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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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“Dinner tonight at seven at Dad’s.”

“Oh, I’d almost forgotten. Let me see if Mom will watch the babies.”

“We need to get a sitter.” Grey breathed heavily agitated at the constant juggling.

“Well, we don’t have one yet. So, I need to call mom,” Ivy said in a matter of fact tone.

“Yeah, I know. That’s just a note for the very, very near future.” Grey looked at his watch. “Should I pick you up or do you want to meet me there?”

“I’ll meet you. I have to pick them up from Nicola’s house.”

“Don’t be late.” Grey said hanging up before she could hear how pissed he was. Nicola. Always something to do with that damned man.


Ivy wrapped up her work and headed out. Looking around the perfectly designed corner office before she locked the door, she felt a since of calm. She knew her work so well that she hadn’t skipped a beat since she’d returned. Everyone loved her fresh ideas and praised her constantly for her early return from maternity leave to focus on the Ellis account. Things were finally starting to go her way. Locking the door, she bid her administrative assistant a good night and disappeared behind the golden doors of the elevator with her self-help book tucked tightly under her arm.

Within an hour as the sun set on the city leaving a beautiful golden rose hue on the horizon, Ivy was pulling into Nicola’s driveway in her new silver Audi A4 with the top down blasting Mary J. Blige.

Without thinking, she walked to Nicola’s door and opened it. Like always it was unlocked just for her. She entered, set down her purse, kicked off her shoes and threw her keys by his on the stand. She found Nicola at the kitchen table with Adamo in his arms feeding him a bottle and reading the newspaper. He looked up from his gold, wire-rimmed reading glasses and smiled at Ivy.

“Hey,” he said looking over at Madison lying in the plan pin napping.

“Hey,” she said walking over the stove. “What’d you cook? Something smells good.”

“Chicken cacciatore. Want some?” He stood up with the baby still tucked safely in his embrace.

“Don’t get up,” she shooed him back to the table. “I’ll fix it.”

“Okay,” Nicola said sitting back down.

“I can’t stay long. I’ve got to get the kids to Momma’s house and then get to dinner at Grey’s folks house with the Black Doctors Association.”

“Are they any different from the White Doctors Association?” Nicola snickered.

Ivy rolled her eyes and stuck her fork in the pan. “Smart ass.”

“Why don’t you just leave them here?” he asked burping Adamo.

“Would you mind?”

“Why would I mind? They’re my kids,” Nicola said kissing the crown of Adamo’s head. “That’s a good boy.”

The sight warmed Ivy’s heart. She turned to keep from staring at him. “Okay. Great. Well, I’ll pick them up after.”

“No need. You can pick them up tomorrow after work. I don’t have to be at work until day after tomorrow.” Nicola left her in the kitchen alone to check on Madison.

“This is really good.” Ivy licked her fingers.

“What can I say, I’m a bad man.” Nicola yelled from his living room.


As Ivy drove back home to shower and dress for dinner, she thought about Nicola and how wonderful he was with their children. He never hesitated when it came to them or her. He was always there proudly taking charge and taking care. She appreciated him so much. Things could be so different. So much worse. But he had kept his promise. They were his, and he was being a good father.

Plus, there were those feelings she fought so hard to repress. He looked so great in his reading glasses! The way he carried her sons in his arms made her want to crawl up in them herself. And she could have called him to ask if he would watch them, but she had made the special trip over not only to see the boys but also to see him.


Friday came quickly and Ivy found herself running around again like crazy. Sadie had gone back to the base with Madison for a few days so that he could handle some business. Emerald and Trina were closing on a house, and she was due at a huge fundraiser with Grey in two hours. The babysitter Grey had hired called in sick just minutes before and she was forced yet again to call on Nicola. This time, she felt that she was pushing her luck, but she dialed him anyway.

“Hello,” he said grabbing his remote to turn down his stereo.

“Hey, I need a really big favor.” Her voice pitch heightened in nervousness.

“Okay,” Nicola said lighting the candles at his dinner table.

“I have to be at a fundraiser at the Canon Center in two hours. I don’t have a babysitter. I’m really in a rut. Can you watch the kids tonight? I’ll owe you,” she whined.

“Well, I did have plans.” He looked at his clock. “But...”

“Please.” Ivy clasped her hands together.

“Alright. Bring them over. I’ll figure something out.” Nicola sighed.

“Thanks,” Ivy said kissing the phone. “I owe you. We’ll be there in one hour.”


Exactly one hour later, Grey and Ivy pulled up to Nicola’s house in formal attire ready for the untimely gala. Thunder bounced off the rooftops and heavy clouds hid the moon. It was all very dreary to Ivy. She sighed disgusted at the weather and felt for her umbrella. They might as well get a move on considering that they were running a half hour late.

Grey sat quietly in seat visibly perturbed by Nicola. Even after over a month of reality beating at him day in and out, he could not get used to the children belonging to that man. However, he was determined to suppress his resentment. He just wished that there was some sign of Nicola moving on in his life. If there was a steady love interest, he was

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