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Book online «Takedown Heather Atkinson (rosie project txt) 📖». Author Heather Atkinson

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are dear,” said Rose. “Michael’s a lovely boy and you’re so happy together.”

“That’s a relief. I didn’t know what you’d say because we haven’t been together very long.”

“That is a good point,” said Faith. “Are you sure you’re not rushing into this?”

“We’re sure,” said Abi. “We know this feels right.”

“It might now but what if a year down the line your feelings for each other start to cool? I don’t want to sound like the prophet of doom but you’re still in the first flush of romance. What happens when that wears off?”

“What do you know about it Faith?” scowled Abi. “You haven’t had a serious relationship in years. I’m sorry,” she sighed when her sister’s lips pursed. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that but we’re both adults and we know this is right.” She took her fiancé’s hand. “Me and Michael belong together.”

An almost overwhelming sadness swept over Faith. Her sister had what she could only dream of. Who was she to spoil it for her? “In that case, congratulations.”

“Really?” said Abi. “We have your blessing?”

“Of course you do. I just wanted to make sure you both know that this is a huge commitment.”

“We do and this is right Faith. I promise.”

Faith looked to Michael for confirmation, who nodded, looking as determined as her sister.

“What can I say then except welcome to the family Michael,” she smiled, kissing his cheek.

The atmosphere turned festive, especially when Rose dug out a bottle of champagne she’d been saving for a special occasion. Faith was the only one who didn’t have a glass because champagne gave her headaches but she found herself getting stuck into the wine, enjoying how happy her sister looked while wallowing in self-pity. She’d never thought she would want to get married but she couldn’t help feeling envious of what Abi had. She glanced at Vance, who was laughing and chatting with his brothers. He didn’t seem to be experiencing the same sense of depression she was. Maybe Rose was right. Was Vance really her future? But then again, she couldn’t imagine not being with him. That would be more painful than never being able to have a normal relationship with him.

She caught Rose watching her, knowing in her sharp blue eyes. Faith was sure she knew what was going through her mind and judging by the way Rose’s eyes gleamed it pleased her.

“Faith,” said Abi. “Will you be one of my bridesmaids?”

“Course I will,” she replied, forcing a smile.

“Vance, will you give me away?”

“I would be honoured,” he said with a mock bow, making her giggle.

“What about us three?” said Kevin, gesturing from himself to Caleb and Jason.

“I was going to ask Caleb to be my best man,” said Michael. “Seeing how my brother’s in prison.”

“Oh wow, cheers mate,” said Caleb, shaking his hand.

“Great,” smiled Michael with relief.

“And me and Kev?” said Jason.

“You can be ushers,” said Abi.

“Awesome,” he grinned. “What’s an usher?”

“You hand out the orders of service and tell everyone where to sit.”

“Oh good. I like bossing people about.”

“Yes, we’d noticed dear,” said Rose with a smile. Her gaze turned to Abi and Michael. “Have you set a date yet?”

“April the twelfth. My birthday.”

“And mine,” said Caleb.

“Yes but you’re not getting married, are you?”

“God no,” he chuckled. “I wouldn’t be so daft.”

Abi narrowed her eyes at him. “If you’re not careful your role at the wedding will be toilet attendant.”

He grinned and got to his feet to hug her, making her smile. Despite their bickering, the twins loved each other deeply.

“I can put my ring on now,” said Abi. “I didn’t want to wear it earlier in case you spotted it before Michael could make the announcement.”

Michael produced a small black box from his pocket, opened it and took out a glittering ring.

“Oh that’s beautiful,” said Rose. “I’ve never seen so many diamonds before.”

“It’s a double halo princess cut ring,” said Abi, brimming over with excitement as Michael tenderly slid it onto her finger. “Eighteen carat white gold.”

“It’s very nice,” smiled Faith.

“Have you decided where you’re having the ceremony?” said Rose.

“Holy Trinity church on the south shore where you and dad got married,” replied Abi, who was admiring her ring, turning her hand back and forth to watch it sparkle in the light.

“Oh Abi,” she breathed, tears in her eyes. “That’s lovely. And the reception?”

“The Boulevard Hotel on the front. It’s five stars and they’ve got this gorgeous suite for wedding receptions. I mean, if that’s okay? Our family’s coined up now, so I thought it would be.”

“And I’ll contribute of course,” said Michael. “I don’t expect your family to pay for everything.”

“No, we’ll pay,” said Faith. “This is the first wedding in the family in donkey’s years, so it’s on us.”

“My parents said they’d pay for the honeymoon,” he said. “Antigua.”

“I’ve always wanted to go somewhere with white sandy beaches,” said Abi in a dreamy voice.

“What do you want to go there for when we’ve got perfectly good beaches right here?” said Kevin.

“Yeah, because Blackpool and Antigua are so alike,” she retorted sarcastically. “And I want to wear a bikini on my honeymoon and get a tan. I do not want to be wrapped up in thermals and eat winkles.”

“Well that’s certainly something to look forward to,” said Rose. “We need to go shopping for your dress, which I am paying for.”

“You don’t need to do that Mum.”

“I want to. I’m the mother of the bride.”

“Faith, you’ll come, won’t you?” Abi asked her. “As well as Donna and Chelsea. I want them to be my bridesmaids too. We can get the bridesmaids dresses at the same time.”

“Sounds fun,” said Faith, forcing a smile. She liked Donna but Chelsea could be

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