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Book online «The Crafter's Dominion: A Dungeon Core Novel (Dungeon Crafting Book 5) Jonathan Brooks (books that read to you txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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with equal amounts of each element energy fed into the rune sequence and exact placement of those enchantments so that they were symmetrical, the “battle” between the 2 pairs of opposites created an environment that sustained itself indefinitely. 

Imagine a shield that absorbed the energy of an explosion, which then used that energy to explode – which was then caught by another shield.  In this instance, one of the shields was one pair of opposite elements, while the other shield was the other pair; when one pair exploded, it was caught by the other pair, which then exploded and was caught by the first pair.  Sandra had just seen – in part – how this worked, as the Earth Mana in her Fire-Earth-Water combination had delayed and acted as a partial shield of the explosion between Fire and Water, though it was incomplete.  Theoretically, it needed Air to be added in order to balance it…at least, according to the idea of Elemental Balance.

No one was able to adapt the theory for other applications, however, because it needed at least 2 pairs of opposing elements. In Human history, those with access to 4 elements were rare; those with a pair of opposing elements, let alone 2 pairs, were probably 1 in a billion.  Needless to say, no one other than that one Enchanter who had made the Bronze orb was able to apply Elemental Balance to anything.

I guess it’s my turn.

Chapter 36

Air, Fire, Water, and Earth floated in the middle of the Bearling lair as Sandra prepared herself.  Blocking out almost everything else, including the slowly encroaching forces of the other Dungeon Cores through the underground tunnels, she slowly brought the different Manas together.  She started with Air and Water, which combined without much trouble, before adding Earth – which started to build up an explosion as it interacted with Air, though slowly – and then Sandra added in Fire.

At first, the Dungeon Core thought it was going to hasten the explosion, as the different-colored Mana – Red, Blue, Yellow, and Brown – swirled together with an intensity that nearly made her pull it all apart in response.  However, after a moment, the churning of the colors started to slow down; instead of a crazy maelstrom, it ended up looking like a small pond that had constant eddies lazily swirling throughout its form.  When it didn’t feel like it was going to explode, Sandra started to condense it all down, using all of her concentration to keep it all together.  After about 10 seconds of intense strain, she found that it wasn’t working.  Knowing that it was possible she needed a different shape from the dodecahedron, she wracked her mind as she tried to contain everything.

Finally, deciding to just wing it and use another common gem shape, Sandra changed the number of facets of her new creation to 20, making an icosahedron.  It was the next-common shape, so she was gambling that more facets meant more containment.  After another 10 seconds of condensing, it finally happened.

New Monster Seed created using your Advanced Elemental Monster Seed Origination


You now have access to:

Tiny Air-Earth-Fire-Water Elemental Generator

Origination Raw Material Cost: 0

Origination Mana Cost: 200

Monster Min. Mana: 50

Monster Max. Mana: 150


Currently locked:

Small Air-Earth-Fire-Water Elemental Generator

Average Air-Earth-Fire-Water Elemental Generator

Large Air-Earth-Fire-Water Elemental Generator



Elemental Generators, if not used within 24 hours, can potentially result in explosions of catastrophic force.

Whoa – what?!  Sandra was thoroughly confused at first, especially as she looked at the 20-sided gem on the ground of the Bearling lair.  It appeared quite harmless and the warning that it could, what, explode in 24 hours was more than a bit of a concern.  And what does it mean by used?

Winxa was listening into her mental discussion, of course.  After explaining what had happened and the warning she received, the Dungeon Fairy looked thoughtful.  “Have you seen something like this…generator…before?”

Well, yes, that’s how I got the idea— 

Just that quickly, she knew exactly what the warning was about.  The Bronze orb she had seen with her own eyes when she was a Human was evidence enough of it, but she hadn’t put two and two together.  She thought that the Elemental Balance she had witnessed was just something that allowed the enchantment to continue in perpetuity, but what it actually did was perpetually create energy.  It was only a small amount – especially proportional to how much was originally invested in the enchantment itself – but it would add up after a while.  With elemental energy, it would probably take weeks or months to generate enough to overload the rune sequences; with her more-powerful Mana invested in the Elemental Generators, 24 hours seemed probably about right before they went “poof” with a buildup of Mana that couldn’t be contained within the form it currently possessed.

Unless there were an outlet for all of that buildup.

In the case of the Bronze orb, it would use the energy created to either glow brighter or create a dark cloud around it when no one was near.  In those two states, it could use everything that was being generated and create another “balance”.  It was an ideal solution to expend the energy without actually using any of it that was invested in the enchantment, itself.

For Sandra, “using” the Elemental Generator meant hooking it up to something that needed to keep a perpetual enchantment on it – like her Stasis Fields down in her Enchantment Repository Room.  In fact, these would probably work perfectly to produce enough energy to keep it running, well, forever.  Looking at the Generator she had made, she could already see a tiny buildup of Mana inside, as the colors continued to swirl together at a slow pace; she intuitively knew that the Mana it created was a mixture of all 4 elements, so if it was attached to an

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