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Book online «The Crafter's Dominion: A Dungeon Core Novel (Dungeon Crafting Book 5) Jonathan Brooks (books that read to you txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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floor of the Bearling lair with a *tink*, rolling to a stop after a brief bounce.  Sandra could only look on with pleased shock as she read over the notification, seeing that she had succeeded and was barely able to believe it.

Hey, Winxa…I DID IT!  It’s not impossible, after all! 

If she had legs, Sandra knew she’d be dancing around in glee, and it was only the knowledge that she could’ve probably done this weeks ago that stifled a little of her joy.  Then again, she probably hadn’t really needed it until now, so she assumed that it really didn’t make all that much difference.

“What?  That’s…impossibly awesome.”  Winxa seemed worn out, as if another impossibility being achieved by Sandra was wearing on her.  That didn’t really faze Sandra, though, because she was still excited by her discovery; so much so that she created one inside of her Home room – as a Monster Seed, not using the wildly unpredictable results of free-floating Mana like her experiments up above required – and it appeared a moment later.  Instead of a swirling mass of Mana in two different colors, the new Fire-Earth Gem appeared to be more of a maroon color, a mixture of both red and brown together.

“That’s amazing, Sandra,” the Dungeon Fairy said, taking a closer look at the new Gem.  “Now…how many elements can you put in a single Gem?”

That was a good question, and one that Sandra was going to find out.  Before that, however, she created more combinations of dual-element Gems that weren’t opposites, and found them as easy to create as everything else.  In fact, after the Fire-Earth one was complete, she didn’t even need all of her concentration to make the rest.  In total, she created 24 out of 28 dual-element combinations, the 4 opposite-element ones being the only ones that she wasn’t able to create.

Knowing that she still wanted to figure those out at some point in the future, but moving on to what she could accomplish, Sandra experimented with 3 elements.  First up was Fire, Earth, and Nether; with 50 Mana of each element, she did the same thing as with the 2 different elements—and it worked spectacularly.

New Monster Seed created using your Advanced Elemental Monster Seed Origination


You now have access to:

Tiny Fire-Earth-Nether Elemental Gem

Origination Raw Material Cost: 0

Origination Mana Cost: 150

Monster Min. Mana: 50

Monster Max. Mana: 150


Currently locked:

Small Fire-Earth-Nether Elemental Gem

Average Fire-Earth-Nether Elemental Gem

Large Fire-Earth-Nether Elemental Gem

The color of this particular Gem was a very dark brown – nearly black – and had a reddish tint to it when it was looked at the right way.  She experimented with other 3-color combinations, though she didn’t make all of them – because she wanted to see how far she could push her newfound knowledge.

Combining 4 elements together was nearly as easy, though condensing them down took a little bit more effort than the last few.  There were quite a few combinations with 4 elements, even considering that she wasn’t combining opposite elements, so after making one with Air, Fire, Spirit, and Holy, she left off at that.  She needed to figure out how to do even more, so that she could have at least 6 together for the Elven King and Queen.  Sure, it was easy enough to give them 2 of the new 3-element Gems, but it would be even easier if she could make a single one that would contain them all; besides, this would also be beneficial for her PEEs, and if she was able to put 5 or 6 elements together, it would streamline quite a few of her enchantments and save space.

Still using the Bearling lair, she again brought out 50 Fire and 50 Earth Mana, before she added in 50 Water.  She had a theory she wanted to try out, and she figured it was better if she only had 3 elements at once instead of 5 or more – especially if it ended up exploding like before.  First, she forcibly held the Fire and Earth together, condensing them down to the point just before they would normally form the new gem, before adding in the Water.  Bracing against another explosion, she was pleased that her experiment didn’t blow apart immediately.

As she watched the Water Mana incorporate itself in the combination she was making, however, she saw that an explosion was imminent, however.  Not right away, but unless something changed, it would explode within moments.  Condensing the blue, red, and brown Mana together in the form of a dodecahedron, she willed them to combine into a new Gem.

Unfortunately, nothing happened.  Try as she might, the elements just wouldn’t combine together – so Sandra relaxed and separated the 3 elements before they could explode.  She wasn’t sure how close they were to blowing up, but she sensed that it was close.  Now what?  There has to be a way….

While she didn’t think she would be able to use a catalyst to neutralize the friction between the opposing elements, there was something else she could try, though it would be risky: Elemental Balance.  She had only seen an example of it once before when she had been learning enchanting, though not actually in the process of crafting it; instead, she had seen an enchanted artifact that was hundreds or thousands of years old, created by an Enchanter that had lived long ago that had access to 2 pairs of opposing elements.  With the 4 elements, he had created a relatively simple enchantment that created a bright glow when people were near the small Bronze orb, and emitted darkness when no one was near.

It was such a silly enchantment that amazingly still worked after all of those years, and it had reportedly been created just to prove a point: Elemental balance.  By placing Fire, Water, Holy, and Nether elements together in a balanced enchantment,

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