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thou hast spoken

Have render'd me free.

Fanny Steers: Song.

Old Simon the cellarer keeps a rare store

Of Malmsey and Malvoisie.

G. W. Bellamy: Simon the Cellarer.

  Babylon in all its desolation is a sight not so awful as that of the human mind in ruins.[682:1]

Scrope Davies: Letter to Thomas Raikes, May 25, 1835.

She 's all my fancy painted her;

She 's lovely, she 's divine.

William Mee: Alice Gray.

Stately and tall he moves in the hall,

The chief of a thousand for grace.

Kate Franklin: Life at Olympus, Lady's Book, Vol. xxiii. p. 33.

When the sun's last rays are fading

Into twilight soft and dim.

Theodore L. Barker: Thou wilt think of me again.

Thou hast wounded the spirit that loved thee

And cherish'd thine image for years;

Thou hast taught me at last to forget thee,

In secret, in silence, and tears.

Mrs. (David) Porter: Thou hast wounded the Spirit.


Rattle his bones over the stones!

He 's only a pauper, whom nobody owns!

Thomas Noel: The Pauper's Ride.

In the days when we went gypsying

A long time ago;

The lads and lassies in their best

Were dress'd from top to toe.

Edwin Ransford: In the Days when we went Gypsying.

Speak gently! 't is a little thing

Dropp'd in the heart's deep well;

The good, the joy, that it may bring

Eternity shall tell.

G. W. Langford: Speak gently.

Hope tells a flattering tale,[683:1]

Delusive, vain, and hollow.

Ah! let not hope prevail,

Lest disappointment follow.

Miss —— Wrother: The Universal Songster. Vol. ii. p. 86.

Nose, nose, nose, nose!

And who gave thee that jolly red nose?

Sinament and Ginger, Nutmegs and Cloves,

And that gave me my jolly red nose.

Ravenscroft: Deuteromela, Song No. 7.[683:2] (1609.)

  The mother said to her daughter, "Daughter, bid thy daughter tell her daughter that her daughter's daughter hath a daughter."

George Hakewill: Apologie. Book iii. Chap. v. Sect. 9.[683:3]


Betwixt the stirrup and the ground,

Mercy I ask'd; mercy I found.[684:1]

William Camden: Remains.

Begone, dull Care! I prithee begone from me!

Begone, dull Care! thou and I shall never agree.

Playford: Musical Companion. (1687.)

Much of a muchness.

Vanbrugh: The Provoked Husband, Act i. Sc. 1.

Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John,

The bed be blest that I lye on.

Thomas Ady: A Candle in the Dark, p. 58. (London, 1656.)

Junius, Aprilis, Septémq; Nouemq; tricenos,

Vnum plus reliqui, Februs tenet octo vicenos,

At si bissextus fuerit superadditur vnus.

William Harrison: Description of Britain (prefixed to Holinshed's "Chronicle," 1577).

Thirty dayes hath Nouember,

Aprill, June, and September,

February hath xxviii alone,

And all the rest have xxxi.

Richard Grafton: Chronicles of England. (1590.)

Thirty days hath September,

April, June, and November,

February has twenty-eight alone,

All the rest have thirty-one;

Excepting leap year,—that 's the time

When February's days are twenty-nine.

The Return from Parnassus. (London, 1606.)

Thirty days hath September,

April, June, and November;

All the rest have thirty-one,

Excepting February alone,

Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine,

Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.

Common in the New England States.


Fourth, eleventh, ninth, and sixth,

Thirty days to each affix;

Every other thirty-one

Except the second month alone.

Common in Chester County, Penn., among the Friends.

  "Be of good comfort, Master Ridley," Latimer cried at the crackling of the flames. "Play the man! We shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out."[685:1]

There is a garden in her face,

Where roses and white lilies show;

A heavenly paradise is that place,

Wherein all pleasant fruits do grow.

There cherries hang that none may buy,

Till cherry ripe themselves do cry.

An Howres Recreation in Musike. (1606. Set to music by Richard Alison. Oliphant's "La Messa Madrigalesca," p. 229.)

Those cherries fairly do enclose

Of orient pearl a double row;

Which when her lovely laughter shows,

They look like rosebuds filled with snow.

An Howres Recreation in Musike. (1606. Set to music by Richard Alison. Oliphant's "La Messa Madrigalesca," p. 229.)

A vest as admired Voltiger had on,

Which from this Island's foes his grandsire won,

Whose artful colour pass'd the Tyrian dye,

Obliged to triumph in this legacy.[685:2]

The British Princes, p. 96. (1669.)

When Adam dolve, and Eve span,

Who was then the gentleman?

Lines used by John Ball in Wat Tyler's Rebellion.[685:3]


Now bething the, gentilman,

How Adam dalf, and Eve span.[686:1]

MS. of the Fifteenth Century (British Museum).

Use three Physicians,—

Still-first Dr. Quiet;

Next Dr. Mery-man,

And Dr. Dyet.[686:2]

Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum (edition of 1607).

The King of France went up the hill

With twenty thousand men;

The King of France came down the hill,

And ne'er went up again.

Pigges Corantoe, or Newes from the North.[686:3]

From The New England Primer.[686:4]

In Adam's fall

We sinned all.

My Book and Heart

Must never part.

Young Obadias,

David, Josias,—

All were pious.

Peter denyed

His Lord, and cryed.


Young Timothy

Learnt sin to fly.

Xerxes did die,

And so must I.

Zaccheus he

Did climb the tree

Our Lord to see.

Our days begin with trouble here,

Our life is but a span,

And cruel death is always near,

So frail a thing is man.

