shoulder. “You’re welcome, sweetie. Let’s go to the lunchroom, shall we?” She reached out her hand.

The boy hesitated and glanced at Hannah.

“It’s okay, Gabe. We’re right behind you.” It was clear to Hannah that the boy had trust issues, and she couldn’t blame him after what he’d probably been through. She was anxious to find out more.

Gabe took Martha’s hand and they walked down the hall.

Layke removed his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. “Any updates, Corporal?”

Her breath hitched at the sight of the wavy dark-haired constable. She chastised herself for staring even remotely at the handsome man.

Remember your

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