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and looked up at Cobb, Lacey and Sheriff Collins. He didn’t have to shake his head or tell them anything, they’d been listening for the last ten minutes as he tried to raise Gunny or Griz or anyone else from the team. They didn’t know much, just that the hit hadn’t gone off as planned and now they were running across the desert with an army chasing after them. The last transmission had been from Bridget, letting them know they’d run into a little trouble at a border crossing, couldn’t get across, but were heading to the next one.

They’d been trying to reach Jessie for days but he wasn’t answering either. The last they’d heard, he’d been in Blackfoot and had killed a bunch of Casey’s men in a bar fight. The man on the radio said he was pretty sure the Road Angel had been fine when he left town, he’d had lunch with his dog at the bar and grill right before he took off. No one had heard anything since.

“I can’t stand this.” Lacey said in frustration. “You’ll let me know if you hear from either one?”

“Yes ma’am.” Wire Bender said. “Ricky tick.”

“Let’s get some tea, Debbie.” she told Sheriff Collins. “I’m sure they’re fine. Johnny probably found a cantina somewhere and they’re all sipping on cold beers and staring at dancing girls. Damn men.”

Collins tried to smile but she was just as worried as Lacy. Wire Bender said the last message was rushed, the engines were roaring and he’d heard gunfire in the background. She didn’t know what she’d do if her Grizzly Bear didn’t come back. She was hard as iron when she needed to be, you had to be in this world, but Griz got to her softer side. She’d made him court her the old-fashioned way for months and he was a bigger softy than she was. He held doors open for her, paid for her movie ticket and always got the popcorn the way she liked it. He brought her flowers and bullets, took her water skiing and shooting. For her birthday, he’d taken her for a cruise in an Abrams tank, had let her drive it, blow up stuff with training rounds and run over cars. It was the best date she’d ever had.

Now he was MIA.

Same as her husband the day the world went mad. She couldn’t let it get her down, though. She had a job to do, rounds to make. There were new people coming in all the time and it was important that they knew who she was and she liked to meet them, get to know them a little. Like that new couple with the baby, Dustin and Lexi. They’d been hiding out since the beginning and were so grateful to be taken in. It was unusual for whole families to survive intact and they were welcomed warmly, Lacy had even gotten her a job in the courthouse and Dustin had immediately volunteered as a guard. That was the rewarding part of her profession and it made her proud to be a small part of the rebuilding.

Somebody had picked the locks on the armory. Nothing was taken but somebody, or a bunch of somebodies, had been messing around with the chain guns. From the candy wrapper she’d found on the floor, she had a pretty good idea who it was. There were some manuals missing too and she was pretty sure she’d find them in the secret hideout, the kids playing grownup and trying to teach themselves how to operate the tanks and Bradley’s. She needed to have another chat with the Bullet Brigade. She’d listen to their protestations of innocence and denial, insisting they were perfect angels and would never do anything wrong. All with straight faces. But they’d know she knew, it would be enough to keep them on the straight and narrow, for a while anyway, and the missing manuals would mysteriously reappear one morning.

She’d have tea at the Sunshine Café before she got on with her day. She had time for that. It was mostly for Lacy, she told herself. She wasn’t worried. Not yet.

“Let me know if ya hear anything from either one of them.” Cobb rasped and clomped out of the shop. He had a convoy to organize, didn’t have time to be hanging around all day, waiting for a call. The Meadows kid found quite a few more settlements and was pretty good at radioing in with the lists of what they had and what they needed. This Tower he’d found up in Oregon was the highest on his priority list. He’d talked to their chief of security, a former cop, and knew they needed to get a load of military grade hardware up there as quick as possible. From the sounds of it, they had one of the most advanced technological buildings in the world before the fall, now it certainly was. They couldn’t let Casey’s Raiders take it down, they’d just destroy it. The Security chief, a captain Macon, said they only had small arms and a few police rifles. Nothing that could stop a determined Raider attack with rocket launchers or even a handful of grenades. He was sending a whole load of heavy ordinance, RPG’s, night vision, TOW missile systems they could mount on the roof and a couple of Bradley’s for the intimidation factor. No body would be stupid enough to attack it if they saw that much of a military presence.

From the sounds of it, the Tower was much more important than Lakota was when it came to rebuilding. They still had all of their technology up and running, they were still 21st century with cell phones and wireless systems. General Carson was already talking about getting some crews together and rerouting the fiber optic cables from NSA and getting satellite sync networks back up. Cobb didn’t understand all that, but Carl the Engineer did and was all aflutter about the

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