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Book online «Freeing Demitri's Wolf Charlie Richards (recommended books to read TXT) 📖». Author Charlie Richards

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spun on her heel and fled as if the hounds of hell were after her.

For several seconds, silence filled the room. “I’m sorry,” Demitri whispered. His words muffled since his head was tucked against Kiernan’s armpit.

“Hey, now, it’s not your fault,” Kiernan stated, confused about why Demitri would take the blame. Evidently, he’d been used as the scapegoat once too often. He cupped his lover’s jaw and urged him to lift his head, so he could look him in the eye. “Although walking in on me with someone is shocking,” he smiled and rubbed his thumb over Demitri’s eyebrow, smoothing away the crease lines. “Valerie does know that I’m gay.”

“She does?” Demitri asked.

Kiernan nodded. “Yep.” Leaning forward, he brushed his lips over Demitri’s mouth. He knew he couldn’t do anything, so kept the pressure light, then drew away. “Let me see your back. I’ll put more ointment on it, then find you a clean t-shirt and sweats.”

For just a second, Kiernan thought Demitri would refuse, but then he shifted sideways, sliding away from him, and looked toward the far wall. Kiernan took that as the invitation it was and pushed the sheet and blanket down.

Surprise, then confusion, hit his system at what he saw.

The slender marks had scabbed over and were no longer pink or raw-looking. The welts had almost disappeared.

Even the heavy bruises across his shoulder, lower back, and thighs had progressed into the sickly yellow and green stage.

“How the hell is this possible?” Kiernan didn’t realize he’d muttered the words aloud until Demitri slithered further away from him and off the side of the bed.

The young man stood and faced him. Crossing his arms over his chest, Demitri stared at the rumpled quilts. “I’ve always healed super-fast.” He shrugged and looked away.

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

Kiernan shook his head. No one healed that fast. He opened his mouth, then heard dishes rattling in the kitchen, and snapped his jaw shut. Shoving a hand over his buzzed scalp, he frowned, his mind reeling. Finally, he focused on Demitri again and completely hated the dejection on his young lover’s face.

Heaving a sigh, Kiernan crawled out of bed and walked around it to Demitri. He wrapped him in his arms, relieved Demitri didn’t fight him. “Okay. Maybe this is one of those things we need to discuss once we get to know each other a little better, hmm?”

When Demitri didn’t respond right away, he used his forefinger under his chin and tilted his head back. “Hmm?”

he pressed.

Demitri stared into his eyes, obviously searching for something, acceptance maybe? Kiernan tried to assure with his expression that his lover having badass healing skills wasn’t a turn off.

Finally, Demitri smiled tentatively. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good.” After kissing Demitri lightly, Kiernan released him and moved to his dresser. He pulled out clean sweats and a t-shirt for Demitri and handed them to him. “I’ll let you have first crack at the bathroom,” he said. “Then we’ll head down and you can meet Valerie.”

“Is it really your birthday?” Demitri asked, heading toward the bathroom, obviously intent on following his instructions.

Kiernan nodded. “Yeah, I wasn’t expecting Valerie this weekend,” he admitted.

He paused in the doorway and smiled at him. “Happy birthday.”

Smiling back, Kiernan winked. “Thanks, darling.”

Once the door closed, Kiernan grabbed a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt. He pulled them on as he waited for his own turn at the john. Ten minutes later, Kiernan twined his fingers with Demitri’s and led the way down the stairs from the loft and into the dining room. He spotted his daughter sitting at the small table with her hands wrapped around a mug of coffee.

Obviously hearing them, Valerie looked up and forced a smile. “Sorry, Dad,” she murmured. “I didn’t even think…”

Her gaze strayed to Demitri, and he could read the questions in her eyes. “Um. Happy birthday? I brought cupcakes.”

Kiernan chuckled. Valerie was trying, he had to give her that. “Thank you, sweetie.” He glanced at Demitri, noticing the man’s high color. “Valerie, this is Demitri Vinetti.” He squeezed his lover’s hand. “Demitri, my daughter Valerie Wabinaw.”

“Nice to meet you,” Demitri immediately responded softly.

Valerie nodded. “Likewise.”

“You want coffee or milk with your cupcakes?” Kiernan asked.

“Milk, please,” he whispered, his gaze darting around the room.

Kiernan could practically feel the tension flooding the kitchen and wondered what he’d need to do to settle things down. He’d really wanted just to have a quiet morning relaxing with his lover, maybe learning Demitri’s body, learning how it felt to be buried balls deep in his ass.

His cock slowly started to fill at his thoughts, and he sucked in a deep breath to put a halt on his libido. Kiernan reached up and grabbed a tumbler and a mug from the cupboard. When he turned around to put them on the counter, he caught sight of Demitri’s face, taking in his flared nostrils and hungry eyes.

It was a look so hot, Kiernan’s pulse jumped and his blood heated. “Demitri,” he whispered. Never had he been the recipient of such a look, and he desperately wanted to strip his lover and kiss every inch of his lean body.

“So, how long have you two been dating?”

Valerie’s question snapped Kiernan out of his lust-induced stupor. He cleared his throat and turned to the refrigerator to pull out the milk. As he poured, he answered, “Demitri works at the diner. We’ve been chatting for the last couple weeks now.” He smiled as he slid the glass toward Demitri. “I guess technically we’ve only been dating a couple days, huh, darling?”

“Yes,” he replied softly.

Upon seeing his shy glance, Kiernan grinned and, unable to help himself, he reached across the counter, cupped the nape of his lover’s head, and pulled him in for a kiss. Once his lips touched Demitri’s and he tasted his lover’s unique masculine flavor coupled with toothpaste mint and milk, he couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, tangling his tongue with Demitri’s.

A throat clearing, twice, finally penetrated the pleasant buzz caused by kissing Demitri.

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