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See Gay, page 349.

[701:4] Patience is a remedy for every sorrow.—Publius Syrus: Maxim 170.

[701:5] See Chaucer, page 4.

[701:6] A friend in need is a friend indeed.—Hazlitt: English Proverbs.

[701:7] The unexpected always happens.—A common proverb.


TERENCE.  185-159 b. c.

(From the translation of Henry Thomas Riley, B. A., with occasional corrections. The references are to the text of Umpfenbach.[702:1])

  Do not they bring it to pass by knowing that they know nothing at all?

Andria. The Prologue. 17.

  Of surpassing beauty and in the bloom of youth.

Andria. Act i. Sc. 1, 45. (72.)

  Hence these tears.

Andria. Act i. Sc. 1, 99. (126.)

  That is a true proverb which is wont to be commonly quoted, that "all had rather it were well for themselves than for another."

Andria. Act ii. Sc. 5, 15. (426.)

  The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.[702:2]

Andria. Act iii. Sc. 3, 23. (555.)

  Look you, I am the most concerned in my own interests.[702:3]

Andria. Act iv. Sc. 1, 12. (636.)

  In fine, nothing is said now that has not been said before.

Eunuchus. The Prologue. 41.

  It is up with you; all is over; you are ruined.

Eunuchus. Act i. Sc. 1, 9. (54.)

  If I could believe that this was said sincerely, I could put up with anything.

Eunuchus. Act i. Sc. 2, 96. (176.)

  Immortal gods! how much does one man excel another! What a difference there is between a wise person and a fool!

Eunuchus. Act ii. Sc. 2, 1. (232.)

  I have everything, yet have nothing; and although I possess nothing, still of nothing am I in want.[702:4]

Eunuchus. Act ii. Sc. 2, 12. (243.)


  There are vicissitudes in all things.

Eunuchus. Act ii. Sc. 2, 45. (276.)

  The very flower of youth.

Eunuchus. Act ii. Sc. 3, 28. (319.)

  I did not care one straw.

Eunuchus. Act iii. Sc. 1, 21. (411.)

  Jupiter, now assuredly is the time when I could readily consent to be slain,[703:1] lest life should sully this ecstasy with some disaster.

Eunuchus. Act iii. Sc. 5, 2. (550.)

  This and a great deal more like it I have had to put up with.

Eunuchus. Act iv. Sc. 6, 8. (746.)

  Take care and say this with presence of mind.[703:2]

Eunuchus. Act iv. Sc. 6, 31. (769.)

  It behooves a prudent person to make trial of everything before arms.

Eunuchus. Act iv. Sc. 7, 19. (789.)

  I know the disposition of women: when you will, they won't; when you won't, they set their hearts upon you of their own inclination.

Eunuchus. Act iv. Sc. 7, 42. (812.)

  I took to my heels as fast as I could.

Eunuchus. Act v. Sc. 2, 5. (844.)

  Many a time, . . . from a bad beginning great friendships have sprung up.

Eunuchus. Act v. Sc. 2, 34. (873.)

  I only wish I may see your head stroked down with a slipper.[703:3]

Eunuchus. Act v. Sc. 7, 4. (1028.)

  I am a man, and nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me.[703:4]

Heautontimoroumenos. Act i. Sc. 1, 25. (77.)

  This is a wise maxim, "to take warning from others of what may be to your own advantage."

Heautontimoroumenos. Act i. Sc. 2, 36. (210.)


  That saying which I hear commonly repeated,—that time assuages sorrow.

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iii. Sc. 1, 12. (421.)

  Really, you have seen the old age of an eagle,[704:1] as the saying is.

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iii. Sc. 2, 9. (520.)

  Many a time a man cannot be such as he would be, if circumstances do not admit of it.

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iv. Sc. 1, 53. (666.)

  Nothing is so difficult but that it may be found out by seeking.

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iv. Sc. 2, 8. (675.)

  What now if the sky were to fall?[704:2]

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iv. Sc. 3, 41. (719.)

  Rigorous law is often rigorous injustice.[704:3]

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iv. Sc. 5, 48. (796.)

  There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it with reluctance.

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iv. Sc. 6, 1. (805.)

  How many things, both just and unjust, are sanctioned by custom!

Heautontimoroumenos. Act iv. Sc. 7, 11. (839.)

  Fortune helps the brave.[704:4]

Phormio. Act i. Sc. 4, 25. (203.)

  It is the duty of all persons, when affairs are the most prosperous,[704:5] then in especial to reflect within themselves in what way they are to endure adversity.

Phormio. Act ii. Sc. 1, 11. (241.)

  As many men, so many minds; every one his own way.

Phormio. Act ii. Sc. 4, 14. (454.)


  As the saying is, I have got a wolf by the ears.[705:1]

Phormio. Act iii. Sc. 2, 21. (506.)

  I bid him look into the lives of men as though into a mirror, and from others to take an example for himself.

Adelphoe. Act iii. Sc. 3, 61. (415.)

