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kiss. Except, it had been a shit day for us both, and she gripped my shirt tightly. Lost in her taste, I drove my fingers into her tangled waves.

Finally out of breath, we broke apart.

“We need to hurry up and eat,” she gasped through kiss-swollen lips. My beard had left her chin slightly red, and I ran a thumb over the lightly abraded skin.

“We can eat after,” I offered.

“No, because I won’t want to leave the bed for a while, and I’m going to need my energy,” she replied with a wry quirk of her mouth.

“I like the way you think.” I grinned, sitting at the table.

We went over the day’s events, but she wasn’t telling me much I didn’t already know. She pushed the rest of her food around on her plate for a bit, then dropped her fork and slid the dish away.

“Hey, why don’t we go lie down? I’ll just hold you. I’m not worried about fucking tonight.” I was startled at my offer. This, what we had, was only supposed to be about fucking. Not dinner, not cuddling—none of that shit. Not sure how to process everything, I decided to let it simmer for a while, and I’d analyze it later.

We left the plates on the table, and she quietly led the way to my room. I watched her ass sway as she moved down the hall.

When she stopped by the bed, I wordlessly helped her undress and held the covers up for her to climb in. I stripped to my boxer-briefs and scooted her to the center of the bed before getting in behind her.

She only lay with her back to my front for a handful of moments before she rolled to face me. Her kiss was featherlight, followed by the tip of her tongue teasing between my lips.

“I need you to work your magic. Make nothing matter but how hard you make me come.” It was a demand and a plea all in one.

“You sure?”

At her nod, I shucked my drawers and buried my hand in her golden tresses at the base of her skull before I slipped a leg between hers. My erection twitched in expectation and slipped in the precum that immediately painted her abdomen.

For the next two hours, the only important thing in my world was the bliss I saw on her face with each orgasm and the ecstasy I found in her body.

By the time we were a sweaty tangle of exhausted limbs, I’d blown through three condoms.

After dumping the latest one in the bathroom trash, I came back to find her sprawled facedown with the sheet riding low on her hips. She was beautiful in repose. The lines of her back sloped flawlessly into the perfect curve of her ass. My brain wanted to pick apart my thoughts from earlier, but I refused.

Telling myself I was only going to hold her for a bit before I woke her up to go home, I wrapped myself around her soft, perfect body. And promptly fell asleep.

The ringing of my phone woke me. Disoriented, I looked around in confusion before I leaned over and fumbled around with my jeans to get to the back pocket. The time said it was barely five in the morning.

“Yeah,” I said in a voice coarse from sleep.

“Prez, I got bad news.” Hacker’s voice was low and unsteady.

That woke me up in a hurry, and I sat up. My eyes locked on Hailey’s naked body curled up in my bed. Shit.

“Should we call everyone in now?” I asked as I prepared to get out of bed.

“Vinny is sending the message out now with your approval,” he responded.

“Do it. I’ll be there in fifteen.” Tossing the phone to the nightstand, I gently shook her shoulder.

“Babe, we fell asleep. It’s five o’clock.” The words had no sooner left my lips than she bolted up with her locks a wild mess.

“In the morning?” she shouted as she shoved the curtain of her hair out of her face, eyes wide in unhappy surprise. Tits bared to my view, nipples peaked from the AC, she whipped the covers back. I fought a groan as my cock came to life.

“Yeah,” I said as I cupped one tit and hefted it in my hand. My fingertips teased her nipple. More than anything, I wanted to lean over and pull that peak into my mouth, but the realistic side of me surfaced. “I need to go over to the clubhouse. Something came up.”

She was already out of the bed and pulling her clothes on. The entire time, she was muttering about fucking up, that she should’ve been home hours ago, that she hoped no one else was awake.

If I didn’t have a situation to tend to, I might’ve found it funny and pulled her back into bed. Since I did, I chuckled at her and shook my head. When I walked my naked ass toward the bathroom to grab a quick shower, she darted out of the room.

“Later!” she yelled down the hall before I heard the kitchen door close and then the garage door rolling up.

Shaking my head again, I rushed through cleaning the smell of sex off me, getting dressed, and out the door.

That turned out to be a day I wished I’d said fuck it and stayed in bed.


“Come A Little Closer”—Cage The Elephant

All day, I’d hoped that we’d hear something good about Danielle’s whereabouts. Yet as I prepared to leave for the day, there still hadn’t been a word.

I shot a text to Luke to see if he wanted to come to my place tonight.

Luke: Can’t tonight. Club stuff.

My heart dropped as I read the words, and I realized I was way more disappointed that my casual sex partner was bailing on me than I should be. “Girl, you need to get a grip. No feelings. Remember?” I muttered to myself.

“Um, are you okay?” I looked up to see Justine standing in my doorway.

“Hey, girl,” I said

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