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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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never went away until he solved them. How many problems have you solved, he asked himself. That was good question. There was also a shame inside of him for the way that he had behaved. He still remembered how Ivy had nursed him back, disgusted with his appearance but concerned for his health. To that very day, he knew that she had done her selfless deed out of love. That one act validated every reason he had for helping Grey now.

One half hour later, he arrived at Grey’s house. Pulling into the driveway, he pondered for a moment his actions and then released his thought to the future actions needed to get the drunken young man from the car to his house. Struggling, Nicola threw Grey’s arm over him and helped him to place his feet on the ground.

“Where are we?” Grey asked finally focusing his eyes on the manicured lawn.

“Shit, I hope we’re in front of your house,” Nicola said yawning.

“Oh, yeah,” Grey laughed and fell down on the ground, where he heaved up his dinner.

Watching with sheer disgust and a hint of queasiness in his own stomach, Nicola helped Grey once more up and to the door. Looking through Grey keys, he found what seemed to be the door key and opened the front door allowing Grey to fumble through the hall to the alarm system.

“You can stay here tonight if you’d like,” Grey said leaving Nicola in the kitchen.

“No, I’m just gonna call a cab.” He yawned again.

“Well at least allow me to pay the fare,” Grey screamed from the bathroom.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks, though.” Nicola looked around Grey’s condo for a moment amazed at the similarities in their homes and the distinct differences. Where Grey had a picture of an African tribesman over the fireplace, Nicola had Old Italian artifacts he had gotten on his first trip to Rome. Similar but different.

Grey came out of the bathroom a little more alert but still extremely under the influence. Feeling disoriented, he walked slowly to the staircase and bid Nicola farewell until a new day.

“If you choose to leave, there’s a cookie jar full of money on the right side countertop.” Turning quietly he disappeared up the stairs to his room where he fell on his bed unconscious and unconcerned.

Picking up the phone to dial the cab company, Nicola sat down on the couch and stared at a picture of Ivy standing gracefully with Grey at some formal function wrapped in his embrace and shinning for the camera. Even on the picture, her eyes glittered like virgin diamonds. As his fingers glided over the phone dials, he heard the kitchen door open and close. Standing up, he looked curiously around the corner to find Ivy standing at the countertop taking off her shoes.

“I see you’re still awake,” she said feeling someone in the room even with her back turned.

“Not for long,” Nicola said leaning against the door transfixed by her presence.

Turning suddenly, she looked frightened. “Nicola? What are you doing here?” she asked looking around past him to the living room for Grey.

“I dropped Grey off. He was pretty drunk.”

“You dropped him off?” Ivy asked confused. “Did you two go out?”

“No. I saw him at the Black Tie. He was in no shape to drive home.” Nicola felt awkward now that he saw distrust in Ivy’s eyes. What did she think he was doing here?

“Where is he now?” She inched towards the doorway.

“Upstairs,” he said moving out of the doorway. “You can go see if you like.”

“Okay,” she said walking slowly around him. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

“Alright,” he said laughing. She had to be kidding.

Running up the stairs, Ivy could see Grey’s door open and his bathroom light illuminating the bedroom. Walking closer to the door, she could see his feet hanging off the edge of the bed. Her heart stopped for a moment. What if he was dead? Sticking her head through the door, she turned the light on to find Grey snoring loudly and reeking of vomit and alcohol. He wasn’t dead, but he was definitely drunk. As she closed the door to his room, she felt awful for the way that she had behaved with Nicola. She shook her head in disbelief of the situation. She would have never pegged Nicola for the Good Samaritan when it came to Grey, but evidently she had judged wrongly. She held her stomach feeling the pit of it ball into knots.

“I told you he was alright,” Nicola said as she came back down the stairs.

“Yeah, you did,” she said looking at Grey’s grandfather clock. “God, it’s late. You must be exhausted.” Her manners came back to her slowly.

“Actually, I was just about to call a cab,” he said yawning again leaning against the doorway.

“A cab? I don’t think so. Come on. I’ll take you home.” She brushed passed him as she went into the kitchen.

“You think that’s a good idea?” he asked unsure of her offer. “Just a minute ago you thought I could be Jack the Ripper.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Yes, I’m sure,” she said grabbing her purse and putting on her shoes. “Now, come on. Grey won’t miss me. He’s too drunk, and believe me, you don’t want to spend the night. He won’t be the same person in the morning. ”

“I hadn’t planned on it,” Nicola said setting down Grey’s keys. “Let’s go.”

It was a long and quiet drive to Nicola’s condo on the river. He slept most of the way, and Ivy listened to R. Kelly sing the blues about yet another woman that he had treated badly and was begging to forgive him. Once or twice, she looked over at Nicola sleeping peacefully and smiled. She had seen another side of him tonight, and honestly it had taken her by

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