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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Patrice Lewis (i read book txt) 📖». Author Patrice Lewis

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workshop making small talk, Stacia could breathe better. Despite the paint fumes.

But the reprieve didn’t last long. By the time she’d finished priming the tub, it was time for Daddy to tend the store.

And her breathing hitched again. The rest of the day passed with the buzz of power tools interspersed with small talk. Her only reprieve from him was when she ran to the house to make sandwiches for lunch. Then afterward, Stacia took Ross through the steps of reglazing a bathtub until the door from the store opened and the twins blasted inside.

“Uncle Ross,” their two voices echoed as they flocked him.

Stacia’s heart took a dive. “Y’all are supposed to check if it’s okay for you to come in, remember?” At least the fumes had tamed.

“Sorry.” Madison hung her head. “I forgot. We were excited cuz Grandpa said Uncle Ross was here.”

“Can you play with us, Uncle Ross?” Mason asked. “Pleeeease.”

Ross caught her gaze, as if asking permission.

“Not today.” She set down her drill. “We’ll need to do chores and homework and your uncle has work to do.”

“Awww!” The twins’ disappointment echoed one another.

“Tonight, after Grandpa and Uncle Ross finish with the cattle and the workshop, you can spend some time with him.”

“Yay!” Madison and Mason jumped up and down.

“But for now, you get me.” She ushered them toward the exit.

No yays about spending time with her. Her stomach sank further. It wasn’t so much jealousy. It downright hurt.

* * *

As morning daylight filled the kitchen, Stacia hurriedly ate at the breakfast bar.

“What’s got you so down in the mouth?” Daddy strode into the room, always attuned to her moods.

“I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not. Spill.”

“The kids are so excited to spend time with Ross. I mean, I’m glad they like him since he’s their uncle and he’s not going anywhere. But—”

“You wish they were that excited about us.”

“I’m a bad aunt.” Her face warmed.

“No, you’re not. You’ve poured the last three years of your life into them.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Remember how they were all about Larae when she first moved back to Medina? And then they were all about Lexie when she moved back. Ross is just someone new and exciting in their world. He’ll become part of the scenery before you know it.”

If he didn’t end up taking them back to Houston with him.

“I hope so.” She downed the last of her pineapple juice and headed toward the foyer. “I better go corral them.”

“I’m off to the workshop.”

Halfway up the stairs, giggles erupted from Madison’s room. She sped up to see what mischief they’d gotten into. And promptly interrupted a pillow fight between the children as they smacked each other with fluffy cushions.

Her heart warmed, as she remembered her own such antics with their mother in this very room. “Okay, break it up. It’s almost time to go.”

Madison dropped her pillow, but Mason got one more shot in before doing the same. Just like Calli used to.

“Have you brushed your teeth?”

“Yes.” Their voices blended.

“Go brush your hair.”

“We already did,” Mason said.

“It looks like that was before the pillow fight.” She tousled his disheveled hair.

While Madison was all about lingering hugs and sitting in Stacia’s lap, Mason was too impatient and squirmy. She’d learned to get creative in ways of showing her affection with him.

“Can you French braid mine?” Madison handed her a brush and pony holder.

“Sure.” Stacia sat down on the edge of the bed as Madison turned her back to stand in front of her. She separated the thick red locks into three sections.

“Where does Uncle Ross live?” the little girl asked.

“In Houston.”

“How long is he staying here?”

“I’m not sure.”

Mason returned from the bathroom. “I hope he stays forever.”

“Wow, that’s a long time.” Stacia was torn. She’d love for Ross to go away, to not complicate the twins’ lives or custody situation. But if he grew bored with playing uncle and abandoned them, her niece and nephew would be hurt. And if he was sincere about being a fixture in their world, he might very well take Mason and Madison away from her.

Please Lord, fix this, where no one gets hurt. Especially not the twins.

“It’s time to go.” Madison, the rule follower, a child after her own heart.

“All done.” Stacia twisted the holder into place. “Race you downstairs.”

Mason darted out of the room. Thankfully, he fell for her hurrying him up trick every time and never noticed she and Madison didn’t even try.

“Uncle Ross!” Mason’s excited shout echoed up the stairs.

What was he doing here so early?

Halfway down, she caught a glimpse of Ross and stopped short.

Framed by the fireplace with the ornate mantle her mom had begun to restore, he squatted to hug Mason, then looked up, smiled.

She tried to return the greeting, but her lips refused to tip up.

“Your dad invited me in for coffee.”

“I see that.” She descended the remaining steps.

Madison ran to him and got her hug. Then he stood, hatless and barefoot, retrieved his porcelain mug and took a sip. Looking way too at home.

“I didn’t figure you’d want my barnyard boots in your house and when I was taking them off outside, I made a mess of my socks.” He scrunched his nose, then turned to the fireplace. “This is a great piece.”

“Thanks. My mom found it at an estate sale. She started restoring it, but didn’t get to finish. So Daddy and I did.” Her voice caught. They’d painstakingly cleaned and polished every spindle and shelf until it shone, as a memorial to her.

“That tiger scares me.” Madison pointed at the bronze tiger ready to pounce, crouching on the mantle.

“This guy.” Ross ran his hand along the statue’s back. “He’s harmless. Have you ever petted him?”

Madison shook her head.

“Come on, give it a try.” Ross reached for her and she allowed him to pick her up. Level with the tiger, she tentatively touched it, then stroked it’s back.

“He’s still scary looking.”

“Agreed. But he’s all cold, hard bronze. Even his teeth.”

“I like the deer.” Mason straddled the

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