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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Dana Mentink (e books free to read TXT) 📖». Author Dana Mentink

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the kingdom and went to search for Marian. Shadowfax galloped across the field under the cover of night.”

“Was he scared?” Gabe asked.

“No. He was a brave knight.” He poked Gabe. “Brave like you.”

Hannah’s hand flew to her chest. The man and boy before her that had been thrust into her life unexpectedly had captured her heart. What would she do when this case was over and she had to say goodbye to both?

“Richard rounded a long bend and Shadowfax reared to a stop. Richard drew his sword.” The excitement in Layke’s voice filled the room.

Gabe pulled the covers over his head.

She held her breath to find out what would happen next in the medieval tale.

“A scream filled the night and Richard recognized the voice. ‘Marian,’ he yelled. ‘Richard?’” Layke mimicked a high-pitched voice. “‘Watch out for the dragon,’ she warned.”

Gabe threw the cover off again. “What happened?”

“I’m getting to that.” Layke threw his hands into the air and waved them. “Suddenly, a huge winged dragon swooped over him. He ducked as fire shot out from the creature’s mouth. Richard grabbed his bow and unleashed a deadly arrow. It pierced into the beast’s belly and the dragon spiraled to the ground. Richard jumped off Shadowfax and ran over to it, plunging his sword into the heart. Marian came running from her hiding place and hugged Richard. ‘You saved me.’” Once again, Layke changed to a female’s voice.

Hannah turned her gaze back to Gabe and found his eyes closed. He’d fallen asleep. She touched Layke’s arm. “I guess you’ll have to finish the story tomorrow,” she whispered.

Layke stood. He pulled the covers up again to Gabe’s neck. “He’s so cute.”

“Loved your story. You’ll make a great father one day.”

He snapped his head in her direction, the muscles in his neck protruding. “Not me. Never.” He raced from the room.

What had just happened?

* * *

Why had she spoiled the moment? Layke trampled into his room at the end of the hall and flicked on the light. No, he would never be a father. Not that he would ever hit a child like his mother had, but he couldn’t take the chance. What if his pent-up anger surfaced at an unexpected time? He’d always been able to curb it with working out and chasing down criminals.

He plunked himself on the bed. Its head-and footboards were made from cedar planks with matching night tables. He ran his hand over the quilted cover with pictures of deer, bears and moose. The lamps were made from antlers. Thankfully, no mounted deer heads were anywhere to be seen or he’d be sleeping on the couch.

A soft knock sounded. “Layke, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by the comment.” Hannah whispered from the other side of the door.

He slumped lower. He shouldn’t have taken his anxiety over his mother’s actions out on her. He sighed, got up and opened the door a crack. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

An urge to bare all about his past overtook him, but he held back. Why?


There’s that word again. Why did he have such a hard time opening up?

“No. I’m heading to bed. You should, too, as we have a big day ahead of us.”

A vacant stare flickered over her pretty face and then disappeared.

He’d disappointed her. Again.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” She put her head down and shuffled toward her room.

Nice move, Jackson.

He shut the door and silently chastised himself. She had done nothing to deserve his harsh treatment. He vowed to make it up to her tomorrow. He grabbed the packaged toothbrush and paste Hannah had left on the bed and crept to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, he placed his gun under his pillow and climbed into bed. He prayed sleep would come quickly. He stared at the ceiling and willed his tight muscles to relax. The day had proved to be one of many tense circumstances.

His cell phone buzzed. He rolled over and grabbed it from the nightstand. He eyed the screen. Tucker Reed, a constable from New Brunswick. Why would he be calling at this hour? It was well into the wee hours of the morning in the East coast. Something was up. “Hey, bud. How are you?”

Layke had met Tucker at the police college he had attended with Hudson.

“I’m good. Just felt led to call you. Are you okay?” His Maritime accent was strong.

Layke hadn’t heard from him in months. Why now? “What do you mean?”

“God put you on my heart.”

Man, not him, too. “I’m fine.” His throat constricted, revealing to himself he was anything but fine. “Working on a case in the Yukon.”

“Really? Why there?”

Layke fluffed his pillow and leaned against the headboard. “It’s a child-smuggling ring and my half brother’s son has been kidnapped, so I requested my sergeant send me here to head up a joint task force to catch the gang.”

Tucker whistled. “I didn’t know you had a brother.”

“Long story.” And he was exhausted.

“I’ll let you go. I wanted to let you know I’m praying for you.”

He was surrounded, but right now he’d take it. “Hope the big guy listens to you.”

“He always does, Layke. We just need to be still to hear His voice. Stay safe, bud.” He punched off.

Why can’t I hear You?

Layke threw the phone on the night table and stared at the ceiling as the wind slammed branches against his bedroom window. A thought lodged in his brain.

Was God really watching over them?

Cries sounded in between the howls of wind and Layke’s thoughts. He sat up and listened. There it was again.

Hannah? He got out of bed and tiptoed to her room, edging his ear to the door.

Sure enough. Sobs came in between gasps of air.

He raised his knuckles to knock on the door and then hesitated. Had he caused this?

Now he really did need to make up for his foul mood. Maybe he’d make everyone breakfast in the morning.

He walked back to his room and climbed into bed, praying sleep would

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