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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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for you in some way.” He put the children down carefully and turned to her with tired eyes.

“Now might not be the time, Madison,” Sadie said interrupting protectively.

“It’s okay.” Ivy put her hand over her mothers. “What are you saying, Madison?”

Madison went to her side and looked at Sadie for support. Where were the proper words when you needed them? He leaned against the rail and yawned trying to find the energy to continue.

“I’m an old man by your standards, but I am a grown man by the world’s. And I’ve seen a lot of things in my lifetime. I know that you’ve been torn since the day that you found out about these children, if not earlier. All I want you to do is really use this time to decide if you really want to be Grey. No one here would feel love lost if you didn’t want to be, especially now that you know that these boys don’t belong to him. Now, that you see…how he deals with pressure.”

“Madison,” Sadie warned.

“No…now Sadie. Where is the boy? He ran out of here like he had hot coals in his ass yesterday. And he hasn’t been back. Hell, he knew that there was a possibility of them not being his a long time ago. He should have stayed by her side during this.”

“Well, try to understand his side too,” Ivy said feeling the need to take up for Grey.

“His side of what? This is one of the most important times of your life, and you know who was here? Nicola.” Emerald rested his case.

“Nicola would have left the same way if those children were not his,” Sadie said feeling as though Ivy could not carry the conversation on her own.

“Yes, this is true. But who is she engaged to?” Emerald took Ivy’s hand. “Use this time to think about it, Little Sis. That is all that I ask.”

“Okay,” Ivy said giving in to his pleas. “I will.” I already am, she thought to herself.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Maternity

Chapter 29


For Ivy since the twins were born, it seemed that the world had begun to rotate backwards on its axis. Nearly four weeks had passed and dramatic life changes had taken place leaving her wondering where this new world of baby diapers, late night crying, babysitting and life juggling would take her.

In just two weeks she would be marrying Mrs. Henderson. She was already back at work full-time at the firm. With a great deal of frustration to work through, she spent several hours a night at the gym, which had caused her to quickly get back to her old size.

However, something else was happening to Ivy. Something more spiritual than physical. The world was beginning to have new meaning. Suddenly, Grey’s priorities were not so important. His quest to become the state’s next congressman was no more significant than her firm’s next client. Madison and Adamo where now most important. And her needs seemed to be more pertinent and her feelings more sensitive. She was a wreck, but slowly she felt herself gaining a new control over her life.

Coming out of her daze, Ivy sat on the long black leather couch looking across at her therapist who scribbled notes in a notepad. Madison had suggested that she see a shrink after the realization that she had given birth to Nicola’s children and still planned to marry Grey. He thought that she needed professional help on the matter, protesting that such a thing was not normal and needed to be further analyzed before she moved foreword. For once, she thought he was crazy and blew the entire notion off all together until her mother had agreed with him. This was a first! They both thought that she was crazy. Okay. Maybe she did need to see someone? And so Grey had his good friend Mattock refer her to his fiancée, Dana McMillan, a well-respected psychologist who focused on women’s studies.

Ivy’s lunch hour was nearly up, and the entire session had been centered on her irritation with Grey. He had gone to great extremes to avoid a sexual relationship through the pregnancy but wanted so much to ravage her now. As more and more weight dropped off, his passion increased, but she kept him away with the excuse of waiting on her six-week check-up. The truth was that for some reason, she partially resented him. He didn’t want her when she needed him most. Why should she give him what he wanted now, when she barely needed him at all?

“Well, we’re done for today, Ivy,” Dr. Dana said crossing her legs and giving a leisurely smile. “I want you to focus on telling Grey how you really feel this week. Try not to focus on his feelings but on your own.”

“Easier said than done, doc.” Ivy stood up and grabbed her purse.

“I realize for you, Ivy, it is hard. But if you don’t begin to put your needs first now…you never will.” She stood up and handed Ivy a small book. “This is for you. It’s a great little read by Dr. Normandy Pierce called Putting Yourself First. I think it’s perfect for you.”

“Thanks,” Ivy said glancing down at the small blue book. “Should I have read it before I return?”

“As much as you can. We’ll talk about how it relates to the problems you’re having when we meet again next week. And Ivy for what it’s worth, I think we’ve made excellent progress.”

Ivy smiled at the prospect. Was she really doing better? “Thanks again,” she said placing the little book in her purse. “Until next week.”


Nicola walked the Wolfchase mall quietly in his Gap Jeans and comfy white t-shirt. His curly tendrils where hidden under an Italian Flag baseball cap and he sported a dark pair of shades covering his tired, red eyes. Madison and Adamo had cried all

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