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Book online «Fulfillment Golland, M. (best classic literature TXT) 📖». Author Golland, M.

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can have each other, I honestly couldn’t care less. It’sjust...I don’t know...those things were mine, are mine,and...and...she can get her fucking own. Anyway, I’ve decided Ineed to see my solicitor. I’m going to make Rick pay me out for thehouse—.”

“You don’tneed to worry about money, Alexis. What’s mine is yours.”

“It’s notabout the money, Bryce. I know you want to share what you have withme, and I will let you do that eventually. It may take me some timeto get used to, but with that time, I’m sure I will get used to it.No, this is more about...and I know this is petty...but,” I sighedand slumped into his chest. “It’s just...he doesn’t deserve to geteverything we both worked for all our life. It’s a matter ofprinciple.” I blurted out, shrugging out of his grip to pick up mycushions. I brushed them down. “Some of this stuff is special andstupidly sentimental, and yes...some of it is obviously justdownright stupid, I get that. But what I want to do—what Ineed to do— is see my lawyer and change my will,divide our assets and put final closure on Rick’s and my lifetogether.

“I know wehave to wait a year before we can get a divorce, but finalisingthese things first will help give some form of separation and maybehelp me deal with it all a little better. I have been civil to him,and I have been pleasant. But it is getting increasingly hard tokeep that shit up.” I closed my eyes, willing the throbbing in myhead to dissipate. “If it weren’t for the kids, Bryce, I would haveunleashed hell upon him. I think I just need the formality ofseparation from Rick as his wife. Maybe that will help with mybuilding anger.”

“It’s notpetty, Alexis. If that’s going to make you feel better, then do it.It’s your call; your decision.” He turned his back on my car sothat he was facing me. “Speaking of changing wills, you should knowthat I have already changed mine. I don’t want you to ever have toworry about any of that.”

I looked athim, shocked. “What do you mean you have already done that?”

“I had ameeting with my lawyer the day after you told me you were havingour baby, and I sorted it all out.”

“Oh.” Inodded, warily. I don’t know why I was dubious, it sort of madesense he would do that. I guess I just didn’t expect him to do itthat soon.

“What’s this?”he asked holding up a lop-sided ceramic mug.

“It’smine.” I snatched it from him while smirking. “Imade it in high school.”

“It’s lovely,”he said sarcastically.

My mouthdropped, and I smiled at his audacity. “Shut up. It’s art, kind ofabstract.” I rotated it in front of me, secretly thinking mystatement was bullshit.

He picked up aphoto of me and the kids which had been taken on my birthday theyear before. “When was this taken?” he asked, as he studied thephoto. “I like it.”

“Last year, onmy birthday.”

“I’m keepingit,” he said matter-of-factly, continuing to look through mystuff.

“Get out. Stoptouching.” I playfully shoved him out of the way then gathered up afew things. He too grabbed my suitcase and a few things more. Therest I would come back for later.


The elevatordoors opened to the apartment, and as I stepped out, the sightbefore me had me frozen with fear.

“Alexis.Bryce. Finally, I’ve been waiting for you.” Gareth or Scott—I’m notreally sure who and I didn’t really care—had been sitting on thesofa casually chatting away to my children. How the fuck did heget in here?

Bryce steppedout in front of me. “Gareth, what are you doing here? Who let youin?”

He gestured toCharlotte. “This beautiful young lady here did.”

My heartliterally plummeted to the ground. Charli-Bear, how could you beso stupid? You know about stranger-danger. Like every parent, Ihad explained to Charlotte that talking to a stranger, let aloneletting one inside your house was extremely dangerous. Obviously, Ihadn’t done a very good job of it.

“Gareth, in myoffice! Now!” Bryce said sternly.

“Now wait aminute. You don’t need to be like that. I’ve come here to take mymeds in front of you just like you asked me to. I’ve been doing itevery day like you said.”

“Gareth,”Bryce warned.

“Hang on andhear me out. I want to apologise to Alexis, explain a few things.We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot, and I want to makethings right, especially now that she and her children are livinghere.”

I thought Inoticed the faintest evidence of fallacy, but I couldn’t be quitesure. Then again, maybe this was Gareth and he was being genuine.No, regardless of that, I wanted him as far away from Nate andCharli as possible. He was unstable, and I did not trust him, notfor a minute.

I looked at mykids who were still sitting on the sofa now looking nervous. “Nateand Charlotte, please go to your rooms for a minute. I will be upsoon.”

Nate sensed myunease and took hold of his sister’s hand, both of them makingtheir way upstairs very quickly. When they were out of sight andthe door to the bedroom had shut behind them, I addressedGareth.

“Okay, soapologise.” I put down the items I still had in my arms and walkedover to the sofa my kids had been sitting on. Bryce did thesame.

“Look, I knowBryce has explained my situation, and I’m glad he has. Hopefullythat will help you understand and be, um...forgiving of my flaws,so to speak.” He seemed very calm and informative, but I couldn’thelp pick up on a tinge of arrogance in his expression. The wholeapology seemed forged. Then again, I had no experience whatsoeverwith someone who had Dissociative Identity Disorder, so I couldn’tsay for sure that this wasn’t Gareth trying to make amends.Regardless, I went along with his attempt.

“The day Iattacked you...well I didn’t attack you, Scottdid...” He seemed angry, angry with Scott, who was also Gareth, buthe wasn’t angry with himself. Oh my God, this is so surreal.“The day Scott attacked you I had lost all control of myself. I hadno idea I had even seen you, let alone touched you. That was untilBryce told me what I had done. I’m so sorry, Alexis, please

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