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when they were both students at the School of the West many years before. They were all so different and yet so similar. None of them looked as though they had suffered any malnourishment during the great hunger; they all had impressively athletic physiques. They were the best, or as Morwen Vanora had put it, they were the elite. Cordelia wondered how she would ever compare as Morwen’s earlier comments echoed in her head. She couldn’t help but wonder if she really belonged here.

The two wagons continued along the bumpy tracks, hidden between hedgerows of purple and orange flowers. Cordelia loved the colours and closed her eyes briefly as she inhaled the sweet scent. Before long they reached their destination.

“You’re very quiet,” said Lana as they walked down the slip way to Ross Bay.

Cordelia smiled. “I was just taking in the scenery. It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“The most beautiful place on Earth,” replied Lana and she ran ahead with the other students. “Come on Cordelia!”

Ross Bay was well secluded by cliffs and the bay itself was made from a large area of glistening rock which jutted out in rugged succession into the water like sea breakers. Cordelia couldn’t believe her eyes; this vast rock formation was literally shimmering in the sun as though it had been sprinkled with stardust. Max picked up a large grey pebble and threw it against the rocky floor. It broke in two to reveal a mass of sparkling crystals.

Cordelia’s eyes widened and she turned to Lana. “Are they all like this?”

“Most of them. See for yourself.” Lana picked up a pebble and passed it to Cordelia. “Save it for later when Morwen’s not watching,” she said, placing a hand on Cordelia’s shoulder.

Cordelia followed Lana’s eye line to the top of one of the bridges; a natural sea arch formed in the cliff wall, looking out on the ocean that carved it. She could see Morwen standing there, her long white hair blowing in the wind as she watched their every move.

Marilla was waiting on the rocks near by. “Gather round,” she called. “We haven’t got all day.”

Marilla was a similar age to Morwen, probably in her sixties at least. Her emerald eyes twinkled in the sun as her long brunette locks danced around her head.

“Are we all here?” she asked. “Ah, I see we have our new student with us. Welcome Cordelia.”

Cordelia wasn’t keen on being singled out in front of everyone but managed a half smile.

“Be glad you’re here,” said Marilla. “You won’t want to miss this.”

Marilla turned towards Morwen as the class edged forward to get a better view. Morwen stood silently looking at the water below then raised both hands slowly in the air. The water began to rise and a great rolling wave appeared at the mouth of the bay. It wasn’t going anywhere; it remained in the same place rolling over and over.

“Incredible,” said Rafe.

Morwen raised her left hand higher and the wave grew taller, she moved her right hand quickly towards the class, directing the wave towards them.

“Oh, yes!” cried Max. “Come and get me you beauty!” He stretched his arms wide, inviting the wave towards him.

Cordelia stepped back as thoughts of the storm raced through her mind.

“Be strong,” said Marilla, quietly and she placed a reassuring hand on Cordelia’s back.

In that split moment, where things could have gone either way, Cordelia decided to stand strong and battle her worries about the storm. The wave built up speed as it drew closer, until Morwen brought her hands back together in a circular motion and then quickly drew them apart, dispelling the wave to the sides of the bay where it broke against the cliff walls. The class clapped and cheered, their faces wild with excitement.

“Settle down, settle down,” said Marilla. “Remember, it’s all in the mind. All you have to do is focus.”

“Morwen really is the best when it comes to water control,” said Lana quietly.

“Is it magic?” asked Cordelia.

“Mind control. Use your mind to think about what you want the water to do. If you concentrate hard enough it will happen. Use your arms to direct the water.”

“Now, who wants to go first?” asked Marilla.

Every hand shot up apart from Cordelia’s.

“In that case we’ll have ladies first.”

The class watched in silence as Tallulah created her wave, the water slowly rising, shaky at first, the wave threatening to tumble.

“Focus,” said Marilla.

Tallulah’s hazel eyes looked fierce as the wave grew stronger and her long talons beckoned the wave to shore.

“She’s doing it,” whispered Nerissa, “it’s actually working.”

“Of course it’s working,” said Lana. “it’s not the first time we’ve done something like this.”

“Not on this scale,” replied Masika.

Adrenalin rushed through Cordelia’s body at the mere thought of controlling the sea.

Tallulah continued to beckon the wave, her eyes transfixed as it hurtled towards her.

“She’s not stopping,” said Rafe.

The students stepped back.

“Tell her to stop!” cried Max.

Marilla held up her hand, signaling for the students not to interfere. When the mighty wave reached the tip of the sea breakers, Tallulah’s hands parted and the wave dispelled, throwing nothing but a few drops of salt water at their feet. Tallulah half curtsied before returning to the group.

“Well done Tallulah,” said Marilla.

After the morning’s diving disaster, Cordelia decided to hold back for a while, not because she wasn’t going to try, she just wasn’t in a hurry to embarrass herself again. Lana stepped forward to take her turn. Standing on the edge of the rock with her eyes closed, Lana slowly raised her left hand. The water responded. A wave of turquoise and blue rolled in one spot on the surface of the ocean, creating a valley of foam between the wave and the shore. Then she steadily beckoned the wave with her right hand and it moved closer. Lana opened her eyes moments before it reached the sea breakers and dispersed the wave.

“Perfect!” cried Marilla, beaming with pride.

“She’s had a lot of extra training from her father,” whispered Masika.

“Yeah, don’t worry, we’re

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