Now I lay me down to take my sleep,[687:1]

I pray the Lord my soul to keep;

If I should die before I wake,

I pray the Lord my soul to take.

  His wife, with nine small children and one at the breast, following him to the stake.

Martyrdom of John Rogers. Burned at Smithfield, Feb. 14, 1554.[687:2]

And shall Trelawny die?

Here 's twenty thousand Cornish men

Will know the reason why.[687:3]


Mater ait natæ, dic natæ, natam

Ut moneat natæ, plangere filiolam.

The mother to her daughter spake:

"Daughter," said she, "arise!

Thy daughter to her daughter take,

Whose daughter's daughter cries."

A Distich, according to Zwingler, on a Lady of the Dalburg Family who saw her descendants to the sixth generation.

A woman's work, grave sirs, is never done.

Poem spoken by Mr. Eusden at a Cambridge Commencement.[688:1]

Count that day lost whose low descending sun

Views from thy hand no worthy action done.[688:2]

Author unknown.[688:3]

  The gloomy companions of a disturbed imagination, the melancholy madness of poetry without the inspiration.[688:4]

Letters of Junius. Letter vii. To Sir W. Draper.

  I do not give you to posterity as a pattern to imitate, but as an example to deter.

Letters of Junius. Letter xii. To the Duke of Grafton.

  The Americans equally detest the pageantry of a king and the supercilious hypocrisy of a bishop.[688:5]

Letters of Junius. Letter xxxv.

  The heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute.[688:6]

Letters of Junius. Letter xxxvii. City Address, and the King's Answer.


  Private credit is wealth; public honour is security. The feather that adorns the royal bird supports its flight; strip him of his plumage, and you fix him to the earth.

Letters of Junius. Letter xlii. Affair of the Falkland Islands.

'T is well to be merry and wise,

'T is well to be honest and true;

'T is well to be off with the old love

Before you are on with the new.

Lines used by Maturin as the motto to "Bertram," produced at Drury Lane, 1816.

Still so gently o'er me stealing,

Mem'ry will bring back the feeling,

Spite of all my grief revealing,

That I love thee,—that I dearly love thee still.

Opera of La Sonnambula.

Happy am I; from care I 'm free!

Why ar' n't they all contented like me?

Opera of La Bayadère.

It is so soon that I am done for,

I wonder what I was begun for.

Epitaph on a child who died at the age of three weeks (Cheltenham Churchyard).

An Austrian army, awfully array'd,

Boldly by battery besiege Belgrade;

Cossack commanders cannonading come,

Deal devastation's dire destructive doom;

Ev'ry endeavour engineers essay,

For fame, for freedom, fight, fierce furious fray.

Gen'rals 'gainst gen'rals grapple,—gracious God!

How honors Heav'n heroic hardihood!

Infuriate, indiscriminate in ill,

Just Jesus, instant innocence instill!

Kinsmen kill kinsmen, kindred kindred kill.

Labour low levels longest, loftiest lines;

Men march 'midst mounds, motes, mountains, murd'rous mines.

[690]Now noisy, noxious numbers notice nought,

Of outward obstacles o'ercoming ought;

Poor patriots perish, persecution's pest!

Quite quiet Quakers "Quarter, quarter" quest;

Reason returns, religion, right, redounds,

Suwarrow stop such sanguinary sounds!

Truce to thee, Turkey, terror to thy train!

Unwise, unjust, unmerciful Ukraine!

Vanish vile vengeance, vanish victory vain!

Why wish we warfare? wherefore welcome won

Xerxes, Xantippus, Xavier, Xenophon?

Yield, ye young Yaghier yeomen, yield your yell!

Zimmerman's, Zoroaster's, Zeno's zeal

Again attract; arts against arms appeal.

All, all ambitious aims, avaunt, away!

Et cætera, et cætera, et cæter[=a].

Alliteration, or the Siege of Belgrade: a Rondeau.[690:1]

But were it to my fancy given

To rate her charms, I 'd call them heaven;

For though a mortal made of clay,

Angels must love Ann Hathaway;

She hath a way so to control,

To rapture the imprisoned soul,

And sweetest heaven on earth display,

That to be heaven Ann hath a way;

She hath a way,

Ann Hathaway,—

To be heaven's self Ann hath a way.

Attributed to Shakespeare.[690:2]


[682:1] Babylon in ruins is not so melancholy a spectacle (as a distracted person). Addison: Spectator, No. 421.


Hope told a flattering tale,

That Joy would soon return;

Ah! naught my sighs avail,

For Love is doomed to mourn.

Anonymous (air by Giovanni Paisiello, 1741-1816): Universal Songster, vol. i. p. 320.

[683:2] Beaumont and Fletcher: The Knight of the Burning Pestle, act i. sc. 3.

[683:3] Hakewill translated this from the "Theatrum Vitæ Humanæ," vol. iii.

[684:1] Altered by Johnson (1783),—

Between the stirrup and the ground,

I mercy ask'd; I mercy found.

[685:1] I shall light a candle of understanding in thine heart, which shall not be put out.—2 Esdras xiv. 25.

[685:2] The oft-quoted lines,—

A painted vest Prince Voltiger had on,

Which from a naked Pict his grandsire won,

have been ascribed to Blackmore, but suppressed in the later editions of his poems.

[685:3] Hume: History of England, vol. i. chap. xvii. note 8.

[686:1] The same proverb existed in German:—

So Adam reutte, und Eva span,

Wer war da ein eddelman?

Agricola: Proverbs. No. 254.

[686:2] See Swift,

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