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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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wiping her mouth with her napkin and throwing it in her lap. “If you didn’t want to be with me tonight, then you could have just said so.”

“Look, I don’t want to argue with you okay.” But in actuality, he did. He wanted her to get so upset that they would be forced to leave the restaurant. Maybe then he could convince her that she was just being emotional and after all of their needless arguing she should just go home. Then he could make it to the Black Tie before they canceled his reservations.

“You’re so predictable,” Ivy said waving her hand at the waiter.

“I beg your pardon,” he said looking a little confused.

“Don’t ‘I beg your pardon’ me,” she said as the waiter approached.

“Can I help you, maim,” the waiter said cordially.

“Yes, I’d like the check now, please,” Ivy said demandingly.

“Yes, maim” the waiter said looking at Grey. “Right away.”

“What are you doing, Ivy” Grey asked while Ivy looked through her purse.

“I’m making this a little less painful for us.”

“What do you mean?” Grey’s frown crinkled his eyebrows.

“Do you have other plans, Grey?” Ivy squinted at him, wiggling her nose.


“Other plans? Have you made other plans with someone else for tonight?” She was tired of playing games with him and intended to end this little charade immediately.

“Well honestly, yes. But they are for much later. They won’t affect us.” His words fumbled out, as he was unprepared for her sudden outburst.

“You’re right, because our time just ended. Next time, you should try just being honest instead of pouting like a little girl.” She threw a twenty on the table.

“Look, we don’t have to….”

“Save it,” Ivy said throwing her hand up in his face.

“Well at least let me give you a ride home,” he said uncrossing his legs.

“I’m not going home.” Ivy watched him mouth drop in shock, which made her feel on top of the world. A woman that was predictable was expendable. “If you need me, I’ll be on Beale with my friends. So you can go on and do whatever you had originally planned to do without disrupting my life.” She waved him off, pushed her seat back and waltzed off leaving him alone.

Without looking back once, Ivy disappeared in the parking lot across the street. And for a moment, Grey was seriously taken aback. Had he just witnessed a transformation in the woman he was about to blindly marry? Had she really just saw clear through all of his relentless bullshit? For a moment, he wanted to run after her and apologize, but he knew this game. It was just feed her ego. Instead, he paid the check and headed in the opposite direction confused and a little intimidated, but ultimately glad that he would still be able to go out as planned.


Beale Street was packed to capacity with crowds of people screaming, singing, dancing and drinking. It had often been referred to as a little French Quarter with the jazz, blues, rock and R & B music floating out of the clubs on to the sidewalks. It was the only place in Memphis where color, creed, religion and sex didn’t matter. Everyone came together under a drunken haze to let loose and have fun enjoying the world’s best barbeque and city’s best entertainment. Police officers on horses patrolled the area, and religious fanatics protested on the corners with their signs and bullhorns. Drunken women fell over off the side of the street exposing their bare bottoms. Thugs hung out on the east of Beale Street and Preps hung out on the western end. Visitors intermingled between both groups taking pictures and buying roses off of vendors.

Taking in the sights, Ivy inhaled the smoke of the freshly cooked meat and sounds of the world that she had left behind nearly a year ago to transform herself into a mother and soon-to-be wife. Walking freely through the crowds in her black silk strapless dress and black strap up sandals, she drew attention as she held on tightly to her cocktail purse. With her hair swinging freely down her back and her face made up, she almost felt out of place with masses in jeans and t-shirts. But she was determined to have a good time. Walking up pass the line of people waiting to get into one of the more poplar clubs on Beale, Club 152, Ivy hugged the bouncer and proceeded in with a V.I.P stamp.

“Hey, Ivy over here,” one of her bridesmaids screamed as she walked pass the bar.

“Hey, girl,” Ivy said nearly exhausted from the crowd.

“Hey, we didn’t think that you were going to make it.”

“Well, there was a slight change in plans.”

“Either way, we’re glad that you’re here. “

“Where is Trina?” she asked sitting down on at the small black booth with the rest of her friends.

“Trina is on her way. It must have been a while since you got the chance to go out?” her friend said examining Ivy’s outfit.

Without further explanation of why she was so overly dressed, Ivy just looked up in agreement. “Yeah, it’s been a while.”

“Well, we are definitely going to give you a wonderful homecoming tonight,” her friend said wrapping her arm around Ivy. “Tonight, it’s about you!”

“Tell me about it,” Ivy said laughing as she took a shot of vodka.


On the other side of town, Grey pulled into the crowded lot of the Black Tie and looked at his watch. His friends had already taken their seats and were probably already watching the show. Taking the handful of twenty-dollar bills from his wallet and placing them in his glove compartment for fear of naked pickpockets, he sprayed his cologne and headed inside. He could hear the music coming from inside as he walked down the red carpet to the VIP line and showed

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