  According as the man is, so must you humour him.

Adelphoe. Act iii. Sc. 3, 77. (431.)

  It is a maxim of old that among themselves all things are common to friends.[705:2]

Adelphoe. Act v. Sc. 3, 18. (803.)

  What comes from this quarter, set it down as so much gain.

Adelphoe. Act v. Sc. 3, 30. (816.)

  It is the common vice of all, in old age, to be too intent upon our interests.[705:3]

Adelphoe. Act v. Sc. 8, 30. (953.)


[702:1] Bonn's Classical Library.

[702:2] See Edwards, page 21.

[702:3] Equivalent to our sayings, "Charity begins at home;" "Take care of Number One."

[702:4] See Wotton, page 174.


If it were now to die,

'T were now to be most happy.

Shakespeare: Othello, act ii. sc. 1.

[703:2] Literally, "with a present mind,"—equivalent to Cæsar's præsentia animi (De Bello Gallico, v. 43, 4).

[703:3] According to Lucian, there was a story that Omphale used to beat Hercules with her slipper or sandal.

[703:4] Cicero quotes this passage in De Officiis, i. 30.

[704:1] This was a proverbial expression, signifying a hale and vigorous old age.

[704:2] See Heywood, page 11.

Some ambassadors from the Celtæ, being asked by Alexander what in the world they dreaded most, answered, that they feared lest the sky should fall upon them.—Arrianus: lib. i. 4.

[704:3] Extreme law, extreme injustice, is now become a stale proverb in discourse.—Cicero: De Officiis, i. 33.

Une extrême justice est souvent une injure (Extreme justice is often injustice).—Racine: Frères Ennemies, act iv. sc. 3.

Mais l'extrême justice est une extrême injure.—Voltaire: Œdipus, act iii. sc. 3.

[704:4] Pliny the Younger says (book vi. letter xvi.) that Pliny the Elder said this during the eruption of Vesuvius: "Fortune favours the brave."

[704:5] Cicero: Tusculan Questions, book iii. 30.

[705:1] A proverbial expression, which, according to Suetonius, was frequently in the mouth of Tiberius Cæsar.

[705:2] All things are in common among friends.—Diogenes Laertius: Diogenes, vi.

[705:3] Cicero quotes this passage (Tusculan Questions, book iii.), and the maxim was a favourite one with the Stoic philosophers.

CICERO.  106-43 b. c.

  For as lack of adornment is said to become some women, so this subtle oration, though without embellishment, gives delight.[705:4]

De Oratore. 78.

  Thus in the beginning the world was so made that certain signs come before certain events.[705:5]

De Divinatione. i. 118.

  He is never less at leisure than when at leisure.[705:6]

De Officiis. iii. 1.

  While the sick man has life there is hope.[705:7]

Epistolarum ad Atticum. ix. 10, 4.


[705:4] See Thomson, page 356.

[705:5] See Coleridge, page 504.

[705:6] See Rogers, page 455.

[705:7] See Gay, page 349.


LUCRETIUS.  95-55 b. c.

  Continual dropping wears away a stone.[706:1]

De Rerum Natura. i. 313.

  What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others.[706:2]

De Rerum Natura. iv. 637.

  In the midst of the fountain of wit there arises something bitter, which stings in the very flowers.[706:3]

De Rerum Natura. iv. 1133.


[706:1] See Lyly, page 32.

[706:2] See Beaumont and Fletcher, page 199.

[706:3] See Byron, page 540.

HORACE.  65-8 b. c.

  Brave men were living before Agamemnon.[706:4]

Odes. iv. 9, 25.

  In peace, as a wise man, he should make suitable preparation for war.[706:5]

Satires, ii. 2. (111.)

  You may see me, fat and shining, with well-cared-for hide, . . . a hog from Epicurus's herd.[706:6]

Satires, ii. 4, 15.

  What the discordant harmony of circumstances would and could effect.[706:7]

Epistles, i. 12, 19.

  If you wish me to weep, you yourself must feel grief.[706:8]

Ars Poetica. 102.

  The mountains will be in labour; an absurd mouse will be born.[706:9]

Ars Poetica. 139.

  Even the worthy Homer sometimes nods.[706:10]

Ars Poetica. 359.


[706:4] See Byron, page 555.

[706:5] See Washington, page 425.

[706:6] See Mason, page 393.

[706:7] See Burke, page 409.

[706:8] See Churchill, page 412.

[706:9] A mountain was in labour, sending forth dreadful groans, and there was in the region the highest expectation. After all, it brought forth a mouse.—Phædrus: Fables, iv. 22, 1.

The old proverb was now made good: "The mountain had brought forth a mouse."—Plutarch: Life of Agesilaus II.

[706:10] See Pope, page 323.


OVID.  43 b. c.-18 a. d.

  They come to see; they come that they themselves may be seen.[707:1]

The Art of Love. i. 99.

  Nothing is stronger than custom.

The Art of Love. ii. 345.

  Then the omnipotent Father with his thunder made Olympus

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